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she's at 521.last year she was about 50000th period so that mean she'll reach her goal.but only god can see the future.
so make a brainstorming about what you're gonna do while she's studiying to her exams
you have to aadmit that she has forgot you.but it doesn't that bad because you'll remind yourself to her when it's time.
admit it! she forgot you
build a network that you can take any nformation about her.find people from mkal and add them to your network.but do it as soon as possible because you had been to start to your football camp.

you have her number but she doesn't have anything else.keep searching for aanother ways such as meeting her face to face.
you have a lot of things to complete so get rid of shitty things such as social media and games.get rid all of them!
how to create the network?

step 1:organize a football match with your old schoolmates.they have a friend who used to go mkal&also her friend.
step 2:use him as your with him as much as you do and take informations about her and her friends.
step 3:meet with her other friends and make them talk about you almost everywhere.don't forget that turkish people talks too much
step 4:create a meeting which is one will know that you love her expect 1-2 people att the meeting.

the people who help you to create the network,

Yusuf:he studies at the place that her friends studying at
hikmet: he knows almost eveything in Polatlı.ALMOST EVERYTHİNG!!!
Ahmet:he'll be the first fellow person between us

day by day you'll imrpove your network.DAY BY FUCKING DAY!
to make 'em use your Money as gift.spend some Money while hanging out.

they just came.z,p the text aand go fucking away
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Regards; Team

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