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Perle | Training Guide

This Guide will help inform you on how to successfully perform a Training Session, as well as general information and the basic layout. They must be conducted with the best of knowledge, ensuring that you will have success and that the Group will be portrayed in a professional manner.
This Guide will be in three Sections: Before the Session, During the Session, and After the Session. This will help explain when to do certain things in order to correctly execute a Session.

Roles Within the Training
Customers may not attend the Session, and if they attempt to join, they will be kicked.
Trainee through Senior Barista may Train for the following Rank, up through Head Barista.
Intern and above may officially Spectate.
Executive Board and above may Oversee.
Crew Trainer through Public Relations Officer may Train (NOTE: If you are a higher Rank than those, then you must choose a different Role).
Executive Board through Group Owner may Host a Session.

Before the Session

Host Guide:
1 | Before you start, you need to check that there are no Session that have been Hosted in the last half hour. If there have been any, then please wait until the half hour time limit is up.

2 | You will need to post on the Group Shout that you are Hosting a Session. Please make sure to include your timezone (MST, EST, etc.), the time you are starting, and your name (either your nickname username or actual username is fine). If you would like, you can also add a nice note with it. If, there are tags in your Shout, then you must fix them immediately for clarification.

3 | Stay in-game while you waiting for the starting time. Take this time to answer questions that anyone has and to help everyone get in their positions. Also, make sure that everyone has the guide (staff).

Trainers Guide:
1 | Take this time to assist any Customers who have questions. When there is no one who has a question, then please stand on your designated line.

During the Session

Host Section
When Trainers start to arrive, assign them to either Group A, B, or C. Make sure to tell them which Group you assign them, and name them accordingly.
Example: name bob Bob - Group A Trainer
Make sure that they STS on the appropriate line, which is the second one. If there is no room left, use btools to extend that line.

Once it is 15 minutes before the planned starting time, please use btools to remove the door in front of the Trainee welcome center (the brown building at the front).
Please s-lock (server lock) the Training Center 2 minutes before you start. Announce on the Group Shout that you have s-locked the server.

When you are starting, please say the following, using ' (do NOT say this in chat) as the prefix.

m We are now commencing, please stay seated and listen to the following.
m Greetings! I am [...] and I will be your Host for this Training Session. This Session will allow you to have a chance to rank up as well as gaining experience.
m Before we begin, we will need to go over the Rules that follow this Session.
m RULES || Please use at least a basic level of grammar while in the Training Center in order to advance in rank.
m RULES || Please respect your fellow coworkers, your Trainer, and anyone else you encounter.
m RULES || Any disrespectful behavior or any sort of abuse will result in a Termination from this Session.
m RULES || Professionalism is also needed in order to maintain a positive Group outlook and to better you through your career with us.
m Now, we will need you to line up on the appropriate STS (Shoulder to Shoulder) lines.
m If you are a Trainee, please line up on the red line (Group A).
m If you are a Barista, please line up on the orange line (Group B).
m If you are a Senior Barista, please line up on the yellow line (Group C).
m Trainers, please select 1-3 Trainees. Trainees, please stay patient while this process is happening.
After you see all Trainers with their Trainees and at a station, then please say the following:
m Does anyone have any questions?
Wait for Trainers to answer questions, and then proceed.

Check to make sure that all Trainers and Trainees are in their correct positions. After you confirm this, you may say the last message:
m Trainers, you may now begin the Training Section.

From this point on, you may spectate accordingly, until the Training Section is complete. Do not interfere with the Training unless it is essential. If needed, use "PM" to contact a Trainer.

After the Trainers are done, they will bring their Trainees to STS again, waiting until you Rank them accordingly. Wait until ALL groups finish, and then say the following:
m Congratulations Trainees, you have passed this Training Session and will be Ranked momentarily. Please be patient as I do so."

Rank the Trainees who have Passed, and then dismiss them as well as the Trainers.


Trainers/Training Section
After the Host assigns you a Group and you are named, then please STS on the appropriate line, which is the second. Answer any questions if a Trainee asks.
When the Host asks the Trainers to select their Trainees, go to the Group you were assigned and name 1-3 Trainees (depending on how many are in that Group and how many Trainers there are).
Example: name bob Bob - Group A Trainee
Next, lead your Trainees to the designated work area when the Host says to. Just look for the sign that matches your Group (A, B, or C). Make sure that they are all behind the counter.
Tell them to stand behind a counter and stay there.

After they are all situated, say the following:
"Greetings! My name is [NAME] and I will be your Trainer today. Before we begin, do you have any questions or concerns?

Answer any questions, and then move on. State the following:

Great! Now, this Session consists of four Sections: The greeting test, the ordering test, the knowledge test, and the trolling test.
We will start with the greeting test. Create a proper greeting, and state it when I come up to your counter.
Here's an example: "Hello! Welcome to Per-le Cafe. I will be serving you today. How may I help you?"
I will give you a moment to type your greeting and to copy and paste it into the chat (CTRL + C and CTRL + V).

Give them a moment to type, and then go up to each counter one by one and ask for their greeting. Make sure that they use grammar and have a nice, welcoming greeting.
If they have an adequate greeting, then they do not receive a strike. If the greeting fails to have grammar and/or is unprofessional, strike them by naming them:
Example: name bob Strike I

When you have tested all users, continue by saying the following:
That concludes Section I, which means it is now time to move on!
Section II is the knowledge test. I will private message you a series of questions, and you must answer them to best you can.

Use the command "pm [INSERT USER]" (don't include the ") to message users.
How many warnings do trollers receive?
How many warnings to exploiters receive, and how do you deal with them?
How do I become a MR?
How can I earn a Promotion?
Fix the following sentence: hi welcome to per-le my name is mack what wood u like
Fix the following sentence: i found exploiter what do i do?!

Strike a user if they incorrectly answered the question, and name them accordingly, as mentioned above. Make sure to explain what the correct answer is in a kind manner.

After everyone submits answers for all six questions, you may continue to the next Section. This is the dialogue:
That concludes Section II, which means it is now time to move on!
Section III is the ordering test. I will simulate a Customer, and you must make the order I choose.
All of the supplies you will need are behind you.
Give me the order by clicking "H" and then entering my username in the black bar.
Is everyone ready to begin?

Wait for everyone to respond, and once they do, go up to each user one at a time. Make up an order that is 3 or more items that is on the menu, and ask them for it.
Strike users if they give you the incorrect order and/or if they take up an unnecessary amount of time to prepare your order. Make sure to teach them how to make the correct order if they make it incorrectly.

When you are finished giving orders to everyone, you may continue to the final Section and say the following dialogue:
That concludes Section III of this Session! Let's move on to the last Section.
Section IV is the trolling test. I will come up to you simulating as a Customer, and you must respond as the Barista.
Is everyone ready to begin?

Wait for everyone to respond, and then go up to each person and act how you would as a troller. Use all capital letters, spam, and other troller acts. The Barista should first give you three verbal warnings, such as, "WI | [USER] | Trolling". Following this should be a pretend kick. If they kick you successfully, pretend that you were kicked.
Strike users if they fail to give three warnings before a kick, or something in that vicinity. Don't be too picky about it, though. Make sure to tell them the correct way to deal with trollers if they fail this Section.

When this Section concludes, move on to the last part of the Session, starting with saying the following:
That concludes all of the Sections in this Training!

Then, lead your passing Trainees back to the STS lines that matches your Group. Once everyone is on the line, say something such as this:
Congratulations! You have passed this Training Session. Shortly, you will be Ranked by the Host. Please remember to be patient. Goodbye!

If there are more Trainees who haven't been Trained in your assigned Group, then repeat the entire process again by starting with selecting 1-3 Trainees to Train.


After the Session

Host Section
After the Session, you must both announce on the Communications Server and on the Group Shout that the Session has concluded. Post something such as the following:
"The Training Session by [INSERT HOST USERNAME] has concluded! Congratulations to those who passed. Why not head down to the cafe for a nice drink to celebrate?"

After, you may shutdown the Training Center.

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Regards; Team

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