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Haven Hotel & Resorts Training Guide
Host and Co-Host’s lines.
Host: Hello and welcome to Haven Hotel & Resorts training center! I am (nickname/user) and I will be your host for today. If you have any questions before we start Rules & Regulations please say !PTS and one of our amazing employees will come and answer your question.
Host: Now that all questions have been answered, me and my Co-Host will now be stating the Rules and Regulations.
Host: -Rules- While being interviewed grammar is required because it boosts your chances of passing and shows professionalism.
Host: -Rules- Punctuation is also a requirement because it shows professionalism and makes your answers easier to understand.
Host: -Rules- You must be respectful at all times, it doesn’t matter if somebody is a different rank, it is still a requirement. Being disrespectful will decrease your chances of passing.
Host: -Rules- Trolling during trainings is not allowed and will result in warnings and possibly a kick.
Host: Now that we have finished with the rules, it is now time to move onto regulations. While regulations are being stated all trainers should move to their areas and prepare. My Co-Host will be taking over now.
Co-Host: -Regulations- Once your trainer has teleported you please follow their instructions and do what you are told, not following the regulations will result in 2 warnings then a kick.
Co-Host: -Regulations- While you are in your training area you should be paying close attention to your trainer to ensure that you don’t miss anything important.
Co-Host: Your trainers will now teleport you to your training area. Me and the host wish you the best of luck with your training.
Trainer’s lines.
Trainer: Hello! I am your trainer and I will be training you today. Before we start the questions are there any questions that need to be answered?
Trainer: Now that we have finished with questions we will now be moving onto the questions.
Trainer: -Question 1- Why should you work here? (3+ sentence requirement.)
Trainer: -Question 2- Why should we hire you over others? (3+ sentence requirement.)
Trainer: -Question 3- How active are you on a scale of 1 to 10? (I to IO for people with safechat.)
Trainer: -Question 4- How can you benefit this group?
Trainer: -Question 5- How can we teach you new skills?
Trainer: We are now done with the questions, we are now moving onto the greeting test and the trollers test. I will give you 3 minutes to type your greeting, if you finish early please tell me and if everyone finishes early we will move on.
Trainer: -Test 1- The time is up! Please state your greeting. (Only say the first part if everyone finished once the timer finished)
Trainer: -Test 2- We will now be moving onto the troller test! I will give you 2 minutes to get your greeting ready again for this test, if everyone gets their greeting ready before the timer finishes we will move on.
The trainer will “troll” and see how the trainee reacts. Keep in mind that if they receive 2 warnings then you would call a MR+ or if you are a MR+ you would kick them, you can also tell the trainee that as well.
Trainer: We have now completed the training! Please give me a moment as I name the passers.
Once you decide who passed you would name them and tell them the reasons they passed, I will write that below.
Trainer: Congratulations! You have passed the training because you have had detailed answers to the questions and have dealt with the trolling test perfectly. Please wait as the ranker ranks you.
Trainer: Congratulations! You have passed due to excellent grammar and punctuation and dealt with the trolling test perfectly. Please wait as the ranker ranks you.
If they fail, you may use one of the options below.
I am terribly sorry, but you have failed due to lack of grammar and punctuation. You may always attend a training some other time and try to correct your mistakes. You are dismissed. (Then you would kick them stating the reason why.)
I am terribly sorry, but you have failed due to lack of details upon your answers. You may always attend a training some other time and try to correct your mistakes. You are dismissed. (Then you would kick them stating the reason why.)
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Regards; Team

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