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Stranger: hi
Male Lonely : Hi
Male Lonely : How r u
Stranger: doing fine
Male Lonely : Good
Stranger: are you lonely like want a friend or are you lonely horny
Male Lonely : I live alone
Male Lonely : Lonely horny too lol
Stranger: lol how old are you
Stranger: dang i couldn't live alone
Male Lonely : 43 hope my age doesnt bother you
Male Lonely : Yeah it suckd
Male Lonely : Sucks
Stranger: nah we can chat normally
Male Lonely : Thx
Male Lonely : How old r u
Stranger: i'm 17 hahaha
Male Lonely : Cool
Stranger: i got on because i ws bored
Male Lonely : Awww me too
Male Lonely : Im Jim and you
Stranger: lyn
Male Lonely : Nice to meet you Lyn
Male Lonely : Where r u from
Stranger: did you come here for a specific purpose or just for no reason
Stranger: i'm from austraila
Stranger: australia
Male Lonely : Bored looking to chat
Male Lonely : Cool USA here
Stranger: how's life
Stranger: are you married
Male Lonely : Im good
Stranger: wait you said you live alnoe
Male Lonely : Divorced here 2 yrs ago
Stranger: aww
Male Lonely : Yeah
Stranger: how do you feel about her now
Male Lonely : Thx
Stranger: do you miss her or you want a new love
Male Lonely : Shes a bitch lol caught her cheating on me
Stranger: dangg
Stranger: well she sucks
Male Lonely : Yeah sucked
Male Lonely : Thx
Male Lonely : Are you single?
Stranger: nah i have a bf
Stranger: i think we're drifting apart tho
Male Lonely : He is a lucky guy
Male Lonely : Awww sorry to hear that
Male Lonely : His loss you seem very sweet
Stranger: thx
Male Lonely : Welcome
Male Lonely : I bet you look amazing too
Stranger: not really lolol
Stranger: i'd say im average looking
Male Lonely : Oh dont say that
Male Lonely : I bet you are very pretty
Stranger: ty lol
Male Lonely : Welcome
Male Lonely : Im no model trust me lol
Male Lonely : But I do try to stay in shape lol
Stranger: what are your life goals now
Male Lonely : Been looking around no luck yet
Male Lonely : Covid hasnt helped any lol
Stranger: fr
Male Lonely : Yeah
Stranger: what does it feel like being in your 40s
Stranger: it seems so far to me
Stranger: i worry i'll waste my 20s
Male Lonely : Gets lonely sometimes
Male Lonely : Awww no you wont
Male Lonely : You are very sweet
Male Lonely : What time is it there now
Stranger: around noon
Male Lonely : Cool
Male Lonely : 7:53 pm here
Stranger: also no offense but are you a pedo or just trying to be nice
Male Lonely : Im no pedo hun
Stranger: HAHAH
Stranger: ill take ur word
Male Lonely : Thx
Stranger: what wouldu do
Stranger: if u could be my age again
Stranger: do u have any advice for younger people lol
Male Lonely : Find the perfect girl for Mr someone who is my best friend first
Male Lonely : Me not Mr
Male Lonely : Someone that loves me as much as I love her
Stranger: ah yeah
Male Lonely : Yeah
Stranger: im sorry ur wife did that to u
Stranger: u didnt deserve it
Male Lonely : Exactly
Male Lonely : Awww thank you hun
Stranger: what do you work as
Male Lonely : Things happen Ive moved on
Male Lonely : I sell cars
Stranger: oh
Stranger: do u happen to have kids
Male Lonely : Yeah
Male Lonely : No
Stranger: do you want some
Male Lonely : Never had any kids
Male Lonely : Yes always wanted one
Male Lonely : Lol
Male Lonely : She couldnt have kids
Male Lonely : She had uterus cancer
Stranger: oooof
Male Lonely : Yeah sucked
Stranger: lol idk if this helps but
Links is not allowed!
Stranger: wait aww
Stranger: i can't send links
Male Lonely : Yeah sucks
Stranger: its an article called the best dating advice for finding love after 40
Stranger: lol
Male Lonely : Try doing it with spaces between a few letters lol
Stranger: my math teacher divorced but she's happily married to another teacher now lol
Stranger: im sure u can find someone
Male Lonely : Awwww thank you
Stranger: before i had a bf i went through phase of being annoyed that i don't have one but i guess just focused on self improvement first
Male Lonely : Cool
Male Lonely : Well I think you are very sweet
Stranger: thank u
Male Lonely : Welcome
Stranger: it's cool how we interacted like this
Stranger: if we ever meet in real life we would never know each other
Male Lonely : Hope I wasnt being too forward earlier was just trying to picture you in my head lol
Male Lonely : Yes it is
Male Lonely : What do you like to do for fun
Stranger: mm nothing much im boring
Stranger: i like drawing and i drew snice i was little but I've never been good at it
Male Lonely : Oh dont say that
Stranger: and i read books sometimes but don't have time lately bc of school
Male Lonely : Cool
Male Lonely : I like to camp hike and swim
Male Lonely : Love the outdoors
Stranger: outdoors is fun
Stranger: too bad covid is preventing that smh
Male Lonely : Yeah
Male Lonely : Yeah I know it sicks
Male Lonely : Sucks
Stranger: lol
Male Lonely : Lol
Stranger: hopefully u are a normal person
Male Lonely : I think I am lol
Stranger: i guess after we stop talking we could stay in touch and occasionally life update from halfway around the world
Stranger: but im scared to do that cause random stranger after all
Male Lonely : I understand that
Male Lonely : So wierd people out there lol
Male Lonely : Some
Stranger: yeah
Male Lonely : Yeah
Stranger: do you have any passion or goals in life that you want to work to
Stranger: or are you happy with your hobbies and just hope to find love?
Stranger: and live kind of like this until the end
Male Lonely : Im happy with my hobbies love to find someone I can share my life with and travel with
Male Lonely : Tired of being alone
Male Lonely : And I do miss cuddling lol hope that wasnt being too forward lol
Stranger: thats fine
Stranger: yeah u do deserve someone like that ;-;
Stranger: u would make a good dad i think
Stranger: have u considered adopting
Stranger: if it doesnt work out like biologically
Male Lonely : Tried cant adopt here as a single male
Stranger: ???? what kind of law is that
Stranger: the US doesn't let men adopt children?
Male Lonely : I have no idea stupid
Stranger: bruh ._.
Male Lonely : My state wont as a single male
Stranger: what state are you in
Male Lonely : Oklahoma
Male Lonely has disconnected.

(im busy so i have to )
was typing while he left smh
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