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156 Adorable Hamsters That Will Cause A Cuteness Overload
Harry Potter Hamster Names The Perfect Lil Hamster Bed Palms Overflowing With Cuteness
As you may know, reptiles need very specific conditions in order to thrive. Hamsters don't require UVA or UVB lights, and they’re fine with average humidity. You do need to keep Hammie's room within certain temperatures, but this is just room temperature for most people. Hamsters require a balanced diet including hamster pellets and carefully considered amounts of fruits, veggies, and timothy hay. Dwarf hamsters are happier in groups of multiples of the same sex. We will not publish or share your email address in any way.
Some hamster species make perfect solo pets, while others are comfortable living in a group. The character’s funny and helps his friends whenever he can. It would be best if you housed this small breed in an aquarium tank with a mesh lid; it could slip through a regular wire cage spacing.
One of the reasons hamsters are so irresistibly cute is their huge chubby cheeks, which they use to transport food back to their burrows in the wild. These cheek pouches can measure two times the size of a hamster’s face. This lively pet hamster will keep you company throughout the day. Watch him run on his wheel, drink water, and eat the food you feed him by clicking your mouse. Click the center of the wheel to make him get back on it. While hamsters may be considered as good pets to get for the first time, they do require sufficient attention and care.
Harry Potter Hamster Names
They have wide feet with four toes in the front and five toes in back. Hamsters have large, chisel-shaped front teeth that grow throughout their lives. Larger hamsters prefer to live alone; for example, male Syrian hamsters put together will likely fight for dominance and attempt to kill each other.
It is easy to tame, the slowest of the popular pet hamsters, and the least likely to bite. Though docile with humans, they are territorial with other hamsters and should always be housed alone. The Syrian is true to its nocturnal nature and is rarely active during the day. Early morning or late evening are the best times to interact with this hamster.
They are quick and agile and may be difficult to handle for children. The smallest of the popular hamster breeds, the Roborovski dwarf hamster matures to just 2 inches long. Because this breed is so tiny, it is best to use an aquarium with a mesh lid to house these hamsters. They can easily escape through the spacing in wire cages. Be sure to provide this hamster with plenty of toys and activities. Pet hamsters range from 2 to 7 inches long and have short tails; small eyes; and fur in black, brown, gray, white, yellow, or red.
The Perfect Lil Hamster Bed
Dwarf hamsters are found in various parts of the world, including China and Russia. Therefore, the following names are inspired from those countries. Ham Solo – If you’re a fan of the legendary sci-fi film series Star Wars, then you must already know and love the character Han Solo. Well, for your hamster, you can use the name, Ham Solo. Harrison Ford may not like it, but that’s all right.
Their tiny size and agile nature mean that they can easily wriggle out of your grasp and get lost. They can be social and do well in same-sex groups as long as they are properly introduced. If american girl doll class pet hamster would like to own multiple hamsters, the dwarf Roborovski is a great choice. These five hamster breeds tend to make great family pets. Before getting a hamster, make sure they're right for you – they are most active at dusk and dawn, and may bite if they are woken up during the day. It can be a bit challenging to come up with names on the spot.
If you’re a fan of art, here are some names inspired by Renaissance painters that you can give to your furry pet. Biggie Smalls – This is the stage name for the late rapper Christopher Wallace. In the few years that Biggie was around, he touched a lot of people’s hearts with his music and is revered for it to this day. With some pets, you are signing on for years—or even decades—of providing love and care. Hamsters only live a few years, so you don't have to think too far ahead. Hamsters of all varieties are prone to skin and digestive issues, and need dental care including teeth trimming.

Long-haired hamsters are common pets because they’re friendly and get along well with humans. The following names are great for your long-haired pet. This category is perfect for those of you who want to give your small pet a human, male name. Browse through this extensive list of male hamster names.
If you consider yourself a funny person, perhaps a hilarious name for your pet is the way to go. If you’re not, giving your pet, a hilarious name could showcase some of your hidden sense of humor. Well, in either case, here are some funny hamster names we’re sure you’re going to like. Hamsters are tiny, adorable balls of fuzz that you can keep at home.
Well, any of the cute and funny names for hamsters above will help steer you in the right direction. Giving your pet a one-syllable name is great because it’s easy to say, and you’ll never forget it. Go through some of these to find the perfect match for your friend.
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