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Notes -

grammar at all times if caught surrender you get kicked out dont trade weapons or bad 18+ not allowed or no no if arrest someone is div contact a HIcom= high command
spamming is not allowed
get 1 warning 2 is kicked be kind to each other dont be rude recruit enforcer wear helmets always maintain order on Lothal
recruit enforcer study. do not leave the facility orientation
seconded class enforcer went through quiz- combat training- can not lave
first class enforcer- disciplinary training- can not leave
junior enforcer- 2 combat trainings and subjection - cant leave
Enforcer-2 combat- patrol and diplinatry- cant leav3- mid rank
Enforcer agent- mid rank- 3 combat patrol and criminal subjection- cant leave except when there a warranted in city
senior enforcer- full use of tasers and cuffs- 2 combat diplinatry- cant leave except warrant in city
Agent- full use of cuffs and taser must capture 5 jedi 5 alliance and so on must be in facility unless the top two
Chief agent- handpicked
Squad leader- trusted by head of enforcement- gives order to their squad- give orders to low rankers- hand picked and may be removed at any time
Orientation- law cuffs tasers
Combat-Combat leadership decisions
Criminal subjection- they will go out and hunt jedi
Imperial city patrol- patrols city caught braking law is punished
Diplinatry - tests
Law assemment-All aspects of law and there is quiz must pass
Seconded class enforcer+ spawn with cuffs
used if
has a warrant
refusing to follow order or x
bug abusing


what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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Regards; Team

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