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● Intro
Cuban cigars are regarded as the world's most luxurious tobacco product. An expensive box of Habano can cost up to a thousand dollars. From seed to cigar, Cuban cigars undergo about 500 manual tasks. Over the last 25 years, cigars made in other Caribbean and Central American countries have become comparable in quality, consistency, and price. American cigar smokers should beware of fakes. 95% of Cuban cigars in the US are fake, say experts. Why are Cuban cigars so popular? What explains their high price? Cuban cigar making culture hasn't changed for 200 years. The tobacco leaves are grown, harvested, and hung in drying houses called dryers before a slow fermentation occurs to enhance flavor, aroma, and burning characteristics. Every leaf is inspected for quality, type, and appearance, and hand-rolled by a torcedor, a highly skilled roller highly regarded in Cuban society.
behike cigar
Why are Cuban cigars so popular?
montecristo no. 4 asked an expert and he told us this: I have been a cigar maker for 61 years. In Cuba, cigars are made from five types of leaves: a leaf called light, which is the one that gives strength in the cigar; another leaf called seco, the one that gives aroma; and a leaf called blown up, which is responsible for the combustion in the cigar. The light, dry, and flown are wrapped with the binder. Finally, the last leaf, which I am doing, is the wrapper, which is what gives the cigar its presence." In some cases, the Cuban cigar represents power, money, class. and in others a hobby, healing, routine
Things to keep in mind to have a perfect Cuban cigar
There are four things that make a cigar unique that makes it the best in the world. Growing black tobacco involves the soil, the climate, the manual labor, and the type of tobacco used. The strain has been taken more than once, the seed has been taken, and the workmanship has also been taken. Yet, it has not been achieved in the same way in all the places where it has been put under similar conditions
● Conclusion
Taste and enjoyment of any consumable are subjective. The allure of Cuban cigars is somewhat based on prestige, as Cuban cigars have been a status symbol in society for over a century. Although cohiba esplendidos fetch high prices, particularly where they are outlawed in the U.S., in recent years all premium cigars have become uniformly priced. However, despite a growing interest in cigars from other countries, some connoisseurs insist that Cuban cigars are the most authentic.
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