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Qi & Chi - How Do Massages & Acupuncture Compare with Chinese Medicine?
Since the early 20th Century, massage therapy in Thailand is recognized as a legitimate medical practice. Massage is becoming more common in the modern Thai culture. You can use it by men and women of any age. You might be considering a Thai massage. Here are some things you can expect from your Thailand massage therapy experience.

Tui na (traditional name for Tuina) massage is one of the most popular forms of massage in Thailand. Tui na comes from traditional Chinese medicine like acupuncture, moxibustion and fire cupping. It is often used with moxibustion and acupuncture, fire cupping or Chinese herbology, as well as tai-chi or other traditional eastern medicines. This type of massage aims to improve the flexibility and balance of all major organ systems. Tuina is used for conditions such as back pain, headaches and high blood pressure. Tuina massaging can help reduce pain in these regions because it increases mobility of surrounding soft tissues.

Tuina massaging is very helpful in increasing blood flow. Increased circulation is thought to be beneficial in fighting infection, boosting energy, and speeding up recovery after injury or surgery. The masseuse will massage the body in an acupressure position. This means that the masseuse will use her fingers and palms to press pressure on specific areas. Masseuses use their palms and fingers in traditional Chinese medicine to massage specific points on the body and release specific energy patterns.

Myofascial release is another important principle in this type of massage. Myofascial releases are a principle which states that the injured muscles, tendons, and ligaments should be allowed pull free from the tissue and supporting muscles. When this happens, it relieves pain and tissue restriction. This is a necessary process because if a muscle or tendon does not allow itself to be stretched out then it will not heal properly. This is muscle weakness.

Shiatsu massage, another form of this therapy, is also available. Shiatsu massage involves the use of the thumbs, fingers, palms, and hands of the massage therapist to apply pressure to various parts in order for the patient to regain their energy or chi. ( chi is the energy that permeates everything in and around us; in a person, it means the "life-force energy" that nourishes the organs and is responsible for all movement in the physical body.) Shiatsu may be used to correct an imbalance in the spine, such as when a patient has herniated discs.

A painful injury can make it difficult to get better, especially if the injury has been around for a while. A good massage can provide you with a safe and effective means of relaxing so that you can get better fast. Acupuncture is another ancient Chinese medicine that can be considered when it comes to getting the best results from massage. Acupuncture is a Chinese medicine that is both gentle yet powerful. It is highly effective in the treatment of pain and ailments related to muscles, bones, tissues.

The focus of the practitioner is what makes Chinese massage different from acupuncture. Chinese massage is more a manual therapy. Acupuncture relies more upon the connection between the practitioner & the patient to properly treat their condition. Finding the right balance between yin/yang, or the cold and hot forces of nature, is key to success. Both Chinese medicine and Chinese traditional medicine are based upon the belief that the body is capable of healing itself. But, it must have a balance between them.

If a client visits a spa offering Traditional Chinese Medicine like acupuncture, or massage therapy, it is likely that they will be receiving care from a practitioner who also uses western modalities. It is possible for the therapist to not be able to combine both. You should ask many questions to make sure that you feel comfortable asking the therapist for your treatment. Chinese Medicine has been used for centuries and the principles have not changed. Traditional Chinese medicine is available to help you with any kind of dis-ease.
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