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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild will have two endings

I hate it when that happens, but the truth is, the closer to the release of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the more I’m excited about this game. The idea of having a more open world to explore and an even greater focus on RPG elements has it all to make this chapter the best of the series, and with each game information disclosed it feels more interesting.

The last one concerns the outcome of Link’s new adventure, as according to Eiji Aonuma, depending on what we do during the game, we’ll be able to see an alternative ending. The producer did not provide details on the criteria we will have to meet to advance to the second finals, but made it clear that the mission would not be very simple.

Another detail mentioned by the Japanese concerns Epona, which he confirmed will be in Breath of the Wild. However, Aonuma simply said he wouldn’t reveal where we might find her or what that might mean, again implying that the game would be full of mysteries.

Speaking of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, recently I even made a post showing videos comparing versions for Switch and Wii U, but I think it’s worth mentioning what has officially confirmed Nintendo. Cash registers:

both games will be released on the same day, March 3;
both will run at the same frame rate, 30fps;
both versions will provide the same content;
on TV, the Nintendo Switch version will run at 900p, while the Wii U version will run at 720p;
the Nintendo Switch version will have better ambient sound quality. So the sound effects of footsteps, water, grass etc will be more realistic;
physical copying to the Wii U will require the installation of 3 GB, either in the console’s internal memory or on an external drive;
some icons, such as on-screen buttons, will differ depending on the version;
there will be no Deluxe Edition or Master Edition for the Wii U;

So I think that on both the Wii U and the Switch the experience will be equally fascinating, but maybe that’s just my expectation speaking (too) loud.

Source: DualShockers.

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