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[size=12pt]Posting here for @BlackStone because he is Banned on forum with prem from Tad[/size]




[b]Your in-game name:[/b] BlackStone|Z
[b]Your account name:[/b] BlackStone
[b]Sex (Male or Female):[/b] Male
[b]Your country:[/b] EG but live in AE
[b]Your age:[/b] 17
[b]MTA Serial (Write with Capital Letters):[/b] 7116EAF55CD884242BC02960CACBF183
[b]Your English skills[?/10]:[/b] 7/10
[b]What do you do in your freetime, tell us about yourself ([i][color=red][b][size=10pt]USE at least 80 words[/size][/b][/color][/i]):[/b] Hello,My name is Ahmed,I'am from EG but live in AE to find better live,I'am 17 years old,I do many things in my freetime like playing GTA V and playing MTA in CIT2 server but I spend most of my time on playing in CIT2 server because it's the only server I like it and I play MTA for it also I love to playing football and basketball,And play with my friend PS4 and Xbox and love to have fun with friends and they all love me because I'am a good person who never make mistakes with his friends like troll them or put them in problem so that's my live only go to school then back from school then study for 2 hours then playing CIT2 server and in holidays I play like 12 hours in CIT2 server and as you can see I spend all my time here in CIT2 server so that's all.
[b]Your ingame playhours (Screenshot link only, no img tags):[/b]
[b]Do you have a freeway?:[/b] Yes.
[b]What weapons have you got?:[/b] All weapons.
[b]What are your strengths?:[/b] Drive and Shoot and colt and deagle and all weapons without Sawn-off.
[b]What are your weaknesses?:[/b] Sawn-off and fly.



[b]List ALL your previous groups, both criminal and law enforcement groups:[/b] FBI and DT and SWATTeam and TR and LyN and RXn.
[b]What is the reason you are not in those groups anymore?:[/b] FBI: It's my first law group and I left them because some one was always make me in problems and I hate him.
DT: problems with some one who hate me and I left.
SWATTeam: Problems in group and left because left law live.
TR: Left and I told Zangief I will leave due problems in real live.
LyN: I was join to make some thing and help my friend Vodka then I left because problem.
RXn: They invited me and they was turfing and I was very tired because I was online for 15 hours then they tell me come and I say sorry I'am very tried and I can't come they kicked me with reason (Oki).

[b]Your [color=red][size=10pt][b]RECENT[/b][/size][/color] activity in /myhistory = Scroll down the list (Screenshot link only, no img tags):[/b]



[b]Why do you want to join us? ([i][color=red][b][size=10pt]USE at least 40 words[/size][/b][/color][/i]):[/b] First of all because I have many friends there and I was want to join Bikers from many times but always I say I will join them when I will know all server rules and all things and all of them rules and also Bikers is very active group with kind leaders and prefect members and also they are LS group and some times they have fun in LV in oil turfs and I like this group and his all action and they also have trained members who not always get punishes so that's all I want to join Biker.
[b]What can you bring to Bikers? ([i][color=red][b][size=10pt]USE at least 40 words[/size][/b][/color][/i]):[/b] First I will be loyal for many time and will never leave the only way it can make me out of this great group it's kick or if the group deleted because I will never leave also will bring many things to Bikers like will be top CE and will be good guy who all people love it and will tell all of player Bikers is the best group also I'am good guy who have prefect skills to shoot and drive it will help my group members and also I'am donater level 2.5 I mean 1 more to be donater level 3 that's will help my group also and I love the ride my freeway so all people will love Bikers that's not all what I can bring it I can bring many things more.
[b]What's happening between minute 2:00 and 2:03 on Bikers 2013 video?:[/b] Bikers start Drinking beer.
[b]What does "MC" stand for in "biker language"?:[/b] Motorcycle Club.
[b]What does a "patch" mean in "biker culture"?:[/b] Patch is your life and your Flag,Your Club name,And Country where your from.
[b]Explain in your own words, what in-game server rule nr. 8 is:[/b] Be nice and good for all player in server and don't use group tag if you don't get prem for it and never kill cops who are waiting for criminal event.
[b]Explain in your own words, what is Bikers rule 7?:[/b] Never ever tell in any chat server lag or some thing like that and don't spam or make any thing chat spam and if you need any thing use J and always listen to staff who have [CIT] tags in his names and don't troll some one or ask some to sms you in mean chat or team chat!.



[b]I agree that I am taking a huge risk of being blacklisted if I leave without telling about it to the current Club President, Tad:[/b] Yes.
[b]I've understood the fact, that I'm applying to a MC and I agree, that I will respect all the rules and the culture involved with it:[/b] Yes.
[b]Do you have anything else to say, that we need to know about?:[/b] No thanks.
[b]Do you agree that you didn't read any of these questions and rushed answers randomly?:[/b] No.
[b]Do you agree to Bikers requirements? Yes/No:[/b] Yes.
[b]You do realize, that we are going to find out if you copied from other people's applications right? :[/b] Yes of course.

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Regards; Team

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