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Keep Your Cat Happy By Following These Pointers!
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Do you want a pet that is quick and nimble, with a bright mind and a fun personality? These are just some of the characteristics of a cat. However, it is not always easy, so keep reading. In this article, you'll find plenty of great advice that will make you a far more responsible cat owner. You should keep reading to make sure you are properly taking care of your cat.

Develop a warm bed for an outdoor or feral cat by lining a banana box with a thick layer of newspaper. Cut a bit of Mylar to fit the bottom of the box. Put another layer of newspaper on top. Add a warm blanket. Place the complete box in the dog house or under a porch where it can't get wet.

Cats want to play so make sure that you provide them with lots of toys. Cats enjoy batting around a fake mouse or little ball round the room. Some cats even create a favorite toy. Playing with your cat isn't just fun, it helps them to get exercise too.

If you absolutely must bathe a cat, set everything up beforehand. Set up two tubs large enough to dunk a cat. Fill them with comfortably hot water. Set your open bottle of cat shampoo, a heavy towel, and a secure pet carrier close by. Wear heavy rubber gloves. Grasp your cat by the scruff of the neck. Dunk, shampoo and scrub quickly in a single tub. Dunk to rinse in the next tub. Wrap the cat securely in the towel and place in the carrier to dry.

If your cat takes all of the ornaments off the Christmas tree, don't fight it. Begin collecting attractive cat toys and unbreakable ornaments to decorate the tree next year. Be certain never to decorate with potentially dangerous items like tinsel and garlands. Tinsel is a choking hazard for cats and garlands can cause strangulation.

Do not feed your cat any sort of human food that contains bones in it. When you are giving your cat chicken or fish, make sure you remove the bones beforehand to prevent a choking hazard. Chop the meals that you serve into small bits to make it easier to digest for the cat.

Make certain you have a good tablecloth for the kitten. Lots of time cats will need their food from their bowls to consume it on the food bowl's side. Sometimes, this results in food beyond your bowl that you have to clean up. A simpler solution to do this is by getting a place-mat and placing it under their bowl. You can even cut some fabric to create a tablecloth which can be lifted, washed, or shaken over a trash can.

Who says only dogs can do tricks? Cats have become intelligent and have the ability to learn as well, especially as young kittens. Some people train their cats to play fetch exactly like dogs do. You can find even those who have successfully trained their cat to employ a regular toilet, instead of a litter box.

Have patience with your cat. Understand that your cat is not your dog, and could not be as easily trainable as you. However, should you be being clear in your commands and gently encouraging them, viewers your cat responds how you want him to. You need to be patient.

Frequent or misdirected urination may warrant a trip to your vet's office. It could be an indication of a significant health problem. Antibiotics will often do the trick if it's an infection.

Does it feel like your home is overrun together with your cat's hair? Cats are known for shedding, so good grooming habits are a must. When you see them shedding more than normal, that's a excellent time to brush them. This keeps the coat from matting, too.

If you suspect that your cat is pregnant, make an appointment with the vet once you can to make certain that is really the case. There are a few serious illnesses that can mimic pregnancy, so you want to make sure that none of the has affected your cat.

If your cat is preparing to give birth, give her a location to do it in that has a lot of space. The birth of the kittens will need approximately four hours, so use a little patience. Once 6 hours have passed, if all of the kittens have not been delivered you need to seek the help of a vet.

After reading this article, you have some ideas that you can put into practice. This will make you an amazing cat parent. You now have the proper tools to care for your kitty. Ensure you utilize these tips.
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