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The Ocean Cleanup is dedicated to removing all plastics from the oceans across the globe. To achieve thisgoal, our strategy is two-pronged: take it out of the waterways and rivers that drain into the ocean and extract remnants of waste out of the ocean.

However, we think it's equally crucial to eliminate the residual pollution that has accumulated in the oceans.

When people learn about the problem of ocean plastic pollution, the first reaction is to say, "Let’s just hire some boats and go clean it completely!" But those who are more interested in the issue often discover that the oceans can be huge and that it's likely to be simpler to keep plastic from getting into the oceans. We've been studying the issue for a long time, and now we are working to eliminate plastics from the oceans.

Why? Let me explain.


A million tonnes of pollution from plastics make their way into the oceans. Most of the plastic pollution comes from rivers. Most of this plastic only stays in the ocean for a limited time.

A significant amount of plastic floating is quickly absorbed by the sea and is discovered in about half of cases. Our analysis shows that within one month, more then 80percent of the debris floating on the water could end up being washed into the seas away from where it originated. Within a year, 97% could end up on land. In the present, it appears that only a tiny portion of the plastic pollution can escape the grips of the coastlines and reach the open ocean. However, we can expect that the waste to stay in the ocean for quite a while after it is able to get there.

Five areas of the oceans across the globe are home to plastic subtropical oceanic geodes. These are large circular currents that hold the floating waste within. This is where you'll find the five ocean garbage patches.

Ocean garbage patches are the planetary equivalent to the space in your living room where you left all the mess. The most polluted - and most studied of them is the notorious Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP) located between Hawaii and California. covers about 0.5 percent of the planet's ocean's surface, yet it is believed to hold more than half the plastic mass floating around the oceans.

How can I as an individual help The Ocean Cleanup

Thank you so much for your interest in The Ocean Cleanup. Many steps can be taken however some will require local recycling facilities. Here are some useful tips:

You can also plan shoreline, riverbank or land cleanups. It is possible that you will be able to find Facebook groups that support established initiatives in the area.

The reduction of your plastic waste is achievable by using an reusable water bottle, a reusable grocery bag as well as participating in DIY projects that reduce packaging.

Make sure you dispose of your trash in a proper manner

Reuse and recycle as often as you can

Use microfiber absorbers to wash synthetic clothes.

Help support the continuation of the cleanup through The Aquari Ocean Cleanup.

Help us financially by making the gift of a donation

Join The aquari's ocean cleanup team

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Regards; Team

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