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I can see the code has reached its Usage limit of 2800 redemptions. That is why the code did not apply to your order.
I can refund the 30% of this order if that works for you.
Refund due to order adjustment Courtesy from Grubhub. Total estimated refund $AMOUNT
That means that the order subtotal must be $25.00. The order subtotal is calculated before tax, tip and delivery fee. Pay the tax, tip, delivery fee and any other overage with a valid payment method accepted at the time of purchase (cannot be combined with cash).
I'm afraid that I do not have any information about how your bank procedures work. You can call them for further assistance into that.
Alright, in this case, I can see that these 17 digits are already linked to your account, so I'm passing this information along to a specialized team who will verify if this Gift card can be unlinked to your account in order to continue with the refund request.
I understand how frustrating that can be, I apologize for the experience. I'm afraid we do not have any other information about this promo code nor any tool to fix this on our end for you to get your code. I deeply apologize Seth.
If the receipt is not showing the whole Group order I can send you screenshots of your receipt on our end, unfortunately, this is the only solution that I can offer you.
I can also send you a screenshot of the transaction ID for with the whole amount ($154.49 USD) if that works.
I've sent you an email to EMAILADDRESS with all of these screenshots attached
I understand how frustrating that can be, I apologize for the experience. I'm experienced enough to be a supervisor on duty.
I'm afraid I cannot answer any personal questions. and that is a personal question.
I apologize for the time you've had to wait. I understand your frustration at waiting for a response about the issue. This escalations usually take up to 48 hours to be resolved, however this team has a long queue of escalation to take care of, so they try to get back to everyone as soon as possible. I'm afraid we do not have any tool to expedite your request. I do apologize, our team is working on your case and will provide a resolution as soon as possible.
I'm sorry for the whole situation. Unfortunately, at the moment we won't be able to make any adjustments but we're going to escalate the situation so we can offer you the best resolution possible. This type of investigations are done internally on our end, but if there's anything we need to reach out to you for, be assured we will contact you. This situations are resolved by a specialized team, we do not have access into their resolution time-frame but this situation will be handled. We will need to be patient and wait."
I see! I apologize for the issues, I understand it's quite a frustrating experience to go through.
In order for me to have access to these charges for the Grubhub plus membership subscription, I need you to provide me with the email address associated to your Grubhub account registered to our Grubhub plus membership subscription so I can cancel it and process a refund for it.
So, could you provide me with any email address that you might remember so I can try to look for this account?
I'm really sorry you've dealt with this, I can understand how upsetting this can be for you. I will escalate this to a specialized team which will review your account and will contact you in case they need to. This investigations are done internally so we do not have a specific response time-line to get this resolved.
I apologize for the issues, I understand it's quite a frustrating experience to go through.
I need to ask if there is something else that I can do for you before I end the chat. So, at the moment, is there anything else I can do for you?
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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Regards; Team

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