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Where To Donate Clothes
If you're looking for a great place to donate clothes to charity, then Planet Aid is a great place to start. They have stores across the country and even have warehouse space in New Jersey that is used to store clothes that has been discarded by businesses. They also work closely with other local charities to get the clothes they receive off their feet. These charities are very grateful for the help and support they receive from Planet Aid.

Another place to turn to when looking for clothing donations is your local Goodwill or Salvation Army stores. Both of these organizations will accept clothing and household items and baby goods, toys and gently used furniture. They have places set up at their facilities to either sell these items to you or to take them to their various shelters to be resold. For all of their hard work, Goodwill receives huge donations of new clothing from people like you and me, and they do their best to sort out any problem that comes up.

Last, but certainly not least, there's the old school, mom and pop type of charities. Most of these will still accept gently used toys, children's clothing and other miscellaneous items. Many of these organizations will also accept gently used household appliances such as stoves, refrigerators and washing machines. They do their part to save our planet, so why not donate your gently used things? Your donation will go a long way toward helping our less fortunate sisters and brothers.

There are many other ways to go about finding a place to donate clothes and other items to charity. One easy way is to simply use your local newspaper to find your local charities. All major cities will have a listing of charities that will accept your donation. Just make sure that when you do donate clothes, it is to the actual charity of your choosing.

Some of the best places to donate your gently used clothes would be your local thrift stores. You might think that these places are just for the poor, but the truth is, all types of people frequent the thrift stores. fulfillment include middle class families as well as those that are middle and upper class. These are some of the most generous places to turn to when you need to get rid of your used clothing. Many clothing and household goods businesses donate their gently used items at no cost to anyone. In fact, many businesses will help pick out what you donate to them so they can sort it out and ship it out to the various charities that are accepting it.

Another great place to turn to when you need to know where to donate clothes to is a Goodwill store. This type of place is not only very generous when it comes to gently used clothing items, but they also do just about everything else that you can think of to help you get rid of unwanted or unused items. The majority of Goodwill stores accept donations of practically anything, including household goods, shoes, furniture and practically anything else. Many Goodwill members go on to volunteer in schools, orphanages and even churches, so they do have an excellent interest in seeing that your gently used clothing items make it to a good place. fulfillment offer a huge discount on whatever they receive from a particular item, so you can pretty much save a lot of money on your clothing items when you decide to donate them to Goodwill.

If you really want to know where to donate clothes to, you should make sure to find out if any large clothing items from stores in your area participate in any kind of local or national organization that supports charities. There are some really great ones out there, and some of them (such as the American Red Cross) actually have stores locally or they run very large programs. It would not hurt to give them a call and find out if they are accepting your gently used items, because chances are, they probably will. Not only will this help you with your search, but you may even be able to purchase the clothing items that you have been wanting with the money that you will save by donating your gently used items.

You also need to understand that you have a number of different options when it comes to how you are going to go about donating your gently used clothing and other items to Goodwill. One way that you could go about this is by having a garage sale. You can have a block party where everyone comes and puts their items in a garage sale, then you will get a percentage of the money whenever someone buys something. Another option would be to set up a table in the mall or a public place where people can go and shop for gently used clothing and then turn around and sell all of the clothes that they get to you. Finding out what kind of clothes can be donated to Goodwill is one of the easiest jobs in the world, and it will really pay off if you know where to go with your research.
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