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14 December Thursday, 03:23

Hi, Nika. Or Heeeeyyyy, Nika -by your words.- You know i always have a lot of things to say. And i have the same thing again, i really have alot of things to say. Don't know where to start talking and don't know when i will send you this text. (I want to wait for it 9 more days, which means 23 December, the day where we started to talk, you ignored my message when i ask you to check the date over and over. So it's just a predict, maybe it's 21 or 22 December.) Around 50 mins ago i start to write this text, i told you i'm gonna sleep. Yeah and i also tried to sleep as i said, but i just can't sleep for 1 weeks because of some reasons i don't know. So i wanted to write this text, because i can't sleep and wanted to chill/relaxing some time.

Alright, i'm gonna start with saying the truth about 19,999 character kind of essay. I hope you remember it, i feel like you didn't care it. Anyway, it was about you, i'm glad i don't have to send you it.(I was already doubt about you will read it, i was considering about delete some parts from it, because i was still writing some days so it would be even longer.) No, i'm not gonna information about the content of it. No need to it anymore.

Today around 02:00 am at my time, and 10:00 at your time, your last message was "stop the show" etc. Then i said "you are angry" etc. (Well, that was a stupid message, i know. Main reason was my head is filled with a lot of things, you know. I thought about "no, i shouldn't send it now, it will be so dumb." but even so, i sended. Why i sended it even i know it will be dumb is... you will understand after read the text..) and you sended one more message at 02:50, i didn't look or read yet. Whatever, i realized we are talking so shit last 2 weeks. It's so toxic. Since your grandma died, (rip :/ ) it feels like.... i don't know how to explain that but you are really cold to me. I don't enjoy when we talking anymore. And i think you don't enjoy anymore as well. I really hate unanswered/ignored messages.. And you know that well.. Even though that, you ignored a lot of messages especially last 1 week. It's annoying and disrespectful for me. (3 days ago I stop talking with my highschool friend just because he didn't answer my question, "Are we gonna play Cod tonight?" He is always doing that and it was the last time i can handle for him.) I hope you not think i'm mad on you, i just felt you have the same thing like me. Especially for 1 weeks, i can't even think something to tell you. Maybe it's because i don't want to bother you with spams even you said it doesn't bother me. (Btw i will always be curious about if you "really" like the spams i'm doing.) Or maybe i see you'r bored to talk with me and stop it. That's why i didn't want to spam. I don't want this text to make you and me feel like a highschool teenager's love/friendship story * GÜLEN KEDİ EMOJİSİ * but i guess it will. I just think we both lost interest on each other. And i think it should be end in peace, not with arguing.

Well, yesterday (13 December) i told you i'm not jealous on you anymore. You asked where did it come from. Tbh, it came from i totally realized you are cold and it become a toxic friendship. I don't want to write it again but, which means you lost interest on me and then i lost my interest on you as i wrote at up. :/ When i/someone lost my/his,her interest to someone.. that result is inevitable. You just don't want to talk anymore if she/he is cold to you. (At least if you have proud and brain)
Whatever, that was the reason why i said i'm not jealous on you anymore, but it still means i love/like you *RAİSED KAS İŞTE*
I wonder how are you talking with 4 guy. (2 American -they are soo intelligent *O HAHA* 1 me and 1 Russian, that's all if you didn't add someone else *O HAHA* You are so active on social media apps, or another comminucate apps so i would not be shocked if you talk with another guy.) I mean, for example, you telling me that " i have to be vaccined for college ", are you telling that to another 3 guy/+3 guy? Yeah i will be curious about that too. I'm not good at talking with 3-4 girl. And don't have time too, you know. Even i have the time, i still couldn't do it i guess. It's not an easy thing, CONGRATSS NIKA!!! **GÜLEN KEDİ**

Btw, i wish you know why i typed the date i write this. )) It's about the text with 19,999 character but not a big deal so fuck it. And don't underestimate 19,999.. i will tell you how much character is this text when it done. I think it's around 3,300 character now, or 4000. Just imagine a lot of big long texts with 3000 character. The text with +19,999 character were like that way.

**************** 14 December 17:54************* (CHECK THE TIME!! ITS AN ADDED TEXT)*************

30 min ago i told you that on Snapchat, i'm writing about a subject, i already wrote it at night but i'm gonna add something more now. It was this text what i meant. At morning when i went to sleep i realized there is more i want to tell. I noted what i'm gonna write since i wake up. And now i'm gonna write what i noted.
You already readed some edited parts, i marked it with " +-+-+-+ " I will tell you the number of characters it reached after i stop editing. Btw, you can translate this text by Google Translate, BUT it's gonna translate very suck. That's why i prefer you to read it by my words. Not with translate on Russian. If you tired, you can keep reading this text whenever you want. Just translate the little parts you don't understand. I don't want you to translate the most of the text.

I guess i'm writing last things i want to say, i'm very sleepy and tired. It's 5 am right now, i had a small break. I can't wait to sleep 2 more hours.. I have to be quick to finish this text and go to bed.

Even though our conversation is over in short time, i'm glad to spend my free/unfree time on you. With spamming message or preparing all of the texts.. I don't regret it and don't think it's time waste. You know how time is important for me.

I realized i'm doing MAAANNNYY mistake even it's small when i texting in English. Talking with you is made me realize it, thank you for that. I'm more careful now, i hope i don't have any mistake at this text.
I got a lot of good things with talking with you. I'm not gonna think all of these good things and write, just trust me like old days. I got good things. For example, remember the being a positive guy, stop myself on jealousy..)) I can say that 2 good thing without even need to think ))
But.. I'm also glad i didn't talk to you about sprits. It was very private for my friend and i would feel like i betrayed to him, especially after we stop comminucate with you, i would feel x2 dumb, x2 ass, x2 betrayer..

Last part of the texts... It's almost end..

Well, as you can understand, i will directly delete Snapchat and VK. Accounts will stay, especially VK account will stay. I won't delete it, already didn't create it for you. I will log out from browser and delete the app on phone. I would like to celebrate your birthday at 7 May, so i will log in to account at 7 May to celebrate your birthday. And after 1 month 13 day,(17 June) i will go to exam.. I hope i will get what i wanted. I will still use my Tiktok account with the gif. I don't want to change it. You can unf me if you want, it's ok. And... For the HelloTalk account. I'm talking to a person, it will not be long, maybe today or tomorrow we stop it. We talking for a few days and i didn't want to talk that long, i just don't have energy to talk someone anymore. And no, i'm not texting long or spamming like i did to you. I didn't send anyone long texts or many messages except you. So probably, till 23 December, we will stop talking. I need to consider about if i want to delete my HelloTalk account or not.. There are our messages.... even you don't really care.. And i want it to keep as a memory. I really don't have any idea. Maybe i will had a decision till 23 December.

Well.. You were really a pleasant and good friend. I don't wanna compliment to you as i said before because it will mean nothing for you, you already having compliment from guys every fucking day. Compliments = Just normal words for you. So not need to. But i want to do a bit.. this is the last text anyway. Whatever, i will not try to break my promise to you even we stop communicating and i will not change my routine things i got from you, like wake up with GUMA as alarm music. You were a good motivation source for me, that's why i don't think i will forget you even you forget me *GÜLEN KEDİ* I know you will talk with a lot of guy afer me, im not first and will not be last. And that's why its not really very hard to forget me. *GÜLEN KEDİ* It's ok, you are intelligent so try not to forget me until 7 May *SİNİRLİ EMOJİ* I WILL MISS RUSSIAN LAUGH VERY MUCH!! I would like to use parentheses Russian laugh everywhere but unfortunately people will think i'm stupid or don't have " : " on my keyboard so.. yeah i will miss it. Btw, there is one more thing i want to admit, no it's not about i fall in love to you *YANDAN GÜLME, i don't have a feeling to you like that, i will remember you as a nice friend. I will not tell you the thing i want to admit. I will keep it to myself **KALPLİ EMOJİ*

Okay last sentences.. Now i will talk so egoist/egoistic. I'm the one of the best rarely turkish. turkish people %95 is stupid,dumb and i'm one of the remaining %5 *SMİRK* I have a feeling when you come to turkey you will be together with some turkish guys, because you want me to angry even i don't know. If you have a intend to do it... DON'T ! i will get my revenge in otherworld, i swear!! God.. My reaction here was so funny. Wish we meet on different ways. Like i born in Magadan.. I hate turkish people and they don't deserve you. Go find a Arab, they are rich and maybe "a bit" better than turkish *CAT LAUGHİNGS* If you go into a interview like you had before,(like glove, on tiktok) and they want you to tell something you know in turkey/turkish, tell them that " i had a turkish friend he was ass. even he was ass i used to like him once. turkey and turkish people are suck "

Anyways, that is all i want to say. It's 6 am. Lol maybe you will not believe me but it's really 6 am and it was 5 am. It wasn't even 6.01 am or 5:11 am. Directly 5 and 6 am.

Thanks you for everything, now i will sleep 1:30 hour which means weather is gonna be light. And i will answer your message, i hope you didn't wrote me a mad message. If you telling fuck you Gokhie right now, (wait.. you not telling me Gokhie, why i still don't know.. another ignored question is this..) then don't!! :(

Love yaaaaa, alwayssssssssssssssssssss, take care of yourself!

And there is 9852 character in this text.. Wow.. With these words its 9900 probably *GÜLEN SU ÇIKAN EMOJİ Yeah sorry for long text. That is the last.

sninle iletişimi bırakmayı ne kadar istemesemde

nie cagirirsinki knsmak istemesn belki seni sevdigimi dusundugun icin beni kirmk istemedin

bana inat trlerle birlkte olcn ama ing bilenini blmak zor telefonumda şifremi ingilizce yaptim aslinda çok kolay bir kelime ama hicbir arkadasim tahmin bile edemedi, ipucu vermeme ragmen english level of tr even worser than russia
ve şu mal turkler-suriyeliler-afganlardan uzak dur, kimseye guvenme bunlar ruslardan daha farklı kisiliklere sahip, her gün kadın tecavuzu/öldurulusu ile uyanmak yoruldum. bugun yani 14de bir kadina asansorde tecavuz edilip tekmelemiş bir çocuk. oxellikle geceleri disari cikma veya 1 adam ile brlikte asansore binme
at last days of august, i will go into vk and ask you if you back to ru. idk how many days you will stay at turkey, antalya/istanbul(???) i guess antalya.
now i will tell you a bad and a good thing about turkey and turks, killi dik kötüsü
ama iyi haber ruble tl kur

maybe because unanswered messages, maybe im having hard times to telling anymore, because of mental tired

anirim aramizdaki saat farki ve benim sana spam olarak mesaj atmam konusmamizi bu kadar ileriye taş8d8 talking with someone met by online, its too hard to find something to talk

herhangi bir konuda yardima ihtiyacin olursan veya sıkıl8rsan, tiktokdan yazabilirsin. veya meaeka eger trye gelirsen ve herhangi bir uardima ihtiyacin olursa mesela ornek olarak bir sey alacaksin ve o seyin fiyatini sorsan sana yuksek soyleyecegini dusunyorsun, give the phone to that old idiot and i will ask you for you 🤪😜🤪
i wll be glad to help you at anything

polonyadan bahset polonya unide erasmus ve rusyaya kesin gelicem duygusal olsun diye magadan
maybe i see tesadufen you or somewhere your placecunku rusyaya ve rus insanalrina curious gelecek 4 yil icinde senin disinda baska jizla online konusmayacam derken ciddiydim. ayni konularin tekrarlamasini istemiyorum, bu çok sikici, farkettiysen son zamanlarda konulsr tekrarliyor aramizda. eger ispanyolca/lehce ögrenmeye baslamazsam baska kizla konusmiyicam. almanca ogrenmeye baslarsam zaten hollandali arkadasimla konusabilirim.. sanmiyorum baska bi kixla almanca konusacagimi

SON TEXTE SON CUMLELERE ÖVME KISMI HERALDE ins zor zamanlarinda amerikanlardan daha cok destek olabilmisimdir umarim hepsini okumussundur ve sovmemissimdir suka you talked too much you suka blyat 😹

i didnt want this is a love story of highschool teenagers but i think it is 🤣🤣

promise you will be the best law in the world)
sevgilerimle your old and best turkish friend and probably en cok onemseyen online ffriend

GALİBA MAYBE KISMININ ORDA bu texti yazmak yeni alinmis bi karar deil onceden alinmis, eger konusmak istemiyosan konusmaylaim yazmayi dusunmustum defalarca.(btw my dutch friend demisti, onunla buyuk bir ortak konumux var, futbol.. bu yuxden onunla daima konusabiliyoruz konu her zaman oluyor.) cunku konusmak istemedigini dusunuyordum, ozelliklede gec crvaplarindan dolayi ama snapchata gectikten sonra sen gec yazmayi biraktin, ben telefonla zaman gecirmedigimdn dolayi yazamiyordum. ne kadar yazmayi dusunsemde sonra yazdigin mesajlar bana her seyi unutturuyordu, simdi cesaretimi topladim ve sonunda yazdim. tek yapmam gereken şey sana bu texti yollayacak cesareti bulmak

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