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What Is Negative Keywords In SEO?
What is negative keyword in SEO? In simple terms it is the opposite of positive keywords. Negative keywords are very difficult to rank for in the major search engines due to their low density. A lot of webmasters will attest that ranking for negative keywords is really hard and time consuming especially for those who are new to this kind of business.

Let us take Google as an example. Google has recently banned the use of negative keywords in SEO . So even if you have negative keywords in your niche, it would be difficult to rank for them. You might be asking what is next for you?

Re-evaluating your website or blog is one of the things that you can do once you discover that you have negative keywords. But how does this affect you? How to you handle it? This article will show you a few ways in which you can re-evaluate your website with negative keywords and eventually rank for it in spite of it.

First off, you need to understand that search engines normally don't include the negative keywords. They just consider it as another category of words that you don't want to include in your site. So, instead of focusing on negative keywords, you need to focus on the rest of your content. By adding high quality content to your site, you will be able to counterbalance the negative effect of having negative keywords in your SEO strategy.

So how do you incorporate this strategy? Basically, you need to write articles that have good content. You can actually use these articles as back links to your website. By having high quality and relevant articles, you will be able to get rid of negative keywords and rank well for the rest of your keywords.

Another thing you can do is to avoid using the negative keywords as much as possible. You have to realize that search engines are not the only ones that look at your website. Most people are on social media sites and even forums that they may post content on. By having the right balance of content out there, you will be able to counterbalance this and keep your website in the search engine rankings. If you have the option, you should create a blog so that you can have a presence online and build your reputation as an expert in a particular niche. Just make sure that you never post anything on a website that you don't stand by!

So what is negative keywords in SEO? In my opinion, you should never include them in copy unless you are writing for a blog. This is because most blogs tend to have a strong dose of sarcasm and you really don't want people to take your comments seriously. However, in some cases, it is alright to use negative keywords a little. For instance, if you are writing an article about organic gardening, you wouldn't want to use the term "potatoes" a lot because it could give people the wrong idea. You would want to use something more positive such as " tomatoes" or "herbs".

So what is negative keywords in SEO? They shouldn't be used so much but you don't want to completely eliminate them either. There are certain times where it makes sense to use them and other times where you should simply write it off as another keyword in your meta tag. The best way to figure this out is to look at what search engines are looking for. If you are still unsure as to what this is, you can always hire a professional and explain to them what this means so that they will know what to do with negative keywords in their content.
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