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Cat Care Tips You Don't Want To Miss
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Owning a cat could be be very rewarding. They make very comforting pets. However, gleam lot of hard work that goes into being a cat owner. The article below has some great tips on how you can take proper care of your cat. Continue reading and learn.

Choose a high quality food. The key to a healthy cat starts with nutrition. Take a look at the ingredients label. If you look at most "popular" commercial cat foods, you might be surprised to see the top ingredient listed is corn. Cats are carnivores, so search for a food with a real meat as the top ingredient. You may pay more in advance, but these foods tend to be more nutritionally dense, meaning your cat eats less and the bag lasts longer.

Get yourself a pet water fountain. Cats can be susceptible to dehydration, and running water entices them to drink. It really is an evolutionary habit that developed because in the wild, running water is less likely to be contaminated than a stagnant pool. Your pet will enjoy the water more, and will drink more often.

Your cat might not come running once you call, but most cats enjoy cuddling on their terms and time. Cats want to have their heads and backs pet. Not all cats like their tummies rubbed so be careful. Spending quality time together with your cat can make lasting memories to check back on someday.

Usually do not feed your cat any sort of human food which has bones in it. When you are giving your cat chicken or fish, make sure you remove the bones beforehand to avoid a choking hazard. Chop the meals that you serve into small bits to make it easier to digest for your cat.

Cats are pretty zero-maintenance pets. They do not need just as much attention and one-on-one time as dogs do. Cleaning the litter box is probably the most dreaded chores in the house. Purchasing a good self-cleaning litter box can help reduce the amount of times you have to clean it out.

Do you have more than one cat? If so, you then should have more than one litter box aswell. Having one for each of one's cats will give them multiple spots to go. If the odor gets too much you can add just a little baking soda to the litter to freshen it up.

Since there is nothing wrong with using clumping cat litter for older felines, you should stick with sandy litter when dealing with kittens. The clumping litters are often treated with all sorts of chemicals that could nto be safe for smaller cats. Once they are older, you ought to be in a position to make the switch without issue.

A kitty door is a great way to allow your cat to go in and out, without any help from you. You can even use kitty doors on doors inside your home. This can be great if you have a dog or small children, to keep them out from the room with the litter box.

Whenever a dog wags its tail, associated with because it is happy for reasons uknown. Cats move their tails for an extremely different reason. Whenever a cat is wagging its tail, it's actually feeling threatened and mulling over the classic question of fight or flight. When you are petting your cat and its tail begins to wag vigorously, stay away from the cat. It may be ready to attack you.

You may use certain scents to discourage your cat from entering certain areas of your house. Aloe gel, citrus peels, and citrus juices smell wonderful to us, but cats don't feel the same manner. Soak a cotton ball in another of these liquids, then stick it on top of a bit of foil to prevent the liquid from staining your surface. Place the foil and cotton ball near the off-limits area.

As was mentioned in the beginning of this article, there are many benefits to running a cat for a pet. However, if you wish your cat to live a long and healthy life, you need to take care of it. Be sure and use the tips mentioned so that your cat remains happy and healthy.
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