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Five Ways to Get Hair Out of Drains
Almost everyone encounters a hair clog at some point. Even if you use a drain stopper, hair may still accumulate over time, creating clumps that will slow your drain down significantly. The good news is that stopping shaving or taking any other drastic measures will not solve this problem. The following steps can help you get rid of a hair clog clogging up your tub, shower, or bathroom sink drain and allow your drain to run smoothly once more. Read on to find our top five methods for cleaning your drains of hair, and don't forget to call Candu Plumbing & Rooter for all of your essential plumbing needs.

Here are 5 steps to follow if you've got a clogged hair shaft
If there is a clog in your hair, it can be effectively dispatched using baking soda and vinegar. Start with a little dish soap, then add a cup of vinegar and a cup of baking soda. Ensure the chemical reaction between the vinegar and baking soda takes effect for about five minutes, then follow it up with boiling water. In the event that any hair remains, you need to use a cup plunger again to remove it. To solve a clog, use a cup or a flat plunger specifically, and repeat the procedure if necessary.

The stringy nature of hair can sometimes make it difficult to plung out with tweezers, unlike thicker clogs. A hairy obstruction may be removed using a pair of tweezers if you have tried plunging it out of the drain and just cannot get it out. Depending on , you may need to remove your drain stopper first. Sometimes, you may need to do this manually and a screwdriver may also come in handy, depending on the nature of your drain (you might as well get rid of any accumulated hair off the stopper while you're at it, too). Afterwards, you may want to shine a flashlight into your drain to see if you can detect the blockage more clearly. There, you should be able to use your needle-nose pliers to pull out the hair. If you are pulling out hair, you may want to wear gloves, as doing so is pretty nasty, and you should also run some hot water down the drain to flush any remaining nascent hairs.

Use a Snaking Device: If melting your hair clog with baking soda and vinegar, plunging it out, and using tweezers to remove it haven't worked, you may be able to use a snaking device to break it apart. Are you asking what kind of snake it is? There are a number of options available depending on the severity of your clog. Straightening out a wire hanger and sticking it down your drain can actually work for drain clogs that aren't too severe. There are times when you might want to invest in a zip-it tool. Plastic drain cleaners are cheap, disposable, easy-to-use, and widely available online. Other drain snakes are also available at your local hardware store and online. They are designed to handle clogs of various sizes. It is best to snake your drain to break up any clogs and scrape any accumulated debris off the walls, however you may also want to use the baking soda and vinegar technique above or you may want to run hot water down your drain to be sure.

Removing your entire drain is the last home remedy for getting rid of a hair clog. Even after you've tried all the methods above, a clog can persist anyway, so you can try to clean it by removing your drain entirely. Unscrew the p-trap, which is the p-shaped drain pipe below your sink designed to vent sewer gasses; place a bucket below for any water that drips out. A plug wrench is the tool you'll need to take your shower/tub's drain out, which fits into your drainage's crossbars, enabling you to pry it out. Always wear rubber gloves when you're cleaning drains, since it's an unsanitary job. Should you find all of this overly complicated or feel uncomfortable doing so much plumbing work yourself, you can also hire a plumber.

If all else fails, call Candu Plumbing & Rooter for drain cleaning. Although dealing with a hair clog can be difficult, you can trust our experts at Candu Plumbing & Rooter for drain cleaning. In addition to cleaning drains, we also remove clogs caused by food, soap scum, grease, toilet paper, and other hard-to-remove items with our technology and tools. Don't use liquid drain cleaners, whatever you do. Besides being ineffective, because they often sit on top of a clog rather than eating through it, they also contain harmful chemicals that corrode your pipes. Call Candu Plumbing anytime to schedule your drain cleaning, or try one of our DIY drain cleaning methods-we're even available 24 / 7 for emergencies!

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