NotesWhat is

Notes brand slogan

Notes -

singleRecord: true
regionsSelector: null
recordSelector: null
recordXPath: null
screenCapture: true
- name: image
singleValue: true
xpath: //img[@id="productImage"]/@src
regExp: .+(?=&recipe(Id|Name)=d+)
description: URL of the main product image
- name: imageAlt
singleValue: true
xpath: //img[contains(@id,"initialImage")]/@alt
description: Alt text of the main product image
- name: alternateImages
singleValue: false
xpath: //div[@id="theViews"]//div[@class="slick-track"]//a[not(contains(@class,"selectedSlide"))]//img/@src
regExp: .+(?=&recipe(Id|Name)=d+)
description: Other product images (not in manufacturer description)
- name: metaKeywords
singleValue: true
xpath: //meta[contains(@name, "keywords")]/@content
description: The <meta> keywords content
- name: category
singleValue: false
xpath: //ul[@itemprop="breadcrumb" and @id="crumbs_ul"]//li[position()>1]//a/span[span]/text()
description: The categories (e.g. from breadcrumbs)
- name: nameExtended
singleValue: true
xpath: //h1[@itemprop="name"]
description: The product name, prefixing "${brand} - " if not included in "name"
and appending " - ${variantType}" if necessary (fixed per feed)
- name: listPrice
singleValue: true
xpath: //div[contains(@class,"online-price")]/span[@class="op-value"]
description: The stated undiscounted price for the product
- name: price
singleValue: true
xpath: //div[@id="pull-right-price"]
description: The offered price for the selected product variant - if a user
clicks add to basket this is the price they would be charged
- name: availabilityText
singleValue: true
xpath: //meta[@property="og:availability"]/@content
description: Availability as described on page for the selected variant. If
there is no availability but the product can be added to cart, this field
should be "In Stock"
- name: description
singleValue: false
xpath: //div[contains(@class,"features-container form-group")]//ul[contains(@class,"pdp-features")]//child::li
description: Product description supplied by website - may be concatenanted from
multiple places; specifically not the manufacturer description
- name: descriptionBullets
singleValue: true
xpath: //div[@id="bulletsCount"]
description: Number of ul > li tags in the description
type: NUMBER
- name: brandText
singleValue: true
xpath: //div[@itemprop="brand"]
description: Product brand shown - this may actually NOT be just a brand name,
e.g. "Visit the Gillette Store"
- name: manufacturer
singleValue: true
description: Product manufacturer
- name: quantity
singleValue: false
xpath: //li[contains(text(), "Dimension")] | //li[contains(text(), "Dimension")]/following-sibling::li[1]
regExp: (?![DimenonsLWH×()s:])(.*)s(x|×)s(.*)(x|×)s(.*)
description: Quantity as described on the page
- name: weightNet
xpath: //li[contains(text(), "Weight")]
regExp: (?![Weights])d.*
description: Net weight as described on the page
- name: weightGross
singleValue: true
description: Gross weight as described on the page
- name: gtin
singleValue: true
description: GTIN code (includes UPC/EAN)
- name: variantId
singleValue: true
xpath: //p[@id="product-body-item-number"]/span
description: Identifier for a variant from a store where variants share the same sku
- name: mpc
xpath: (//span/@data-model-number | //p[@id="product-body-model-number"])[1]
description: The manufacturer model code (unique) of the product
- name: packSize
singleValue: true
description: The number of packs in the product offer (if stated separately on
the site to quantity)
- name: legalDisclaimer
singleValue: true
description: Content under "legal disclaimer" header
- name: directions
singleValue: true
description: Content under "directions" header
- name: warnings
singleValue: true
description: Content under "warnings" header
- name: ratingCount
singleValue: true
xpath: //span[@itemprop="reviewCount"] | //div[@id="ratingcount"]
description: The number of ratings
type: NUMBER
- name: aggregateRatingText
singleValue: true
xpath: //span[@itemprop="ratingValue"] | | //div[@id="rating"]
description: The stated aggregate rating normalized to be out of 5
- name: aggregateRating
singleValue: true
xpath: //span[@itemprop="ratingValue"] | //div[@id="rating"]
description: The stated aggregate rating
- name: shippingInfo
singleValue: true
description: Shipping information for the product
- name: shippingDimensions
singleValue: true
description: Stated shipping dimensions
- name: shippingWeight
singleValue: true
description: Stated shipping weight
- name: variantCount
singleValue: true
xpath: count(//div[contains(@class,"swatches-v2")]//span[contains(@class,"variant-")])
description: Number of variants listed
type: NUMBER
- name: color
xpath: //div[contains(@class,"product-info-specs")]//div[contains(text(),"Color") or contains(text(), "Colour")]/following-sibling::div
description: A textual description of the colour
- name: colorCode
singleValue: true
description: A code description of the color (e.g. RGB hex)
- name: manufacturerDescription
singleValue: false
xpath: //div[@id="wc-power-page"] | //div[@class="product-info-description"]
description: The extended description of the product supplied by the lister
- name: manufacturerImages
singleValue: true
xpath: //body/@import-enhanced-content
description: Images within the third party description
- name: videos
singleValue: false
xpath: //div[@itemprop="video"]//meta[@itemprop="contentUrl"]/@content | //head//@video | //body//@videospan
description: URLs of videos on page
- name: name
singleValue: true
xpath: //h1[@itemprop="name"]
description: The product name
- name: inStorePrice
singleValue: true
xpath: //span[contains(text(), "Your Price")]/following-sibling::div
description: Price in the selected store
- name: asin
singleValue: true
description: null
- name: coupon
xpath: (//div[@id="unclippedCouponSns"]//span[@class="a-color-success"])[1]
singleValue: true
description: Text of any coupon offer
- name: amazonChoice
singleValue: true
description: YES or Blank
- name: amazonChoiceCategory
singleValue: true
description: Text of link next to Amazon choice graphic
- name: brandLink
singleValue: true
description: null
- name: internationalShipping
singleValue: true
description: Text next to bullet point
- name: salesRankCategory
singleValue: false
description: Amazon best selling rank from product details (linked back) - needs
to be collapsed
- name: subscriptionPrice
singleValue: true
description: Subscribe and save price
- name: subscribeAndSave
singleValue: true
description: YES/NO
- name: heroQuickPromoHeadline
singleValue: true
description: See image - top section hero area
- name: heroQuickPromoImageUrl
singleValue: true
description: null
- name: heroQuickPromoUrl
singleValue: true
description: null
- name: pasin
singleValue: true
description: Parent asin
- name: videoLength
singleValue: false
description: null
- name: ingredientImagePresent
singleValue: true
description: null
- name: factImagePresent
singleValue: true
description: null
- name: largeImageCount
singleValue: true
description: null
type: NUMBER
- name: variantAsins
singleValue: true
description: null
- name: primeFlag
singleValue: true
description: null
- name: lbb
singleValue: true
description: Check Lost by Box Requirements (just for Amazon and a couple of
other stores) - LBB occurs when a product is bought from someone other
than Amazon (on Amazon Website) - even though Amazon has the product "in
- name: lbbPrice
singleValue: true
description: null
- name: featureBullets
singleValue: false
xpath: //ul[@class='pdp-features']/li
description: null
- name: otherSellersName
singleValue: false
description: null
defaultValue: Costco Wholesale Corporation
- name: otherSellersPrice
singleValue: false
description: null
- name: otherSellersShipping
singleValue: false
description: null
- name: secondaryImageTotal
singleValue: true
description: null
type: NUMBER
- name: news
singleValue: true
description: null
- name: addonItem
singleValue: true
description: null
- name: fastTrack
singleValue: true
description: null
- name: ingredientsList
singleValue: true
description: List of Ingredients from site - can be string of data if no
discernible start/end point
- name: servingSize
singleValue: true
description: The size of serving Nutritional information is based on.
- name: servingSizeUom
singleValue: true
description: Unit of measure of serving
- name: numberOfServingsInPackage
singleValue: true
description: Suggested number of servings of the product.
type: NUMBER
- name: caloriesPerServing
singleValue: true
description: Nutritional Information for Calories Per Serving content - Usually
based on per 100g serving
- name: caloriesFromFatPerServing
singleValue: true
description: Nutritional Information for Calories From Fat content - Usually
based on per 100g serving
type: NUMBER
- name: totalFatPerServing
singleValue: true
description: Nutritional Information for Total Fat content - Usually based on
per 100g serving
type: NUMBER
- name: totalFatPerServingUom
singleValue: true
description: Unit of Measure Data for Total Fat content
- name: saturatedFatPerServing
singleValue: true
description: Nutritional Information for Saturated Fat content - Usually based
on per 100g serving
type: NUMBER
- name: saturatedFatPerServingUom
singleValue: true
description: Unit of Measure Data for Saturated Fat content
- name: transFatPerServing
singleValue: true
description: Nutritional Information for Trans Fat content - Usually based on
per 100g serving
type: NUMBER
- name: transFatPerServingUom
singleValue: true
description: Unit of Measure Data for Trans Fat content
- name: cholesterolPerServing
singleValue: true
description: Nutritional Information for Cholesterol content - Usually based on
per 100g serving
type: NUMBER
- name: cholesterolPerServingUom
singleValue: true
description: Unit of Measure Data for Cholesterol content
- name: sodiumPerServing
singleValue: true
description: Nutritional Information for Sodium content - Usually based on per
100g serving
type: NUMBER
- name: sodiumPerServingUom
singleValue: true
description: Unit of Measure Data for Sodium content
- name: totalCarbPerServing
singleValue: true
description: Nutritional Information for Total Carbohydrate content - Usually
based on per 100g serving
type: NUMBER
- name: totalCarbPerServingUom
singleValue: true
description: Unit of Measure Data for Total Carbohydrate content
- name: dietaryFibrePerServing
singleValue: true
description: Nutritional Information for Dietary Fibre content - Usually based
on per 100g serving
type: NUMBER
- name: dietaryFibrePerServingUom
singleValue: true
description: Unit of Measure Data for Dietary Fibre content
- name: totalSugarsPerServing
singleValue: true
description: Nutritional Information for Total Sugar content - Usually based on
per 100g serving
type: NUMBER
- name: totalSugarsPerServingUom
singleValue: true
description: Unit of Measure Data for Total Sugar content
- name: proteinPerServing
singleValue: true
description: Nutritional Information for Protein content - Usually based on per
100g serving
type: NUMBER
- name: proteinPerServingUom
singleValue: true
description: Unit of Measure Data for Protein
- name: vitaminAPerServing
singleValue: true
description: Nutritional Information for Vitamin A content - Usually based on
per 100g serving
type: NUMBER
- name: vitaminAPerServingUom
singleValue: true
description: Unit of Measure Data for Vitamin A
- name: vitaminCPerServing
singleValue: true
description: Nutritional Information for Vitamin C content - Usually based on
per 100g serving
type: NUMBER
- name: vitaminCPerServingUom
singleValue: true
description: Unit of Measure Data for Vitamin C
- name: calciumPerServing
singleValue: true
description: Nutritional Information for Calcium content - Usually based on per
100g serving
type: NUMBER
- name: calciumPerServingUom
singleValue: true
description: Unit of Measure Data for Calcium
- name: ironPerServing
singleValue: true
description: Nutritional Information for Iron content - Usually based on per
100g serving
type: NUMBER
- name: ironPerServingUom
singleValue: true
description: Unit of Measure Data for Iron
- name: dietarySymbols
singleValue: true
description: Information related to the dietary symbols of a specific product
- name: magnesiumPerServing
singleValue: true
description: Nutritional Information for Magnesium content - Usually based on
per 100g serving
type: NUMBER
- name: magnesiumPerServingUom
singleValue: true
description: Unit of Measure Data for Magnesium
- name: saltPerServing
singleValue: true
description: Nutritional Information for Salt content - Usually based on per
100g serving
type: NUMBER
- name: saltPerServingUom
singleValue: true
description: Unit of Measure Data for Salt
- name: dietaryInformation
singleValue: true
description: null
- name: warranty
xpath: //span[contains(text(), "Warranty")]/following-sibling::ul | //p[contains(text(), "Warranty")]
description: Guarantee associated with the product
- name: storage
singleValue: true
description: Suggested storage location for product
- name: countryOfOrigin
singleValue: true
description: The country from which the product originates
- name: allergyAdvice
singleValue: true
description: Allergy information associated with the product
- name: recyclingInformation
singleValue: true
description: Recycling information associated with the product
- name: productOtherInformation
singleValue: false
description: Any other product information
- name: packaging
singleValue: true
description: Packaging information
- name: additives
singleValue: true
description: List of additives in the product
- name: pricePerUnit
singleValue: true
description: Price of the product split into certain units
- name: pricePerUnitUom
singleValue: true
description: The unit of measurement used in price_per_unit
- name: promotion
singleValue: true
xpath: //div[contains(@class,"marketing-container")]/p/text()
description: promotion text on product page
- name: alcoholContent
singleValue: true
description: Alcohol content information
- name: newVersion
singleValue: true
description: In product page, information about a new version of the product
- name: newAsin
singleValue: true
description: In product page, information about a new version of the product -
new asin info
- name: newDescription
singleValue: true
description: In product page, information about a new version of the product -
new desription info
- name: variantInformation
singleValue: true
xpath: //div[@id="product-details"]//label[contains(@for, "productOption")]
description: colour / scent / flavour / other
- name: firstVariant
singleValue: true
description: Unique identifier for a collection of variants. For a subset of
core feeds (43) we have a column "first_variant" that is populated with a
common code to link all variants for a product. method 1 (Preferred) = use
common tag (Could be parent sku) that is same value for all variants of a
product. method 2 = first_variant method technique, Identify the first
varient in the sequence and use this rpc to populate "first_variant" for
all variants of a product, this rpc becomes the common link between other
variants. method 3 = apply some logic to determine link between variants,
this will need analysis
- name: variants
singleValue: false
xpath: //import-variant-sku/@data
- name: additionalDescBulletInfo
singleValue: false
xpath: //ul[@class="pdp-features"]/li | //h3[contains(text(), "Product Details")]/following-sibling::div[@class="product-info-description" and not(div[@id="wc-power-page"])]//li
- name: prop65Warning
singleValue: true
description: null
- name: ageSuitability
singleValue: true
description: Recommended age displayed on the product page.
example: 4 - 99 years
- name: energyEfficiency
singleValue: true
description: Energy rating of a product.
example: A+, A+++, B
- name: technicalInformationPdfPresent
singleValue: true
description: If there is for example a manual in pdf format on the website. ['Yes','No']
defaultValue: No
- name: termsAndConditions
singleValue: true
description: Terms and conditions information text ['Yes','No']
defaultValue: No
- name: privacyPolicy
singleValue: true
description: Privacy Policy information text ['Yes','No']
defaultValue: No
- name: customerServiceAvailability
singleValue: true
description: Information related to customer service availability (text), ['Yes','No']
defaultValue: No
- name: materials
singleValue: true
description: Materials used to make the product
- name: Image360Present
singleValue: true
xpath: //div[@id="threeSixtyImage"]
description: If 360 image is present in the carousel ['Yes','No']
defaultValue: No
- name: imageZoomFeaturePresent
singleValue: true
description: If Zoom feature is available for Main image or images in the
defaultValue: No
- name: shownImages
singleValue: false
xpath: //div[@id='thumbnails']/div[@id='theViews'][count(*)>0]//div[@class='slick-track']/a/img/@src | //div[@id='thumbnails']/div[@id='theViews'][count(*)=0]/../../div[@id='productImageContainer']/div[@id='realHeroContainer']/div/img[1]/@src | //img[@id="productImage"]/@src
regExp: .+(?=&recipe(Id|Name)=d+)
- name: highQualityImages
singleValue: false
xpath: //div[@id='thumbnails']/div[@id='theViews'][count(*)>0]//div[@class='slick-track']/a/img/@src | //div[@id='thumbnails']/div[@id='theViews'][count(*)=0]/../../div[@id='productImageContainer']/div[@id='realHeroContainer']/div/img[1]/@src
regExp: .+(?=&recipe(Id|Name)=d+)
- name: sponsoredProductUrls
singleValue: false
xpath: //h2[contains(text(),'Sponsored Products')]/following::div[@id="hl-prodgroup-viewItem-Carousel"]//a[1]//@href
regExp: (.+)
regExpReplace: https:$1
- name: specifications
xpath: //h3[contains(., 'Specifications')]/..//div[contains(@class, 'product-info-specs')]
description: The physical dimensions of the product including packaging.
- name: sku
xpath: //p[@id='product-body-item-number']
regExp: (d+)
regExpReplace: $1
- name: shortDescription
xpath: //div[contains(@class,"features-container form-group")]//ul[contains(@class,"pdp-features")]//child::li
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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