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Gary's character:
1- comes to terms with his former past, tells Annie the truth about everything, and accepts his punishment/death. (basically he gets over his cowardice and decides to take a stand against the lab for his family, Gary's final words are like: "take care of him Annie, keep Danny safe")
Annie's character
1- learns more about her husband, learns to become more cooperative with robots. (conflicted between trusting her husband or getting mad at him, reveal comes in midpoint)
2- digs deeper into her husbands history to realize who he really is, learns that even though her husband did bad things, their love for one another was true and she can share this through the love she shares with others (mainly Danny and Emily).
3- decides to continue what her husband started and aims to destroy the laboratory, so she continues work with the anti-lab organization (who may or may not have moved to new location)
she may also learn to work with sentient robots and has more respect for them as sentient beings.
4- when leader of anti-lab organization is killed, basically Annie has to kind of step up and take control of the situation to make a final stand against the laboratory. she is conflicted between protecting her family, and protecting everyone else. she may also confront maker of laboratory organization (who may or may not explain his ideals/plans to her, I guess this won't be developed until the main villain is developed himself)

Emily's character:
pre-story: has been raised to prioritize helping her sisters and the labratory. Anyone not part of laboratory is an enemy, outside people are deceptive and cruel, ordinary people are meaningless and distracting, when she first meets Danny she is rude/uncaring, unsympathetic

Emily's history:
given that they are basically child soldiers, they are raised from the very beginning that violence is a beneficial means to get what they want. They are also raised to obey the people from the labratory, or else they'll be punished by getting electrically shocked. They fear the leader of the project who is in control of them. They are raised by nursing robots, so they don't really grow any attatchments to

you are silent killers, you are some of the most powerful weapons that have come into existence as of recent years. Your skillful fighting abilities, and ability to control robots, that's what makes you who you are. You were all made for a purpose, and this is it. Kill the men presented to you and obey only us. there's nothing more to it

concepts presented within the story:
adbots (physical ones)
interactions between sentient robots and people
anti-robot groups (now are considered terrorist groups_
anti-human groups (always been considered terrorist groups)

French government was lead by an anti-robot society, sentient robots were pretty much driven out and former weapons were put to use by the government to do so. this is 5-10 years after the war. A civil war comes out in France as Britain gives money to anti-robot side. The people who want unity with people and robots win, possibly because they are sponsored by bigger, pro-robot countries (like China or, even EU). So basically France's government gets reformed, but there are still a good chunk of people who support France's anti-robot government and create their own organization, the members of the former government flee to Britain, where they hope to regain their forces by allying with Britain and taking France by force.

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