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Automatic Sliding & Swing Gates
Auto Mate Systems Ltdsupply and install automaticsliding gatesacrossthe UK.They provide security againstboth vehicular and pedestrianintruders all day longandcan beoperated in conjunction with varioussecurity systems for access control, suchswipe cards, proximitycards, intercomsandradio transmitters.
Automated sliding gates are by far themostwidely used way to protectthe site with remote-controlledsurveillance cameras. So,forexample,the gate(s)can be operatedbya CCTV monitoring station inanother region in the country.
automatic gate Sliding gates are innatelysafe by design, as thegatefunctions like a sectionof fencing, which thenopens to allow access.Agates that slideis not equipped with athe naturalhinge(as the hingesontheswing gatedo) which means it can'tbeopened or rammedby a frontal force.
A sliding gateis operated usingdrives racking(steel barwithnylon or steel teeth carvedorweldedwith a bar) that is poweredby a motor which hasan identical geared cogcompatible to the teeth onthe driverack. It isessential to choosean appropriate motor that is poweredto fit tothe gate as well as one thatallows for the numberoffunctions thatthesliding gate is expectedtocarry outinonehour.Remember, sliding gatesnotspeedy devices If you experiencethe highest volume of traffic during shift's startand end times,it's worth considering keepinggates open duringbriefdurations or placingthe gateon a timer or controlledwith a specificaccess control system- pleasetalk withtheProjects team tofindan efficient and idealoption for your site.

Thechoice of the motordetermines theracking used in thesliding gate's manufacture. Nylontooth racking, nylon fittedto a steel arc ismainly used on domestic typegatesthat run silently. automatic sliding gate Mod4steel racking is employedto support gate motors that can be capable ofmovinga gate ofup to 2600 kilograms andMod6 steelracking is forgatesthat weigh more than that andup to 6000KG. Auto Mate Systems Ltd. can advise youwhich motor is the most appropriatesize, the racking size you need andcan store stock of any size.
Gliding gatescan be activated withvarious types of access controlequipment,likea digital keypadorremote fobs for radios,the proximity system or cardswap systems,biometricreader, photocell orinduction loop , and morerecently, using a mobile phoneconnection.
Whendeciding onwhat a gate should look likeit isessential that considerationis given to safety issues.We atAutomate Systems Ltd, wecan offer complete guidanceon all aspects to make surethat the idealgateis designed to meetthe requirements of your business, while also providingthe highest quality of supplyand installation. This includesforces testing afterthe commissioning.
C Sliding gates with trackare based on a tracklaid into the road.The gate is constructed withan extremely strong beam at thebase of the gatein which aretwowheels bearing.They are fixed tothe rail, which allowsan extremely heavygate tomove back andforwards easily. Thisgives the possibility forthe gate design to bebigger and stronger, which allowsthe gate spans to beat 12 metres or more,and heights that exceed2.4meters.This, when paired withthestrong support frame , orportals, creates astrong and securesliding gatesystem.
Thespace of clearance requiredfor a track-slidinggate issmaller thanwhat is required for asliding gate, becausethe area required for mounting theframe and the motor mightnotexceed onemetre.garage doorsThis will result in a totalrunback space ofgate's open area, in addition toan additional metre to accommodate thegate support and motor. Itis vitalto make sure that the running track isuniform and level.A slight slope willnotonly makethe motor toperform more than it shouldhave been intended to however, it could also poserisk to your safetyin the event that it is necessaryto operate the gate manually.These are the main aspectsassociated with a sliding gateour highly experienced engineerscan discuss with youwhilecreating your track-basedsliding gate.
We can offer:
Supply and installationof a fullyfunctionalandfully automatedsliding gate. A full 12-month warrantyforall installations. Different levels of maintenance contractsthat will meet your requirements(allat reasonable rates). A design solution toyourspecific site. Technical and diagrams oninstallations of cables for our devices. A list of the products you will needto help you with yourdesign of your building. To get a quoteon an automaticsliding gate system orjust get more details onoursliding gate systems that are automaticand other systemsyouareinterested in,contact us today.on the phone or fax
No matter whether it's a commercial,or residentialbuilding, ensuringsecurity isan absolute priorityfor every property owner.There must be essentialand appropriate security protocols installedat your property.
As gates are the principalpoints of entry and departure and exit, care must bepaid to their installation. Modernsliding doors for autoarethe most popular optionin a varietyofresidences.TheautoSliding DoororSensor Door Systemprovidercan assist you in findingtheappropriate type of gatefor your properties as perthe requirements of your budget.

Here are someadvantagesof installingauto sliding doorsandswing gates.

Automated gatesare in high demand worldwidedue to their simplicity.There is no needtoget out ofyourvehicleand open and close your gate.It will operatethroughsoftware programs.It is not necessarybe aware of closingthe gateeachwhenever you enterthe property.It will automatically shut oncethe vehicle arrives.

Ensure Higher Security
If you choose to havegreatersecurity,it is impossible to ignoremodern day technology. Auto Sliding Gate and Auto Swing Gatemanufactureandbuildthese gates with the helpof advanced technologies to ensurethe absolute security ofyour property and assets.Automated locks as well asintegrated safety beams are among the mostefficient features inthese gates.These gates are extremely secureoverstandard security features that require manual intervention.alternatives.

Enjoy More Durability
Modern sliding gatesare developed and designedfor use in environments that are subject to regularwear and tear.State-of-the-art technologies are appliedto ensure they are durableenough for longer-term use. They aredesigned to provide you withincredible functionality for the longestduration of time.
Enhance Visual Appeal
The gate is suitable for your homeproperty or a commercial one beautiful and elegant automaticsliding doorscan enhancethecurb appealof thesame.YourAuto Sliding Gate and Auto Swing Gate Manufacturercan build custom gatesthat are based on your designandsize preferences.
SRTEC Automation offers a widechoice of automated gates,sliding doors and other kindsofcommercial and industrialentrances. Weare able providetheright style, sizeanddesign as peryour choice. Our productswill ensurethe safety and security ofyourproperty.They're efficient, durable as well as stylish and reliable.
Please get in touch withusfor further information.

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