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Final Fantasy minigames

Since Dori Prata talks so much about Winning Eleven, I also want to get some gaming sardines that I really liked. One of them is the famous Final Fantasy series. I’m sure most have had contact with this series. But it’s not really directly about the game I want to talk about, I leave it to Rodrigo Flausino and his posts on the latest version of the game. I want to highlight the mini-games in the series. But what is a mini-game?

The mini-games are casual toys (in quotation marks as the definition of casual is quite questionable) in larger games, in this case a large RPG like Final Fantasy. Let’s move on to the list of mini-games from this famous series:

Final Fantasy XII:

I am suspicious of the fact that I did not play the latest version of Final Fantasy for the Playstation 2. There was a game mode in which you have to hunt special monsters in the game and thus complete missions. With each hunt you do, you earn more points and rewards, and your “hunter level” increases.

Final Fantasy Tactics:

In the 1998 version of PsOne, your group had a side mission mode. The player can come to the bar and view the available missions, accept them or not and recruit some of their soldiers from their team to complete them. These soldiers are not available for use on mission days. When the player returned to the bar, he was awarded a reward if the mission was successful or nothing (and lost money) if his troops had failed.

Final Fantasy X:

The game of choice was Blitzball, a water polo at the bottom of the water. I played a lot of Final Fantasy X but I admit I didn’t have many balls to play Blitzball. The game is in real time but all the time it is a game to do some option. Like trying to dribble an opponent, passing the ball to a teammate or kicking the goal. There are also some special moves like the Ball Shot which is nothing but the bike kick that Tidus has.

Final Fantasy VII:

There are some special situations in Final Fantasy VII, such as when Cloud and his gang are fleeing the streets of Midgard and the player is playing a game where he controls Cloud on a motorcycle. Then we got to the arcade town (Gold Saucer). Lots of other games comes out like snowboarding (I ended up on this trial time trying to beat the little ghost), another version of the motorcycle game, the submarine game and the fighting game similar to the luxury stone-paper-scissors game, you choose the move and depending on the movement chosen by the enemy, you either hit him or bind him or catch him.

Final Fantasy IX:

With the success of the Triple Triad (take it easy, I’m talking about it) from Final Fantasy VIII. In Final Fantasy IX, they invented the Tetra Master. It is a card game played between two players on a 4 x 4 (16) position board where the player must place his cards and try to “touch”. The cards represent the monsters in the game. The act of flipping a card means that the opponent’s card on the table becomes yours when it is turned over. The winner is the one who has the most “patched” cards. To understand it better, watch the video.

Final Fantasy VIII, the best mini-game ever:

Triple Triad, the best mini-game of all FFs. It was the damn game (in a good sense) that allowed me to exceed 100 hours of play, surely more than half of collecting cards.

The game is very similar to the one described above. But this one has a board with 9 positions (3×3) and each card has 4 strength points. One representing up, one representing down, left and right.

Suppose your opponent has placed a card with a strength of “6 down” on the board, and you have placed a card with a strength of “9 up” underneath it. These cards collide. 9 is greater than 6 (duh), so this card “turns” for you. At the end of the game, the winner is the one with the most “patched” cards. There are also a number of other, more complex rules. Also see the video of this game below.

If you know more mini-games that I forgot, or know any mini-games from another game, please, comments are there!

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