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<question>logical AND operator &&:
<variant>The condition is true if both operands are not zero

<question>logical NOT operator!:
<variant>It reverses operand’s logical state. If the operand is true, the ! operator

<variant>value of b: 2

<variant>The rendering engines of various web browsers are programmed in C++ because of the speed it offers.

<question>Single quote:

<variant>Welcome to group MI-20-1


<variant>I am 35 years old.




<question>What is a correct syntax to output "Hello World" in C++?
<variant>cout <<(“Hello World”);

<question>How do you insert COMMENTS in C++ code?
<variant>// This is a coment

<question>Which data type is used to create a variable that should store text?

<question>How do you create a variable with the numeric value 5?
<variant>int x = 5;

<question>How do you create a variable with the floating number 2.8?
<variant>double x = 2.8;

<question>Which operator is used to add together two values?
<variant>The + sign

<question>Which header file lets us work with input and output objects?
<variant>#include <iostream>

<question>We use the basic types INT of C++ variables:
<variant>An integer is a numeric literal (associated with numbers) without any fractional or exponential part.

<question>We use the basic types DOUBLE of C++ variables:
<variant>It is a double-precision floating point value.

<question>We use the basic types CHAR of C++ variables:
<variant>A character literal is created by enclosing a single character inside single quotation marks.

<question>We use the basic types BOOL of C++ variables:
<variant>It holds Boolean value true or false

<question>We use the basic types float of C++ variables:
<variant>A floating-point literal is a numeric literal that has either a fractional form or an exponent form.

<question>What values does a variable with the bool type take?
<variant>TRUE or FALSE

<question>How many arguments can be passed to a function?
<variant>Unlimited amount

<question>What will the code below show? int const a = 5; a++; cout << a;

<question>Where is the variable specified correctly?
<variant>Char symbol = 'a';

<question>What will x be? int x = 2 + 1;

<question>What will the code below give? char s[] = "hello", t[] = "hello"; if(s == t) cout << "True";

<question>How many parameters can be passed to the destructor?
<variant>Can't pass parameters to destructor

<question>What will the code below show? chars[] = "C++"; cout << s << " "; s++; cout << s << " ";

<question>What will the code below show? char*s = "Fine"; *s = 'N'; cout << s << endl;

<question>Which operator should only be overloaded as a member function?

<question>Which of the entries is wrong?
<variant>"int d2 = {2.3};"

<question>Choose a valid declaration for the ++ overload in postfix form, where
<variant>T operator++(int);

<question>Is it possible to combine sign and size modifiers?

<question>(i) 'ios' is the base class of 'istream' (ii) All files are classified into only 2 types. (1) Text files (2) Binary files.
<variant>Both (i) & (ii) are true

<question>Which spelling of the auto specifier is wrong?
<variant>auto b; b = 14;

<question>What operator is used to resolve the scope of a global variable?

<question>Which of the following modifiers is a size modifier?

<question>Specify select operator in C++ language.
<variant>switch ... case

<question>Indicate in which expression the operation on integer types is correctly applied (C++ language).
<variant>int a = 2, b = 0x24, c; c = a + b% a;

<question>In complex expressions, the sequence of operations is determined by ...
<variant>brackets, precedence of operations, and with the same precedence, associativity of operations.

<question>What is the difference between actual and formal function parameters?
<variant>Formal parameters are defined in the body of the function, and actual parameters are the value with which the function is called.

<question>In which header file is the cout object defined?

<question>What is the purpose of the continue operator in C++?
<variant>Skips the rest of the loop body and moves on to the next iteration.

<question>The value of the number variable does not lie between 3 and 6. Indicate the correct spelling of this statement in C++.
<variant>number <3 || number > 6

<question>Specify the correct statement.
<variant>Strings in C+ are represented as arrays of elements of type char ending in ''.

<question>What does the ++ operator do in C++?
<variant>Increases the value of the operand by one.

<question>Choose the correct option for declaring a constant variable in C+, where type is the data type in C+; variable - variable name; value - constant values.
<variant>const type variable = value;

<question>In what case would a C++ expression evaluate faster?

<question>Specify in which C expression + operations with real types are incorrectly applied?
<variant>float a = 2, b = 0x24, s; c = a + b% a;

<question>There are two int qwerty variable declarations in a C++ program; intQWERTY; Which of the statements is true?
<variant>The ads are correct.

<question>How is stream reading from a binary (binary) file performed using the C ++ language? The name of the stream is a_file.
<variant> *) & z, sizeof z);

<question>Which option declares a two-dimensional array in C++?
<variant>int anarray[20][20];

<question>Specify the notation for an escaped character in C++.

<question>Why does C++ use the return operator?
<variant>The function containing it completes its execution and control returns to the place in the program from which the given function was called.

<question>One of the following lines, written in C++, refers to the seventh element of the array, the size of the array is 10?
<variant>mas [6];

<question>In a C++ program, such variables are declared int x, y; The expression allows you to calculate the remainder of the division of these variables?

<question>What is the "?:" operator called?
<variant>Ternary operator

<question>What is a cycle and what are they for?
<variant>Loops are needed to execute code repeatedly.

<question>The number used to refer to an individual element of an array is called...

<question>... should be used to declare the size of an array because it makes the program more scalable

<question>The ... operator is used to make decisions

<question>What will the Termin function return after executing. The code:int term() { int a = 1; int b = 3; if (a != 5) return a + b; else return 0;}

<question>What is d if int a = 0; intb = a++; int c = 0; int d = a + b + c + 3;

<question>What will c be equal to if int a = 10;int b = 4; int c = a % b;

<question>The notation of the "AND" operator
<variant> operator &&

<question>The notation of the "OR" operator
<variant>operator ||

<question>Notation of operator "NOT"

<question>How to find the square root of a number x

<question>How to decrement a number
<variant>operator - -

<question>How to increment a number
<variant>operator ++
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