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On 21/03/2015, at 21:28, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> Hey Fahd :D
On 21/03/2015, at 21:28, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> Poo
On 21/03/2015, at 21:28, FahdQaiser wrote:
> Hey :D
On 21/03/2015, at 21:28, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> I don't have an acc though
On 21/03/2015, at 21:28, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> u know who I am?
On 21/03/2015, at 21:28, FahdQaiser wrote:
> hmm
> im not sure...
On 21/03/2015, at 21:28, FahdQaiser wrote:
> masterbuilder?
On 21/03/2015, at 21:28, Seif Shaddad wrote:
On 21/03/2015, at 21:29, FahdQaiser wrote:
> oh
> hmm
On 21/03/2015, at 21:29, FahdQaiser wrote:
> khaled?
On 21/03/2015, at 21:29, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> Noooo
On 21/03/2015, at 21:29, FahdQaiser wrote:
> am i way off?

On 21/03/2015, at 21:29, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> maybe
On 21/03/2015, at 21:30, FahdQaiser wrote:
> omg

On 21/03/2015, at 21:30, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> I am ur collab partner u idiot ;P
On 21/03/2015, at 21:30, FahdQaiser wrote:
> andrew?
On 21/03/2015, at 21:30, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> yea
On 21/03/2015, at 21:30, FahdQaiser wrote:
> omg oh yeah
> Wait
> Thats confusing
On 21/03/2015, at 21:30, FahdQaiser wrote:
> is your irl name andrew?

On 21/03/2015, at 21:31, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> Nop
On 21/03/2015, at 21:31, FahdQaiser wrote:
> Are you a muslim?
On 21/03/2015, at 21:32, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> I am indeed
On 21/03/2015, at 21:32, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> you have a problem with that sir?
On 21/03/2015, at 21:32, FahdQaiser wrote:
> oh no lol
On 21/03/2015, at 21:32, FahdQaiser wrote:
> Just your name
On 21/03/2015, at 21:32, Seif Shaddad wrote:
On 21/03/2015, at 21:32, FahdQaiser wrote:
> Wait
> no
> i don’t have a problem with your name
On 21/03/2015, at 21:32, FahdQaiser wrote:
> not like that lol
On 21/03/2015, at 21:32, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> with my religion?
On 21/03/2015, at 21:32, FahdQaiser wrote:
> I mean like i can tell your a muslim by your name
On 21/03/2015, at 21:32, FahdQaiser wrote:
> wait no
On 21/03/2015, at 21:33, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> aah <3
On 21/03/2015, at 21:33, FahdQaiser wrote:
> i don’t have a problem with your religion
> omg i facked up lol
On 21/03/2015, at 21:33, FahdQaiser wrote:
> do you have gay people?
On 21/03/2015, at 21:33, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> I have gay people?
On 21/03/2015, at 21:34, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> with me?
On 21/03/2015, at 21:34, FahdQaiser wrote:
> hate?
> hate*
> omg lol
On 21/03/2015, at 21:34, FahdQaiser wrote:
> my spelling D:
On 21/03/2015, at 21:34, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> u mean in Islam?
On 21/03/2015, at 21:34, FahdQaiser wrote:
> yeah
On 21/03/2015, at 21:34, FahdQaiser wrote:
> and your self
On 21/03/2015, at 21:34, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> I am not gay
On 21/03/2015, at 21:34, FahdQaiser wrote:
> no
> i know that
On 21/03/2015, at 21:34, FahdQaiser wrote:
> but do you hate them?
On 21/03/2015, at 21:34, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> But there might be gay people in Islam
On 21/03/2015, at 21:35, FahdQaiser wrote:
> But do you hate them?
On 21/03/2015, at 21:35, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> you gay?
On 21/03/2015, at 21:35, FahdQaiser wrote:
> yeah
On 21/03/2015, at 21:35, FahdQaiser wrote:
> but do you hate them?
On 21/03/2015, at 21:35, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> are u ?
On 21/03/2015, at 21:36, FahdQaiser wrote:
> yeah i am
On 21/03/2015, at 21:36, FahdQaiser wrote:
> :P
On 21/03/2015, at 21:36, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> why? :P
On 21/03/2015, at 21:36, FahdQaiser wrote:
> why?
On 21/03/2015, at 21:36, FahdQaiser wrote:
> what does that mean? :P
On 21/03/2015, at 21:36, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> Yeah why like men?
On 21/03/2015, at 21:36, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> you*
On 21/03/2015, at 21:36, FahdQaiser wrote:
> Because who doesnt
On 21/03/2015, at 21:37, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> I don't like gay people or neither hate them
On 21/03/2015, at 21:37, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> Cause I never met someone who is gay before
On 21/03/2015, at 21:37, FahdQaiser wrote:
> so you don’t like me?
> D:
> Well, they’re lovely
On 21/03/2015, at 21:37, FahdQaiser wrote:
> They’re just like normal people
On 21/03/2015, at 21:38, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> Have a normal life man!
On 21/03/2015, at 21:38, FahdQaiser wrote:
> What does that mean
On 21/03/2015, at 21:38, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> ur 12 right?
On 21/03/2015, at 21:38, FahdQaiser wrote:
> no, almost 15 :P
On 21/03/2015, at 21:38, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> Same here!
On 21/03/2015, at 21:39, FahdQaiser wrote:
> but what does ‘have a normal life’ mean
On 21/03/2015, at 21:39, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> Like stop being a gay
On 21/03/2015, at 21:39, FahdQaiser wrote:
> Wow
On 21/03/2015, at 21:39, FahdQaiser wrote:
> Thats mean
On 21/03/2015, at 21:39, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> Fahd I am not trying to offend u or something
On 21/03/2015, at 21:40, FahdQaiser wrote:
> ik
On 21/03/2015, at 21:40, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> I am just trying to help u get better
On 21/03/2015, at 21:41, FahdQaiser wrote:
> …
On 21/03/2015, at 21:41, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> ur already 15 and already liking men
On 21/03/2015, at 21:41, FahdQaiser wrote:
> How is that bad?
On 21/03/2015, at 21:42, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> Because you don't believe in God that's why
On 21/03/2015, at 21:42, FahdQaiser wrote:
> that makes no sence
On 21/03/2015, at 21:43, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> Didn't u the one who said MasterBuilder was gay
On 21/03/2015, at 21:43, FahdQaiser wrote:
> yeah he said he is
On 21/03/2015, at 21:43, FahdQaiser wrote:
> Are you masterbuilder?
On 21/03/2015, at 21:43, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> Nooooo
> I am ur friend
On 21/03/2015, at 21:44, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> and I just don't want u to be gay
On 21/03/2015, at 21:44, FahdQaiser wrote:
> Why
On 21/03/2015, at 21:44, FahdQaiser wrote:
> Whats wrong with gay people?
On 21/03/2015, at 21:44, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> Bruh its just not right
On 21/03/2015, at 21:44, FahdQaiser wrote:
> How isn’t it
On 21/03/2015, at 21:45, FahdQaiser wrote:
> Is it a sin?
On 21/03/2015, at 21:45, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> because it should be male+female
On 21/03/2015, at 21:45, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> not male+male
On 21/03/2015, at 21:45, FahdQaiser wrote:
> but male+male is cute
On 21/03/2015, at 21:45, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> Who said so?
On 21/03/2015, at 21:46, FahdQaiser wrote:
> ME
> me
On 21/03/2015, at 21:46, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> No
On 21/03/2015, at 21:46, FahdQaiser wrote:
> Why is it bad in islam?
On 21/03/2015, at 21:46, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> It is actually
On 21/03/2015, at 21:46, FahdQaiser wrote:
> But why is it bad?
On 21/03/2015, at 21:47, FahdQaiser wrote:
> should i quit being gay?
On 21/03/2015, at 21:48, Seif Shaddad wrote:
On 21/03/2015, at 21:48, FahdQaiser wrote:
> Please
> I need your help
> heal me
On 21/03/2015, at 21:49, FahdQaiser wrote:
> heal me from my sins
On 21/03/2015, at 21:49, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> read this
On 21/03/2015, at 21:49, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> Maybe get into Islam
On 21/03/2015, at 21:50, FahdQaiser wrote:
> okay
> omg
> its not working!
> Pray for me
> omg
On 21/03/2015, at 21:51, FahdQaiser wrote:
> please!!!!
On 21/03/2015, at 21:51, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> Bro u mad?
On 21/03/2015, at 21:52, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> Calm Down
On 21/03/2015, at 21:52, FahdQaiser wrote:
> omg
> im panicing
> help
> please
> im scared
> I’m the devil
On 21/03/2015, at 21:52, FahdQaiser wrote:
> omg no
On 21/03/2015, at 21:53, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> huh
On 21/03/2015, at 21:53, FahdQaiser wrote:
> please
> help
On 21/03/2015, at 21:53, FahdQaiser wrote:
> I’m being serious
On 21/03/2015, at 21:53, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> Does ur parents know ur gay>
On 21/03/2015, at 21:53, FahdQaiser wrote:
> no
> click this
> its a way of getting rid of it
On 21/03/2015, at 21:55, FahdQaiser wrote:
> very helpful
On 21/03/2015, at 21:56, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> Fahd don't you ever talk to me again man
On 21/03/2015, at 21:56, FahdQaiser wrote:
> why
On 21/03/2015, at 21:56, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> what do u mean by why
On 21/03/2015, at 21:58, FahdQaiser wrote:
> Like
> Why should i never talk to you
> that was help
On 21/03/2015, at 21:58, FahdQaiser wrote:
On 21/03/2015, at 21:58, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> I thought we were friends
On 21/03/2015, at 21:59, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> and u ruined it
On 21/03/2015, at 21:59, FahdQaiser wrote:
> heres the right one
> I’m really sorry D:
> and that one
> I’m really sorry
> theres 2 parts to it
On 21/03/2015, at 22:01, FahdQaiser wrote:
> I’m gonna be a muslim now
On 21/03/2015, at 22:03, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> Did I ever harm u?
On 21/03/2015, at 22:03, FahdQaiser wrote:
> yes
> did you click them?
> they’re serious :P
> andrew
On 21/03/2015, at 22:06, FahdQaiser wrote:
> meanie
On 21/03/2015, at 22:06, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> Why u keep sending me gay stuff???
On 21/03/2015, at 22:06, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> that makes no sense
On 21/03/2015, at 22:09, FahdQaiser wrote:
> Just accept the fact please, lol
On 21/03/2015, at 22:09, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> IDK what u even want me to do XD
On 21/03/2015, at 22:09, FahdQaiser wrote:
> Being gay is great
> You told me its bad
> you told me to become a muslim to not be gay
> I was trolling you hard which was funny though
On 21/03/2015, at 22:09, FahdQaiser wrote:
> lol
On 21/03/2015, at 22:10, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> I was just trying to help that's all!
On 21/03/2015, at 22:10, FahdQaiser wrote:
> With what...
> I would never wanna change
> ever
On 21/03/2015, at 22:10, FahdQaiser wrote:
> People can kill me, ill still never change
On 21/03/2015, at 22:10, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> idc then!!
On 21/03/2015, at 22:10, FahdQaiser wrote:
> You don’t care about what
On 21/03/2015, at 22:10, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> about u
On 21/03/2015, at 22:11, FahdQaiser wrote:
> being gay? or just me in general?
On 21/03/2015, at 22:11, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> in general
On 21/03/2015, at 22:11, FahdQaiser wrote:
> okay thanks :D
> luv you
On 21/03/2015, at 22:11, FahdQaiser wrote:
> do you love anal?
On 21/03/2015, at 22:11, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> can u stfu?
On 21/03/2015, at 22:12, FahdQaiser wrote:
> nah
On 21/03/2015, at 22:12, FahdQaiser wrote:
> I’m going to hell arnt i?

On 21/03/2015, at 22:13, Seif Shaddad wrote:
> Man u ruined our friendship.!
On 21/03/2015, at 22:13, FahdQaiser wrote:
> how
> did
> I
On 21/03/2015, at 22:13, FahdQaiser wrote:
> Please tell me
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