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12 - Speak to Anderson and Udina
When you have wrapped up any outstanding business on the Citadel, head to the
docking bay by way of the C-Sec Academy and speak with Anderson and the
ambassador. They provide you with the locations of two possible leads on
Saren's whereabouts: Geth have recently attacked a human colony on Feros, and
the geth have also been sighted near Noveria. It may also be worth tracking
down Matriarch Benezia's daughter, Dr. Liara T'Soni, who is believed to be
studying Prothean ruins somewhere in the Artemis Tau Cluster. Now that you
are a Spectre, you no longer answer to the Alliance military, and you may
tackle these leads in any way you see fit.

+2 Paragon - "I'll be careful."
+2 Renegade - "That's your job."
New Mission: "Find Liara T'Soni"
New Mission: "Feros: Geth Attack"
New Mission: "Noveria: Geth Interest"

13 - Prepare to Depart
Board the Normandy. You have the opportunity to make a speech to your crew
informing them of the mission and your determination to complete it.
Afterwards, head to the galaxy map to set a new course.

+2 Paragon - "Humanity must do its part."
+2 Renegade - "Nobody's going to help us."
+2 Paragon - "Everyone is counting on us."
+2 Renegade - "Humanity's in this alone!"


Now is a good opportunity to become acclimated to your ship and to identify
where certain NPCs and squad members can be found.

Ashley is in the vehicle bay near the crew lockers. Kaidan is in the crew
quarters near the captain's office. Wrex is in the vehicle bay near the
elevator and opposite the requisition officer. Garrus is in the vehicle bay
near the Mako. Tali is in the engineering section.

You can talk to each of your squad members between missions. Doing so can
open up new assignments, or allow you to pursue romantic relationships.

14 - Normandy Inspection (Optional)
The first time you return to the Citadel after becoming a Spectre you will be
greeted in the docking bay by Rear Admiral Mikhailovich, commander of the
63rd Scout Flotilla. He intends to inspect your vessel. You may refuse, but
you can earn experience points and other rewards if you allow an inspection.

+2 Paragon - "We need to build bridges." [9 Charm]
+2 Renegade - "We need to kick ass." [9 Intimidate]
+2 Renegade - "Damn right I did."

SECTION 4 - Liara's Dig Site 21a4li

1 - The Artemis Tau Cluster
Your first lead involves finding the daughter of Matriarch Benezia, who is
believed to be somewhere in the Artemis Tau Cluster. Access the Galaxy Map
on the Normandy and select the appropriate cluster, then zoom in to view the
known systems. Select the Knossos System to travel there. When you arrive,
move your cursor to the planet Therum and select it to land on the planet.

2 - To the Refinery
The path before you is fairly linear. Take the Mako north and follow the
path between the cliffs and the lava. Make your way around towards the
south, at which point a geth dropship will deposit a pair of geth armatures
in your path. Keep your distance and use your jump jets to avoid their
attacks. There is a refinery to the east but the way is blocked by a large
gate and three geth heavy turrets. Take the detour around to the north,
which is guarded by only one heavy turret. This path leads to the heart of
the refinery, which is guarded by regular geth troopers and shock troopers,
but also by rocket troopers, which have weak personal defenses but a powerful
ranged attack. Your toughest opponent is a geth juggernaut, which is a more
powerful version of the destroyer you faced on Eden Prime. Stay in the Mako
and keep your distance while avoiding enemy rockets. Search the refinery
thoroughly, as there are a number of storage containers you can plunder. The
controls to lower the north gate are located in the building to the

3 - Proceed in the Mako
Continue north, where you will encounter several more armatures. There are
rocket troopers and a geth colossus guarding the entrance to the tunnel you
must use to precede. Once again, keep your distance and zoom in with your
turret to make dealing with these enemies easier. There are a small group of
rocket troopers on the other side of the tunnel. Continue on until you reach
another tunnel. You will encounter some rocket troopers inside the tunnel
this time, along with more geth troopers and rocket troopers at the exit.

4 - On Foot to the Dig Site
You eventually reach a point where the path narrows and you must leave the
Mako and continue on foot. Your radar will be jammed by a nearby sniper.
Proceed east up the hill until you encounter geth troopers and rocket
troopers. Stay in cover and pick your shots to avoid the missiles from the
rocket troopers. There are also shock troopers and a geth sniper waiting in
the clearing up ahead, so be on your guard.

5 - The Mining Camp
At the mining camp you are ambushed by a group of geth stalkers and a geth
armature. Take cover, keep your distance, and take care of the stalkers
first. Having squad members with tech abilities can help to deal with the
regular geth enemies. There is also some cover on a small hill to the east
that is perfect for taking down the armature from a distance. Spend as
little time out of cover as possible, and avoid the blast from its pulse
cannon at all costs. Once all the geth are defeated you may proceed inside
the mine itself.

6 - Exploring the Mine
Follow the ramps down into the mine. You will encounter some shock troopers
and snipers along the way. Take the elevator down to the next level and
follow the catwalks. As you approach the next elevator a group of geth
assault drones will appear from below. Like the recon drones, they are
resistant to biotics but susceptible to tech powers. Take the second
elevator. At the bottom, climb down the debris pile and approach the asari
behind the blue barrier.

7 - Freeing Dr. T'Soni
Liara T'Soni is trapped by a Prothean security device. Before you can get
her out however, you must find some way past the barrier. Keep descending
the ramps until you reach the bottom of the mine where you will find more
shock troopers and snipers. At the far end there is a storage locker and a
weapon locker. Return to the nearby mining laser and activate it using the
correct sequence, A-X-B-Y (the code varies on the PC). This opens a hole you
can proceed through. Activate the elevator at the end of the tunnel and take
it up to Liara's location so you can free her.

8 - Escaping the Mine
It seems the mining laser has caused some seismic activity and you need to
leave quickly. Take the elevator up to the top floor, where you will
encounter the krogan Liara warned you about. You can't talk your way out of
a fight, so you must defeat the krogan battlemaster along with his geth
soldiers. The geth will try to move around the sides of the room to attack
your squad from all directions. The krogan will also try to disable you with
his biotics so he can charge and engage you from close range. Turn the
tables and use your own biotics to make this fight much easier. When all the
enemies are defeated it is a simple matter of racing to the surface to avoid
certain death.

9 - Back on the Normandy
When you return to your ship the crew gathers for a debriefing. Liara will
discuss her work as a scientist studying Prothean ruins, as well as your
visions from the Prothean beacon. When the meeting is over you can choose
whether to discuss the mission with the Citadel Council.

Mission Complete: "Find Liara T'Soni"

10 - Non-humans on the Ship (Optional)
If you speak with Navigator Pressly, he will express his concerns about
having aliens on the Normandy. Talking to Ashley reveals that she has
similar reservations. You can try to change their minds about non-humans, or
chide them for questioning your authority.

+2 Paragon - "They're on our side."
+2 Renegade - "You doubt my decisions?"

SECTION 5 - Feros 21a5fe

1 - Zhu's Hope
Land at the docking bay on Feros, where you are greeted by David al
Talaquani. He informs you that the leader of the colony--Fai Dan--wishes to
speak with you, before being disintegrated by a geth rocket. Fight though
the enemies and head up the stairs to reach the Zhu's Hope colony.


Zhu's Hope is a small settlement, and is all that remains of the human colony
on Feros. It is built into one of the ancient Prothean skyscrapers that dot
the Feros landscape, and is structured around the Borealis, a disabled
modular conveyor.

There are numerous colonists diligently working on their assigned tasks,
while others man the barricades to keep out the geth. Fai Dan can be found
on the far side of the freighter.

2 - "Geth in the Tower!"
You can find Fai Dan on the far side of the colony, but you don't get to
speak to him for long. More geth attack, and this time you need to follow
them to the source and eliminate the threat they pose to the colonists. When
the initial wave is defeated, proceed up the stairs and continue bearing left
until you reach the tower to the northwest. This is where you will fight the
bulk of the geth forces. Find some cover and be on the lookout for the
destroyer that appears from the far end. When all the geth are defeated, the
overhead dropship will depart, making the colonists a little safer for now.

3 - Return to Fai Dan
Go back the way you came and return to the colony, where you can finally have
a talk with Fai Dan. He tells you that the geth are operating out of the
nearby ExoGeni research facility. If asked, he also informs you of the
various challenges facing the colonists, including a geth outpost in the
tunnels, food and water shortages, and a lack of power. He can direct you to
the different colonists assigned to each task. You aren't required to handle
any of these assignments, so you can find the details on how to complete them
in the Optional Assignments section.

+2 Paragon - "Happy to help."
+2 Renegade - "I didn't do it for you."

4 - Strange Behavior (Optional)
Head inside the nearby freighter and talk to Calantha and Hollis Blake. The
former is complaining of extreme headaches, but their cause is unknown.
Talking to the other colonists reveals equally strange symptoms. They all
seem unusually focused on their assigned tasks, and pressing them for
information seems to make them uncomfortable. You can also venture down into
the tunnels and find Ian Newstead, a man who seems to be in tremendous pain
for an unknown reason. You can ask Fai Dan about this behavior, but he
dismisses it as the traumatic effect of seeing friends and loved ones killed.

+2 Paragon - "What's wrong?"
+2 Renegade - "I hope you're not contagious."
+2 Paragon - "Can I help?"
+2 Renegade - "Kill him."

5 - Skyway to Hell
From the colony, ascend the stairs and bear right to reach the nearby
elevator. This takes you up to the garage, where the Mako is conveniently
parked. A geth drone is attacking the colonists in the garage, so destroy it
and then jump in the Mako. When you exit the garage a dropship swoops in and
deposits a pair of armatures on the path ahead of you. Take them out from a
distance with the cannon before you proceed.

6 - Weigh Station Refugees (Optional)
As you drive along the skyway you begin picking up radio chatter which is
coming from the weigh station up ahead. When you reach the station you have
the option of getting out and checking on the refugees, though you can also
continue up the nearby ramp and ignore the camp for now. The two prominent
figures at the camp are Juliana Baynham and Ethan Jeong, the former of which
is worried for her daughter, Lizbeth. Lizbeth, she believes, is still at the
ExoGeni facility, though Jeong is doubtful she would have survived the geth
attack. You can also speak to Gavin Hossle, who wants you to recover some
data for him. Be on the lookout for hidden maintenance tunnels as you travel
the skyway, as they contain a few hidden geth and some containers you can

7 - The ExoGeni Facility
Proceed along the skyway until you reach the ExoGeni main level where you
must leave the Mako for now. The path south is blocked by an energy field
you will need to deactivate later. The door to the north is locked, but
leads to a small room with a malfunctioning object. Be aware that accessing
the object alerts the nearby geth armature to your presence. To proceed, you
must go southwest and drop down a small ledge to reach the lower level. You
will be unable to return this way, so you must deactivate the energy field in
order to return to the Mako.

8 - Lizbeth
Elizabeth Baynham can be found on this level as soon as you exit the first
corridor. She informs you that the geth are likely here for the Thorian, an
indigenous plant-like lifeform. She also gives you her pass card, which
allows you unrestricted access to the facility. Immediately after the
conversation concludes you are beset by a swarm of varren. Shotguns work
well here, as the varren don't have much protection and will simply charge at
you. Proceed to the other side of the room and take the stairs back up to
the main level.

9 - The VI
At the top of the steps there is a krogan commander trying to obtain
restricted information from a VI interface. He becomes alerted to your
presence and attacks. Biotics work well for disabling him before he can
charge at you. Once he is defeated you can access the VI, which identifies
you as Lizbeth because you are carrying her pass card. From the VI you can
learn that the Thorian is a sentient creature which produces spores that
allow it to control the minds of other lifeforms. The Thorian was the focus
of ExoGeni's research of Feros, and the Zhu's Hope colonists were
deliberately infected in order to study their behavior.

"Feros: Geth Attack" -> "Feros: The Thorian"

10 - The Geth Church
Head east along the corridor. The first room you come to shows that the
power for the energy field is coming from a geth ship, which has anchored
itself to the side of the facility. To cut the power you will need to remove
the ship by severing one of its claws. There are a few geth shock troopers
to fight, after which you can examine the strange glowing orb they seemed to
be praying to. Your squad will speculate as to its purpose. Keep going
until you reach the next room, which is on the opposite side of the energy
field you first saw when you entered the facility. This is the field you
will need to remove to get back to the Mako. The path to the east leads to
the upper level of the facility, which has a small room guarded by a few
krogan. Inside there is a server node that supplies a codex entry, a secure
storage locker, and the console containing Gavin Hossle's data.

11 - Anchors Aweigh
The path to the west also leads to the upper level. In the first room is an
ExoGeni terminal that gives the assignment "Investigate Facility." Proceed
up the stairs to the platform. A quick peek at the next room shows that it
is heavily guarded. Stick to the stairs and the platform to avoid being
overwhelmed by the geth. When all the enemies are defeated you can access
the secure crate in the next room, along with a terminal which gives the
assignment "Geth Activities," and a server which gives the assignment
"Investigate Samples." Most importantly, at the back of the room are the
shuttle bay door controls. Here you want to hit the sweet spot by setting
the internal pressure to be between 31 and 34 pounds per square inch. You
can do this by activating a number of smaller controls which each provide a
fixed amount of pressure. One combination that works is 17 + 11 + 5 = 33 psi
(228 kPa). Activating the door controls with this level of pressure will
force the door to shear straight through the geth anchor, causing it to lose
its grip on the building. This severs the power, taking care of the energy
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