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For ten years the Greeks were besieging the Trojans but they cannot take the city. At last Agamemnon, King of the Greeks, gives up hope. He orders all of the princes to come together and says, ‘we were besieging Troy now for ten years. We defeat the Trojans often in battle but we cannot take the city. I lost hope. What ought we to do? Should we not return to home? What do you advise?’

The other princes are silent, but Ulysses says, ‘I do not lose hope. I have a new plan. Listen to me.’

All of the princes listen to Ulysses plan; they accept the plan happily. They make large wooden horse; they send into the horse many strong men. They climb up and hid themselves in the belly of the horse. The others board the ships and sail to a neighboring island.

At first light the Trojans see the Greek ships going away; they rejoice because the Greeks are not present, rejoice because at last the fighting is finished. They run from the city gates to the deserted shore; they see the huge horse standing on the shore. Some say ‘we ought to lead the horse into the city.’ Others say ‘do not trust the horse. Beware of gifts of the Greeks. Perhaps the Greeks are hidden in there.’ Finally they decide to lead it to the city. All of the men happily dragged it through the gates and put it in the citadel. Then they make a feast and drink a lot of wine.

Night arrives. The Trojans sleep. The Greeks who are on the island board the ships and quickly return to the Trojan city. Those who are hidden in the horse, quietly exit and hurry to the gates.
The Trojan guards are sleeping; they are drunk. The Greeks kill them; they quickly opened the gates and receive their comrades. All of the men run through the city streets. Only a few Trojans resist. Soon the Greeks take the entire city. Finally they attack Priam’s palace; they kill Priam and his sons. Few escaped. In this way the Greeks at last take and destroyed the city.
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