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It started when hu tao came over to yanfeis house for a sleepover..

"hello taotao" "hello. Yanyan"

They went to yanfeis room, and decided to watch a movie since it was already 8:00pm because hu tao always came late.

"what movie do we watch tao?" "you choose mo- yanyan."

Hu tao knew she liked yanfei, and she really wanted to go further in her relationship with yanfei.

"what was that? Taotao.." "N-nothing!" Said hu tao.

Yanfei pinned hu tao down. "oh yeah? You have Been a bad girl.."

Hu tao started to sweat as yanfei started kissing her. "Mmm.." Hu tao slightly moaned in shock..

"do you want more..??".... "y-yes mommy.." Replied hu tao

Yanfei started kissing hu tao as her hand slowly went down to hu Taos thy.

Yanfei forced hu tao up and put her leg on her shoulder.

"do you want this tao?~" "mm" it was a yes type of mm.

Yanfei slowly put her tounge on her clit and sucked.

Hu tao muffled her moan with a blanket.

Yanfei sucked on hu Taos mamas nuts before so she knew what to do.-creators note; idk y but I laughed at that-

"u can't cum unless i allow you"


Yanfei stopped and stared at hu tao while she fingered her.

Hu tao moaned unexpectedly

Yanfei layed on hu tao ,still fingering her, and started playing with her boobs.-creators note; idk y but it felt weird writing that-

"mommy please... I want to cum.."

Yanfei ignored her and fingered her more aggressively.

Hu Taos thys were shaking ,as she tried to stop the cum from coming out.

"Mommy, mommy please..let me cum. Please. Please."

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