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In which you attempt to teach Bucky about modern dating.

Dinner with Tony and Bucky went well, surprisingly, but Tony's reaction to your hair was hysterical. He was now convinced that poor Pepper should have to endure the same thing, although you had trouble explaining that if Pepper's hair was to curl like yours, it'd take her an hour extra every morning, to which Tony replied that as a billionaire, he could just buy the time. Not helpful.

He left that evening in the pitch black darkness to avoid the press, at your insistence that otherwise he'd get in another fight with Pepper if he stayed any longer. Also not great.

Although if he was still hung up on that haircut idea when he got back, they'd probably end up in a fight anyways. What could you say, that was the story of their relationship, so you guessed you couldn't change much there.

The next morning, during breakfast with your favourite soldier, you figured you should bring up the final part of your mission.

"Hey Buck?"
"Mhm?" He turned to look at you, mouth full of Nutella on toast.
"New task today!"
He groaned, going back to his food.
"Ughhhhh, Buckyyyyyy!" You whined. "It'll only take a 10 minute conversation, that's it."
He looked at you expectantly, begrudgingly ready to begin.
"Okay, apparently I have to tell you about modern dating, says Steve. To be honest, this is kind of ridiculous. Just because he had to learn about dating, he thinks you should. He was a 90 year old dating virgin for Asgard's sake and from what I've heard, you're not. Anyway, let's get started."

"So.....I really don't know how to start this, er, okay, right...first rule: most women need a gentleman. Someone who wants to put themselves out for them, they want to feel protected and cared for."
"Most?" Bucky queried.
"I don't need no man to protect me, thank you. Maybe it's the attitude that made me single," you said as an afterthought, "oh well. I am a strong, independent woman, who has no need for a door to opened for me, let alone to be protected from the dangers of the world."
"Yup. Okay, so 1. Be gentlemanly like. 2. Girls love flowers."
"What about you?"
"Flowers in the house remind me of funerals." You said lowly, before forcing yourself to brighten up. "But honestly, floral dresses are all the rage, floral print furnishings, totally in. Give a girl a flower, Buck, they'll love you forever, or, until you break up with them and they have total mood swings, but eh, don't think too much on that."

"Next, romance. No girl will resist a romantic surprise, trust me." You assured.
Bucky raised an eyebrow. "Not even you?"
"Secret agent. Unsurprisable. Most guys are waaaay too predictable for me. Yeah, I'm definitely making my own dating noose, aren't I? 4. Take control. Girls like it if sometimes, you don't give them the choice of what restaurant, you just take them to one. It makes you seem more confident that you know what they like too. Pick up lines....?" You paused for a moment, thinking. "Depends what girl. Girls who are confident in their own attributes find them annoying, girls who aren't complimented often or don't love who they are will adore them."
Bucky nodded, unsure of how to process all of this information.
"Oh, yeah! Another thing! Girls will love that massage thing you did yesterday, that'll totally work for you."

"Finally, this is all I can really think of: There is a fine line between being jealous in a cute, protective way and being jealous in a creepy stalker way. For instance, I was dating a guy who didn't like the idea of me having dated anyone else, got awkward when people talked about it - cute. If another guy approached me in the street, he'd make his presence known - also cute. But then he got obsessive and tried not to let me see the Avengers, 1, like I had a choice, I work with them and 2, they're my best mates and none of them are interested in me, they've got their own girls. That was when it turned creepy stalker. Don't do that to a girl, kay?"
He nodded slowly, taking it all in. "Doesn't sound much different to the 40s." He muttered.
"Yeah, I didn't think it would." You said, leaning back in your chair. "I need to get plaster today, to fix up that wall. Wanna come with?"

Bucky hesitated. "Nah, would you mind if I just stayed here? Bit tired."
You nodded, slightly disappointed but also confused. Bucky must be up to something, he never admitted he was tired. Maybe he was just lying because he found the last conversation awkward. No lie, you did too, but still, you'd miss his company.
Tony's voice rang through your head. You like him....
Oh shut it, you replied, to yourself, grabbing your stuff and heading out.


It took you a good couple of hours to get there and back due to the ridiculous traffic and the fact that you couldn't find anywhere to park. Arriving back home, you were definitely...surprised.

At first, everything seemed normal (well, as normal as it got at your place).

But then you started noticing the little things like items being slightly out of place and paper was missing. When you'd gotten back, you'd shouted out for Bucky, who'd assured you that he was in his room. You partially wanted to go and talk to him, but you were also a bit tentative, since you could almost feel your feelings, such you still denied, pushing against you in the worst sort of way.

"Hey, Buck?" You shouted down the corridor. "You want something to eat?"
"...nah, I'm okay thanks. I ate something earlier."
You frowned, realising that Bucky was now specifically ignoring you. You didn't think you'd done anything wrong, right? Maybe you'd missed something? You gave up, over thinking the whole situation till your head hurt, resolving to sort it in the morning.

Getting into bed, you felt something uncomfortable under your hand. Pulling it out, you found a now slightly crumpled paper aeroplane. Opening it out, you found a message on the underside of one wing reading:
Anything you say can and will be held against you
So go on, say my name, I will be held against you

Blushing furiously, you couldn't even begin to guess who it was from or how it got there. It was from one of your favourite songs, but who knew that?! And damn, it was definitely the smoothest line.
Your best guess was that Tony had managed to hack the security system (that he designed, so it wasn't too far a leap), but you knew he was crazy about Pepper, so unless it was just Pep's idea of consolation, he must've done it for someone, but who?


The next morning, you awoke to find another paper plane, this time on your face. Unfolding it, you found another message, this one making your heart race that slight bit faster.

I want to kiss you in the pouring rain.
But not if there's a tornado around.
Because if you're going to be swept off your feet,
I'm gonna be the one to do it.
(Although the tornado could probably do it too.)

You melted a little, unable to keep a grin from your face. Folding it carefully and slipping it in your drawer, you got dressed and headed down the corridor for breakfast.

When you got there, you were met with Bucky, playing idly with his spoon in his cereal.
"Yo, Buck, you okay?"
He looked up at you. "Oh, er, yeah. Fine."
"So, did you think at all about what I said yesterday?"
To your utmost surprise, he nodded. "Mhm, yeah. There's this girl I like too, but I don't think she likes me."

You sighed, slightly disappointed. Oh well, you chided yourself for getting your hopes up that he would even think about you anyway. "Oh, who?"
"She's kinda short, but it's cute. And she's not too keen on her hair, but she's damn fine, she drives me crazy. I tried to be romantic, surprising, stay away from stuff she didn't like, but I don't think she likes me."
You frowned. "Why don't you just ask her outright? Book somewhere for dinner and ask the girl. Not gonna lie, I think there's a damn near certain chance of her saying yes." You assured him, before adding quietly, almost to yourself. "I can't imagine any girl saying no."

"What about you?"
"What about me what?" You replied confused, annoyed that he'd heard what you'd said.
He groaned slightly. "Well, would you say no?"
"To what?" You really weren't doing well today.

"If I asked you out to dinner, tonight at 7, at that new restaurant on the corner of Fifth Avenue."
You really weren't getting this. "Why would you ask me?"
"Because, (y/n), you're the goddamn girl that I like, that's why!"

You froze up, unable to respond. ", wait, y-you're the one who sent the paper aeroplanes?"
Bucky blushed slightly. "Yeah."
You smiled a little. "You definitely surprised me," you murmured softly.

"So, (y/n)," Bucky coughed awkwardly. "Will you be my girl?"
You smiled softly, blushing scarlet. "Yeah, Buck, of cou-"
You were cut off by his lips upon your own. Hungrily, he devoured your lips and you kissed back with a grin, ignoring him lick at your bottom lip. Slightly annoyed, he bit softly and you moaned, allowing him entrance. Fighting was a futile cause as he deftly explored your mouth.
Finally, you pulled away very slightly for breath, only to be met with Bucky's grinning face. You'd never seen him grin, he'd smiled a bit, but never grinned and the thought that you caused it made you grin too.

"So, dinner at 7?" He asked and you nodded with a smile.
"Sounds great," you said, before leaning in for another kiss.
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