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owering the voting age, we should be focused on encouraging eighteen-year-olds and over to vote .
d does'nt have enough political awareness to vote.
To be honest many teenagers This house would lower the voting age to 16 , how silly is that, imagine our country being led by the choice of kids
voting is an upreseger ابريسيجر that decides who is in charge , who speaks for us , who puts rules .
voting requires political awareness and responsibility .
it takes mature and responsible person to vote, and defenitly not a reckless teenager .
Voting is a method for a group, such as a meeting or an electorate الكترت, in order to make a collective decision or express an opinion, usually following discussions, debates or election campaigns. الكشن كامبينس

Hi, I'm the second speaker in the opposition team , and I'm against the desicion of lowering the voting age to 16.
I will have two points to discuss in my speech . and now to my first point:
I claim that a 16 years old kidon't care about politics , for example ask your average teen about their stance on Putin starting a war with Ukraine, and few will be able to express an educated ادجيكيتيد view,
as a 16 year old kid you mostly don't know about political , and as I said in the beggining voting is a platform where you express your opinion ,but here you don't have an opinion , so youll vote for who your parents vote for, and in this situation your not expressing your opinion , your supporting another peoples opinion .
which is useless
how can we depend on 16 year olds to determine ديتيرمن who leads this country knowing that their opinion is basically their parents's.
I believe that instead of focusing on l

Moving on to my second point : I claim that peer and parental pressure is a problem teenagers already have to deal with all the time.
The fear of social ostraciasationاوسترازايسيشن is real,and if pressure works in relation to major issues such as drug use or stealing.. it would definitely work for something like voting .
Most teenagers act with their feelings, not their minds, and often everything affects them, and with a little pressure they will do whatever the group around them asks
They will not care who is better to lead the country
They just don't want to be abandoned

even for an average 18 year old, voting is more ruled by emotion than rational thoughts and ideas. Therefore, having a 16 year old vote would be irrational itself.

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