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1) Identify Mass, Count, and Collective Nouns.

2) Use clear and coherent sentences employing grammatical structures:
Kinds of Nouns- Count, Mass and Collective Nouns.

Getting Ready!

Individual Response: COUNT OR NON-COUNT?
Tell if the following are
Countable – write a check after the word.
Uncountable – write a triangle after the word.

Bottle ______
Cookies _____
Book _______
Hair _______

It is a fact that there are things that are countable and uncountable. In this Lesson, we will
know deeper about it and know its importance in the grammatical structure and ensuring the
clear meaning of sentences that we read and ideas that we communicate with others.

Let’s Study This!

is a word that names something, such as a person, place, thing, or idea.

Count Nouns
are nouns that we can count. There can be more than one of them. Quantifiers are
added before the count nouns.

One orange, two brothers, three biscuits, five schools, twenty students.

Aside from numbers, we can also use:
a, an, the, some, many, and few to quantify them

A notebook An apple
Some oranges Few pupils

Mass nouns
are nouns that cannot be counted. Generally, they do not have plural forms. We do not use
numbers to count them. We use counters instead. Feelings are also considered to be mass
nouns. A lot of mass nouns come in liquid or mass form like clay, tea, and soup.


bottle of milk strands of hair

In the first example, bottle is the counter while milk is the mass noun.
In the second example, strands is the counter while hair is the mass noun.

Other examples of counters:
cup of
dash of
pinch o
box of
pail of
teaspoon of
pack of
heap of
pile of

It is important to use appropriate counters for mass nouns so that others can understand what
we mean.

Aside from quantifiers and counters, Noun Determiners can also be used.
Many, few, and some Examples
– for count nouns.

Much, and little
-for mass nouns

Collective Nouns- are nouns that denotes a group of individuals.


Let’s Practice:
Read the following sentences and identify the kinds of Nouns used by doing the following:
 Encircle the Count Nouns
 Underline the Mass Nouns, and
 Box out the Collective Nouns.

1) Close the curtain. There’s too much light!

2) Our house has seven rooms.

3) A troop of soldiers went into battle.

Let’s Reflect!

What have we learned in this Lesson?
There are different kinds of Nouns. Count Nouns are nouns that can be count while Mass
nouns are nouns that can’t be count. A quantifier of determiner comes first before the count or
mass nouns to make their meanings clear. Collective nouns are nouns that represents a group
of person, animals or things.

Let’s Do

A clef, from the French word meaning “key”, is a musical symbol used
to indicate the pitch of the written notes.
 Placed at the beginning of the staff, it indicates the name and pitch
of the notes on that line.

 One of the most common clefs is the Treble clef also known as the G-

 The Treble Clef or G-Clef wraps around the second line of the staff
to tell that it is the G line.
 The pitches on treble clef staff are higher than those of the bass
clef staff.


1) Discuss the characteristics of the attire and accessories of selected cultural communities in the country in terms of colors and shapes.
2) Appreciate the attire and accessories of the cultural communities.
3) Create an artwork showing the attire and accessory of a selected cultural community in terms of colors and shapes.

Let’s Study This!

Women traditionally wear the vakul, while men wear vests known as kanayi and talugong, a traditional wide-brimmed farmer's hat. The Vakul and Kanayi are woven from shredded leaves known as voyavoy or Philippine date palm.

Vakul Kanayi and Talugong

The bahag is the common costume for male Igorots or Kalingas. It is a long woven material that has a purpose of covering the man’s private parts.
The female Igorot or Kalinga costume consists of a large rectangular woven clothing that is simply worn like a skirt and secured around the waist. It is called Ginamat or Tapis.
The accessories of the Kalinga are called as Bongol, which were consists of Native Beads. It is usually used as an ornament. The weight and amount of beads indicate the status of the woman.

Bahag and Tapis Bongol
Gaddang women attire includes the "tapis" or skirt. The traditional costume for the Gaddang male is the G-string. An upper collarless, short garment is also worn, together with headkerchiefs.

Gaddangs are fond of wearing seed beads around their heads, necklaces, and wrists

G-String Tapis

Seed Beads

Their clothing was simple, with women wearing wrap-around skirts, sometimes made out of bark cloth, and men wearing loincloths.
Their accessories are necklaces and made up of sea shells and tooth of animals.

Wrap-Around Cloth for female, and Loincloth for Male Festival Costume and Headdress

Necklace made of Seashells and Tooth of Animal


They have beautiful traditional costumes which shows the T’nalak motif. Their traditional dress is called “Kegal T'boli”. The traditional female blouse is called “kegal bentilas” and the skirt is “lewek tedeyung”. The headdress is called “sewat”, and the necklace is called “bekelew”.

Example of T’boli Attire and Accessories

They wear special kinds of clothes which are distinctly their own. The malong is one kind of dress material which can be used in many ways. Women wear it as skirt, a dress, a blouse or a gown. It can also be worn by men over trousers as a formal wear.
Their accessories focuses on Amulets or Agimat/ Anting-Anting.

Malong as a formal wear for men Malong as dress for women

Amulet/ Agimat or Anting-Anting


Words to Ponder:
a. Muscular endurance – ability of your body to do an exercise with repetition
for a long period of time
b. Muscular strength – ability of the body to resist force
Concept Note No. 6
1. There are exercises that can enhance muscular strength and endurance such
as: curl-up, push-up, squat exercise, and step test.
2. Playing can also enhance muscular strength and endurance. It is important
to allow children to play outdoor, so that they can explore their surroundings
by jumping, running, and walking.
3. Developing muscular strength also means developing muscular endurance.
Muscular strength and muscular endurance go together.
4. One of the best ways to protect ourselves from the disease is to develop
our muscular strength and endurance.
5. People who are strong and healthy recover fast from diseases.


The term "germs" refers to the microscopic bacteria, viruses, fungi, and
protozoa that can cause disease.
 A pathogen is usually defined as a microorganism that causes, or can cause,
disease. We have defined a pathogen as a microbe that can cause damage in
a host.
 They can be found in sub freezing cold temperatures and boiling hot
 E. Coli is a bacteria that can invade your body when you eat undercooked
food. It can cause you to become sick and may even be a cause of death.
 Salmonella is also associated with food poisoning. When salmonella is present
in the food you ate, it can make you nauseous, cause you to vomit, give you
abdominal pain and diarrhea.
 Other examples of sickness caused by bacteria are sore throats, ear
infections, cavities and pneumonia.

 Viruses depend upon a host to survive, grow and reproduce. They can’t live
outside other living cells.
 Once they are inside the body, viruses can spread and make us sick.
 Viruses cause chicken pox, measles, flu, and many other diseases.
 The influenza virus spreads through the air or by touch.

 Influenza can be prevented with yearly vaccination.

Fungi are multi-celled plant-like organisms that get their nutrition from
plants, food, and animals. Fungi thrive in damp environments.
An example of a fungal infection is athlete’s foot. This is an itchy rash that
gets between the toes. It is a very common skin condition.

 Protozoa are one-celled organisms like bacteria.
 Protozoa also loves moisture and often spread diseases through
contaminated water.
 Some protozoa cause intestinal infections, like malaria.


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