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The total area of the Palampur village is 246 hectares. Answer Yes, I agree that the distribution of cultivated land is unequal in Palampur because out of the 450 families, 150 families are landless, 240 families cultivate small plots of land less than 2 hectares in size whereas 60 medium and large farmers cultivate more than 2 hectares of land, a few of them have land extending over 10 hectares or more, which shows that medium and large farmers have more land though they are numerically smaller. → 240 families cultivate small plots of land less i.e 2 hectares in size and remaining 60 families cultivate more than 2 hectares of land. There are a large number of small farmers who cultivate small plots of land and live in conditions not much better than the landless farm labourer. Answer Kishora has certainly benefited from better roads in Palampur because he is involved in the transport business; better roads enable him to easily transport goods from one place to another, run his business successfully and earn profits, which would have been very difficult in the absence of proper roads. 4. Yes, Kishora has benefitted from better roads because of better roads in Palampur; he is able to transport different items which will increase his income.
Yes, it is important to increase the land area under irrigation firstly so that the farmers can do multiple cropping and grow more than one crops in a year and increase their production and earning. Answer Yes, it is true that modern farming methods require more inputs which are manufactured in industry. However, for buying all these inputs a lot of money is needed so a farmer needs to have more cash to start farming. Working Palampur,, Himachal Pradesh, Kangra, Dharamshala, Hotels in Palampur in the form of money for buying sugarcane from other farmers for crushing and for paying the electricity bill of running the crushing machine. Question 1. Mishrilal has purchased a mechanical crushing machine run on electricity and has set up on his field. He has to pay for the electricity to run the machine. Fixed Capital in the form of the sugarcane crushing machine. Answer Both have fixed capital in the form of machines, but Kareem has a larger fixed capital because he has assets in the form of computers which are more expensive then the sugarcane crushing machine.

In India, the rainfall is unevenly distributed in the country and if rainfall is less, then production will be low, and they will be only able to grow one crop in a season. To show the same factor, we will go into the subject of an imaginary village today. Answer The shaded rectangles with boundaries show the land cultivated by small farmers. Since the industry is small scale, production is less and therefore, he is unable to increase his profit. Modern Farming Method The farmers of Haryana and Western Uttar Pradesh use HYV seeds, tube wells for irrigation, chemical fertilisers and pesticides, as well as machinery like tractors and threshers to increase production. The city of Chiang Mai offers some great travel opportunities for the family which are safe, fun filled as well as relaxing. It is well connected with neighbouring villages and towns. → The traders buy the products from market and sell the products to shopkeepers in the towns and cities.

There was a railway station near the village, where a small market developed in due course of time. In Delhi and other big cities, they may be:- Working in small factories. Answer The working capital required by the farmer using modern farming methods are raw material and money. Answer Land in Palampur is fixed and 75% of the people who are working are dependent on farming for their livelihood. There is heavy competition for work among the farm labourers in Palampur, so people agree to work for low wages. There are some restaurants, few best ones are Lounge, Joy, Taj and Golden Dragon. The tariff is nominal which makes them a perfect place to spend quality time with your loved ones. There are some restaurants, few best ones are Pizzian Hut, Freak, Lounge, Joy, Taj and Golden Dragon. Pizzian Hut has an organic farm where they source their food from. There are many people who are willing to work as farm labourers in the villages, whereas the opportunities of work are limited. As per history, prior to the construction of this temple, there was yet another Shiva temple existed here.
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