NotesWhat is

Notes brand slogan

Notes -

1.What is the “brain” of computer?

2. The modem is a device for ...
supplying information on the telephone communication

3.How many bits in a word “mouse”? 40 bits

4.How many bits in a word “printer”? 56 bits

5.Without … instructions hardware doesn't know what to do: software

6.There are two types of computer memory: RAM and ROM

7.Choose Social network site: Faceboок

8.Which binary number represents the decimal number 13? 1101

9.A device that prints your texts or graphics on paper Printer
10.A byte consists of ________ bits? 8 bits
11.First Generetion used to Vacuum tubes
12.Second Generetion used to Transistors
13.Third Generetion used to Integrated Circuits
14. fourth Generetion used to microprocessors
15.Fifth Generetion used to Artificial Intelligence technology

16.Defіnition of computer is:
It is an electronic device that accepts input, processes it according to a series of instructions (called computer programs or software), and produces output.

17.Defіnition of IT ( Information technology) is:
It is the collection of techniques, skills, methods and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation.

18.What is an Operating System?
. It is the first software that starts executing when we turn the computer on.

19.A gigabyte is equal to _____.1024 megabytes
20. Which list has the correct order arranging from biggest measurement to the smallest?

1GB, 1MB, 1KB, 1 Byte.
21.What is the name of the software that is used to display web pages? Icon
22.What unit is used to measure the speed of a processor? Hertz
23.Main categories of computer hardware are:
Processor, Memory , Storage , Input/output devices
24.A long key at the bottom of the keyboard. Each time it is pressed, it produces a blank space. Space bar
25.It moves the cursor to the beginning of a new line. It is also used to confirm commands.

26. It works in combination with other Answer key. For example, you press this key and C to copy the selected text. Ctrl
27.It removes the character to the left of the cursor or any selected text. Backspace
28.It produces UPPER CASE characters Shift
29.It produces UPPER CASE letters, but it does not affect numbers and symbols.
Caps Lock
30.It moves the cursor horizontally to the right for a fixed number of spaces ( in tabulations and data fields) Tab
31.They are used to move the cursor, as an alternative to the mouse
arrow Answer key
32.What is the Motherboard?
It is a large circuit board in the middle of the case which houses the main components of the computer.
32.What is the CPU?
It is the brain of the computer and the single most important chip in the computer.

33.What is the CPU Fan?
Any fan inside a computer case used for cooling

34.What is the Video card ?
A board that plugs into a personal computer to give it display capabilities.

35.What is the Sound card ?
A circuit board that plugs into your Motherboard that adds audio capability to your computer, providing high quality stereo output to the speakers.

36.This computer looks like a book, with an LCD screen
A tablet PC
37.A large computer used for intensive data processing and often linked to many terminals
A mainframe
38.What is hardware?
it describes an electronic components

39.It has two main sections: RAM and ROM
Main memory

40.The physical units attached to the computer

41.Which devices let us enter data and commands Input devices

42.A hand-held device that lets you move a pointer (or cursor) and select items on the screen
The mouse

43. These device lets you send and receive live video pictures through the Internet
The webcam

44. A device that scans your texts or graphics
The scanner

45. 1,024 kilobytes
A megabyte

46. 1,024 megabytes
A gigabyte

47. A program used for preparing documents and letters
Microsoft Word

48.How does call eight bits together?
A byte
49. 1,024 bytes
A kilobyte

50. What is software?
Computer programs, is the non-tangible component of computers

51.It is used as a personal computer in the home or as a workstation for group work
A desktop PC

52.The main circuit board

53.1,024 gigabytes
A terabyte

54.A device that records sounds…
A microphone

55.Which printer uses a laser beam to fix the ink to the paper?
A laser printer

56. A peripheral that reads images and converts them into electronic codes which can be understood by a computer
The scanner
57. These keys appears at the top of the keyboard and can be programmed to do special jobs
Function keys

58.These keys represents letters and numbers, arranged as on a typewriter
Alphanumeric keys

59A set of instructions called a program which tells a computer what to do

60.The heart of the computer, a microprocessor chip which processes data and

61.What is the expansion in the file name for MS Excel?

62.What is the expansion in the file name for MS Word?

63.How to close the window using the keyboard?
Key combination Alt + F4

64.As indicated by columns in MS Excel?

65.The other name for a Hard Disk is:
Hard Drive Disk

66.One component of the motherboard is:

67.Which of the following is a presentation program ?
Power Point

68.Which is a storage device?
Hard Disk

69.Which of the following is a storage device?

70.Which of the following is a input device?

71. Two main types of software:
system, application

72. The most popular spreadsheets include products such as:
Microsoft Excel; Lotus Notes; Quattro Pro

73. Utilities carry out:(коммуналдық қызметтер)
service of the computer and peripherals
74.A family of open-source operating systems: Ашық бастапқы операциялық жүйелер тобы: Linux

75. A set of programs designed to create a specific information system:
Белгілі бір ақпараттық жүйені құруға арналған бағдарламалар жиынтығы
System software

76. A line of operating systems created by Apple is called: Apple жасаған операциялық жүйелер желісі деп аталады:

77. Convert hexadecimal number “4A3F” into decimal number: 16лықты 10дық санақ жүйесіне 19007
78.Components inside the system unit:
microprocessor, expansion slot, chipset, motherboard, expansion card

79.The program that controls a device:

80.A computer processor which incorporates the functions of a computer’s central processing unit (CPU):

81.Read-only memory (ROM) is:
permanent data storage and nonvolatile

82.Computer is а ... for processing information.

83.Application software for guiding the business and tax accounting:
Бухгалтерлік және салықтық есепке алуды жүргізуге арналған қолданбалы бағдарламалық қамтамасыз ету:
1C: Bookkeeping

84.3DGraphics Editors:
Autodesk 3d Max, Autodesk Maya

1.<question>A program used for preparing documents and letters
<variant>Microsoft Excel
<variant>Microsoft Word.
<variant>Microsoft Access
<variant>Power Point
<variant>System utilities
2.<question>Text printed in the top margin
<variant>Spell checker
<variant>Headers, footers.
3.<question>Text printed in the bottom margin
<variant>Headers, footers.
<variant>Spell checker
4.<question>A function that enables you to combine two files into one
<variant>Spell checker
<variant>Headers, footers
5.<question>The distinctive design of letters and characters, e.g. Arial, Courier
<variant>Spell checker
<variant>Font specifications.
<variant>Headers, footers
6.<question>The way text is arranged on the page, including margins, paragraph format, columns, etc.
<variant>Spell checker
<variant>Headers, footers
7.<question>Allows you to search for synonyms without leaving the word processor
<variant>Spell checker
<variant>Headers, footers
8.<question>A utility that allows you to check the spelling of words
<variant>Spell checker.
<variant>Headers, footers
9.<question>Allows you to include illustrations and graphs in a document
<variant>Spell checker
10.<question>Allows you to send a document to a printer to get hard copy
<variant>Spell checker
11.<question>Allows you to remove a section of text and insert it somewhere else
<variant>Spell checker
<variant>Cut and paste.
12.<question>It controls the basic functions of a computer
<variant>Application software
<variant>An operating system
<variant>System software.
<variant>The Graphical User Interface
<variant>System utilities
13.<question>It lets you do specific jobs such as writing letters, doing calculations, drawing or playing games
<variant>An operating system
<variant>The Graphical User Interface
<variant>System utilities
<variant> Application software.
<variant>System software
14.<question> A set of programs that control the hardware and allow people and applications to communicate with the hardware
<variant>The Graphical User Interface
<variant>System utilities
<variant>System software
<variant>An operating system.
<variant>Application software
15.<question>Which operating system designed by Microsoft and used on most PCs?
<variant>Mac OS
<variant>The Windows family.
<variant>Microsoft Word
16.<question>Which operating system created by Apple and used on Macintosh computers?
<variant>Mac OS.
<variant>Microsoft Word
<variant>The Windows family
17.<question>Which operating system found on mainframes and workstations in corporate installations, as it supports multi-users?
<variant>Microsoft Word
<variant>The Windows family
<variant>Mac OS
18.<question> Which small programs included with an OS that improve a system’s performance?
<variant>System software
<variant>Application software
<variant>System utilities.
<variant>The Graphical User Interface
<variant>Microsoft Word
19.<question>What program lets you watch DVDs, play music and listen to the radio on the Web?
<variant>A crashed disk rescuer
<variant>An accessibility program
<variant>A media player.
<variant>A compression utility
<variant>Power Point
20.<question>It used to restore disks and corrupted files
<variant>An accessibility program
<variant>A compression utility
<variant>A crashed disk rescuer.
<variant>Power Point
<variant>A media player
21.<question>What program lets you rewrites data so that it takes less space on disk?
<variant>Power Point
<variant>A compression utility.
<variant>A media player
<variant>A crashed disk rescuer
<variant>An accessibility program
22.<question>You can use it to makes a backup, a spare copy of your files, or to transport data between computers
<variant>A floppy disk
<variant>A portable hard drive.
23.<question>What program lets you watch movies or TV, play games and listen to music, wherever you are
<variant>A portable hard drive
<variant>Portable DVD players.
<variant>An accessibility program
24.<question>Programs that spread by attaching themselves to executable files or documents
<variant>Trojan horses
<variant>An accessibility program
25.<question>Self-copying programs that have the capacity to move from one computer to another without human help, by exploiting security flaws in computer networks
<variant>Trojan horses
<variant>An accessibility program
26.<question>Malicious programs disguised to a innocent-looking files or embedded within legitimate software
<variant>An accessibility program
<variant>Trojan horses.
27.<question>Software created to damage or alter the computer data or its operations
<variant>System utilities
<variant>System software
<variant>Malware(malicious software).
<variant>Application software
<variant>The Graphical User Interface
28.<question>What can be used for storing, organizing and manipulating data?
<variant>Microsoft Word
<variant>Microsoft Access
<variant>Microsoft Excel.
<variant>Power Point
<variant>System utilities
29.<question>An electronic spreadsheet program
<variant>Microsoft Word
<variant>Microsoft Access
<variant>Microsoft Excel.
<variant>Power Point
<variant>System utilities
30.<question> The intersection point between a column and a row is a small rectangular box known as ……..
<variant>Title Bar
<variant>Standard Toolbar
<variant>Menu Bar
<variant>A cell.
<variant>Scroll bar
31.<question>What is a combination of the column letter and the row number?
<variant>A cell
<variant>Title Bar
<variant>The cell reference.
<variant>Standard Toolbar
<variant>Menu Bar
32.<question>Each row in Microsoft Excel is associated with …….
<variant>A letter
<variant>A number.
<variant>A cell
33.<question>Each column in Microsoft Excel is labeled with ……
<variant>A number
<variant>A letter .
<variant>A cell
34.<question>What is the union of a column and row?
<variant>A letter
<variant>A number
<variant>A Cell .
<variant>Menu Bar
<variant>Scroll bar
35.<question>What is a computer application used to create and manage computer-based databases on desktop computers and/or on connected computers?
<variant>Microsoft Word
<variant>Microsoft Excel
<variant>Power Point
<variant>Microsoft Access.
<variant>System utilities
36.<question>What refers to Access Objects?
<variant>All answers are right.
37.<question>How many sections the main area of the Microsoft Access interface is divided?
38.<question>In Access data is stored in ……….
39.<question>We use ……. to retrieve specific data from your database and to answer questions about your data
40.<question>Which object of Access gives you the ability to choose the format and arrangement of fields?
41.<question>Which object of Access organize or summarize your data so you can print it or view it onscreen?
42.<question>Which object of Access gives you the ability to automate tasks?
43.<question>Which object of Access gives you the ability to automate tasks and add functionality to a form, report, or control
44.<question>You can use a ……. to find the names of the employees in your database who live in a particular state
45.<question>What form of graphics represent images as mathematical formula, so they can be changed or scaled without losing quality
<variant>Bitmapped graphics
<variant>Painting and drawing programs
<variant>Vector graphics.
<variant>Computer-aided design
<variant>Digital art
46.<question>Illustration packages, offer facilities for freehand drawing, with a wide choice of pens and brushes, colures and patterns
<variant>Digital art
<variant>Painting and drawing programs.
<variant>Computer-aided design
<variant>Business graphics programs
<variant>Computer animation
47.<question>Presentation software let you create pie charts and line graphs of all kinds for slide shows and reports
<variant>Computer animation
<variant>Business graphics programs.
<variant>Painting and drawing programs
<variant>Computer-aided design
<variant>Digital art
48.<question>This program are based around a page layout program, which lets you import text from a word processor, clip-art, from graphics packages, and image from scanners or cameras, and arrange them all on a page
<variant>Business graphics programs
<variant> Desktop publishing.
<variant>Computer animation
<variant>Painting and drawing programs
<variant>Computer-aided design
49.<question>Who use technology to perform a variety of crimes: virus propagation, fraud, intellectual property theft, etc.
<variant>Security specialists
<variant>Web designers
<variant>Hardware engineers
50.<question>Software designed to collect information from computers for commercial or criminal purposes
<variant>Trojan horses
<variant>An accessibility program
51.<question>These term means that you can click on a word and jump to another screen with more information
<variant>Video games
<variant>Virtual reality
52.<question>What the Internet is?
<variant>It is an International computer Network made of thousands of linked up networks together.
<variant>It is an Email
<variant>It is a network in a few buildings
<variant>It is a local computer Network
<variant>It is a network in one city
53.<question>What the World Wide Web is?
<variant>It use for the exchange of messages and attached files
<variant>It based on programs that send messages on a certain topic to all the computers whose users have subscribed to the list
<variant>It is a collection of files or pages containing links to other documents on the Net.
<variant>It a system that lets people make voice calls via the Internet
<variant>It a system that allows the transmission of video and audio signals in real time so the participants can exchange data, talk and see one another on the screen
54.<question>What the Email is?
<variant>It is a collection of files or pages containing links to other documents on the Net
<variant>It based on programs that send messages on a certain topic to all the computers whose users have subscribed to the list
<variant>It uses for the exchange of messages and attached files.
<variant>It a system that lets people make voice calls via the Internet
<variant>It a system that allows the transmission of video and audio signals in real time so the participants can exchange data, talk and see one another on the screen
55.<question> What the Mailing lists is?
<variant>It is a collection of files or pages containing links to other documents on the Net
<variant>It uses for the exchange of messages and attached files
<variant>It based on programs that send messages on a certain topic to all the computers whose users have subscribed to the list.
<variant>It a system that lets people make voice calls via the Internet
<variant>It a system that allows the transmission of video and audio signals in real time so the participants can exchange data, talk and see one another on the screen
56.<question>What the Internet telephone is?
<variant>It is a collection of files or pages containing links to other documents on the Net
<variant>It uses for the exchange of messages and attached files
<variant>It a system that lets people make voice calls via the Internet.
<variant> It based on programs that send messages on a certain topic to all the computers whose users have subscribed to the list
<variant>It a system that allows the transmission of video and audio signals in real time so the participants can exchange data, talk and see one another on the screen
57.<question>What the Video conference is?
<variant>It is a collection of files or pages containing links to other documents on the Net
<variant>It uses for the exchange of messages and attached files
<variant> It based on programs that send messages on a certain topic to all the computers whose users have subscribed to the list
<variant>It a system that allows the transmission of video and audio signals in real time so the participants can exchange data, talk and see one another on the screen.
<variant>It a system that lets people make voice calls via the Internet
58.<question>What the File Transfer Protocol(FTP) is?
<variant>It is a collection of files or pages containing links to other documents on the Net
<variant>It uses for the exchange of messages and attached files
<variant>It uses to transfer files between computers.
<variant> It based on programs that send messages on a certain topic to all the computers whose users have subscribed to the list
<variant>It a system that lets people make voice calls via the Internet
59.<question>A wireless standard used for PANs
60.<question>Touch screens, remote control and computers are different types of………
61.<question>The adjective which describes networks without cables
62.<question>A smoke sensor is an example of a command…………
63.<question>The automatic operation of a system or process
64.<question>The term domotics comes from domus and …………….
65.<question>The adjective used to describe homes and devices that use IT technology
66.<question>A light switch can be used as a command …………….
67.<question>LANs where the devices are connected with cables or electrical wiring are………
68.<question>Local area network management types are:
<variant>Physical, channel, network, transport, session, representative, applied
<variant>Local networks, regional networks and extensive networks.
<variant>Bus, ring, star
<variant>Peer-to-peer, client-server
<variant>All answers are correct
69.<question>What is Provider (Іnternet Service Provider)?
<variant> Part of the network where server and connected client computers are located in limited space
<variant>Function type which replaces computers’ names with IP-address
<variant> A company which offers Internet services.
<variant> A software group which deals with interpretation of HTML documents
<variant> None of the answers are correct
70.<question>What is Browser?
<variant>part of the network where server and connected client computers are located in limited space
<variant>Function type which replaces computers’ names with IP-address
<variant>A program designed for handling files with the opportunity of hypertext link.
<variant>A company which offers Internet services
<variant>None of the answers are correct
71.<question>basic physical topology in which the last station connects with the first station
<variant>tree like
72.<question>Bus, ring, star topology can be organized …
73.<question>Peer-to-peer or a client-server control network type
<variant>regional network
<variant>local network.
74.<question>Simple network topology
75.<question>Which basic topology uses hubs
<variant>tree like
76.<question>Types of security
<variant>media, technology and content
<variant>hierarchical, network
<variant>technology, Network
<variant>Communication, Network and Information.
<variant>database and Information
77.<question>The first Virus was installed on an Apple Computer in
78.<question>Computer viruses are –
<variant>a set of programs that provide operation of all computer devices and gives the user access to computer resources
<variant>Web pages published on the internet by a person or organisation <variant>Typing documents such as letters or reports
<variant>small software programs that are designed to spread from one computer to another and to interfere with computer operation.
<variant>a relational database management system
79.<question>Web site –
<variant>a set of programs that provide operation of all computer devices and gives the user access to computer resources
<variant>small software programs that are designed to spread from one computer to another and to interfere with computer operation
<variant>Web pages published on the internet by a person or organisation.
<variant>Typing documents such as letters or reports
<variant>a relational database management system
80.<question>The Internet -
<variant>a set of programs
<variant>small software programs
<variant>a global network.
<variant>hierarchical network
<variant>a relational database management system
81.<question>What is an Email?
<variant>have a live conversation (usually typed) online
<variant>take part in public discussion areas devoted to specific topics
<variant>send a message to another person via the Internet.
<variant>download and view documents published on the Internet
<variant>transfer fields from the Internet to your hard drive
82.<question>What is The Web ?
<variant>take part in public discussion areas devoted to specific topics
<variant>transfer fields from the Internet to your hard drive
<variant>send a message to another person via the Internet
<variant>download and view documents published on the Internet.
<variant>have a live conversation (usually typed) online
83.<question>What is a FTP?
<variant>send a message to another person via the Internet
<variant>have a live conversation (usually typed) online
<variant>take part in public discussion areas devoted to specific topics
<variant>transfer fields from the Internet to your hard drive.
<variant>download and view documents published on the Internet
84.<question>what does LAN stand for?
<variant>Large area network
<variant>Little area network
<variant>Local area network.
<variant>Linear are network
<variant>Long area network
85.<question>what does MAN stand for?
<variant>Metropolis area network
<variant>Metrology are network
<variant>Metropolitan area network.
<variant>Metaphor area network
<variant>multiple are network
86.<question>the creator of the Microsoft Corporation
<variant>Steve Jobs
<variant>Pavel Durov
<variant>Mark Zuckerberg
<variant>Bill Gates.
87.<question>a Russian computer programmer, the creator of vkontakte
<variant>Bill Gates
<variant>Steve Jobs
<variant>Mark Zuckerberg
<variant>Pavel Durov.
88.<question>What is needed to connect the personal computer to a regional network
<variant>Scanner, printer, copier and disk drives
<variant>special utilities
<variant>A system for finding information on the Internet
<variant>Connection channels, modems and network software.
<variant>An error searching program in the operation of the computer
89.<question>Bus, ring, star topology can be organized ...
90.<question>what is Multimedia
<variant>A set of programs that control the hardware
<variant>Computers which use the network resources
<variant>specially programmed computers which provides conversion of symbolic addresses to numbers
<variant>combination of text, graphic, sound, animation, and video that is delivered interactively to the user by electronic or digitally manipulated means.
<variant>Connection channels, modems and network software
91.<question>what does WAN stand for?
<variant>World are network
<variant>Web area network
<variant>Wide area network.
<variant>Workstations area network
<variant>Wireless are network
92.<question> an American computer programmer, known as a creator of the social website Facebook
<variant>Bill Gates
<variant>Steve Jobs
<variant>Pavel Durov
<variant>Mark Zuckerberg.
93.<question>an american corporation of producing computer programs, computers and mobile phones.
<variant>World Web
94.<question>Standard Windows applications
95.<question>Types of User interface
<variant>Technical interface, Graphical interface
<variant>Graphical interface, Command-Line interface.
<variant>Internet interface, Command-Line interface
<variant>Microsoft Interface, Command-Line interface
<variant>User interface, Graphical interface
96.<question>A compact disc (CD) can store computer’s data over
<variant>over 500 MB
<variant>over 680 MB.
<variant>over 590 MB
<variant>1 TB
<variant>over 200 MB
97.<question>Bitmap graphics formats include:
98.<question>Microsoft Access is
<variant>video editor
<variant>a table
<variant>audio editor
<variant>relational database.
99.<question>Which application’s file can be imported into Access Database
<variant>HTML files
<variant>PowerPoint files
<variant>Paint files
<variant>Excel files.
<variant>Internet files
100.<question>The heart (and brains) of the computer
101.<question>Main types of computer graphics
<variant>3D, raster
<variant>point, vector
<variant>vector, raster.
<variant>1G, 2G
<variant>two dimensional
102.<question>When did the first anti-virus utilities appear?
103.<question>Mobile operation systems
<variant>Android, Java, Bada,Apple iOS
<variant>Yahoo, Maemo, Bada,Apple iOS
<variant>Android, Maemo, MS DOS,Apple iOS
<variant>Android, Python, Bada, Unix
<variant>Android, Maemo, Bada,Apple iOS.
104.<question>Row is synonymous with the term:
105.<question>Three Cloud Computing Platforms
<variant>MapReduce, BigTable, EC2
<variant>3S, AWS, AppEngine
<variant>Google Cloud, IBM BlueCloud, Amazon Elastic Cloud.
<variant>Java, python, Web 2.0
<variant>CRM (consumer relationship mamagment), ERP (enterprise resources planning), HR (human resources)
106.<question>Specify the correct way to write the formula
107.<question>In MS Excel. cell C9 is located at the intersection of:
<variant>6 rows and 9 column
<variant>8 column and 9 rows
<variant>3 columns and 9 rows.
<variant>12 column and 9 rows
<variant>9 row and 9 column
108.<question>Cloud computing applies a virtualized platform with elastic resources on-demand by provisioning hardware, software, and datasets, dynamically
<variant>Platform as a Service (PaaS)
<variant>Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
<variant>Internet Clouds.
<variant>Software as a Service (SaaS)
<variant>Basic Cloud Models
109.<question>This model provides the user to deploy user-built applications onto a virtualized cloud platform
<variant>Basic Cloud Models
<variant>Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
<variant>Software as a Service (SaaS)
<variant>Platform as a Service (PaaS).
<variant>Internet Clouds
110.<question>Over the records in the database operation is performed:
111.<question>What function in Excel determines the number of not empty cells in the argument summa(C5:C15)
112.<question>Program archiver called:
<variant>the database management System
<variant>Program to reduce the volume of information (compression of files).
<variant>Communication program
113.<question>The smallest structural unit for placing the data inside of the worksheet:

73.It is a programme which helps us to use internet Browser
74.It is a device, which decides where data will be send(Network point) Router
75.URL- stands for Uniform Resource Locator
76.In MS Excel, as well as the book, the spreadsheet is ... Sheets
77.Which one of the following is an example of an operating system? Windows.
78.A file extension created by Access: mdb
79.Internet-is: global computer network
80.The Protocol is Rules of the organization of the data transmission network
81.Which one of the following devices do you need to be able to communicate with other computers using the telephone network? Modem.
83.The file created in the working environment of Excel has the file extension: xls
84.In MS Excel. cell C6 is located at the intersection of: 3 columns and 6 rows
85.In MS Excel. cell E8 is located at the intersection of: 5 columns and 8 rows
86.Specify the correct way to write the formula =$A$2*H7
88.What network topologies are? Bus, ring, star
89. Which program isn’t graphic: Word
91.The HTML is: hypertext markup Language
92.E-mail is: Means of communication between remote subscribers
93.OLE object field: Special data type for storing images, photos
94.Master Access allows you to: to Automate the process of creating database tables, forms, queries, reports, and data access pages
95.The external memory is used for: Long term storage of information
96.NETWORK. The file transfer Protocol in a network is – FTP
101.Which one of the following is a term for systems used to store, retrieve, process and transmit data? Information & Communication Technology
102.An application where only one user accesses the database at a given time is an example of a(n) ________. single-user database application
103.The DBMS that is most difficult to use is ________ . Oracle Corporation's Oracle
104.prevents damage that viruses migth cause Antivirus software
105.___________a program, web browser for computers and mobile phones Opera american corporation of producing computer programs, computers and mobile phones Apple
107.____________free social program for mobile phones, helps to exchange photos, videos Instagram
108.___________a messanger for smartphones, allows to send messages, images, videos, audios Whats app
109.__________a corporation which helps to search the information in the internet Google
110.____________a free service of short public messages sending Twitter
111.___________the largest social networking service in Russia, helps to find people and exchange messages Vkontakte
112.________a web browser of Microsoft corporation From 1995 Internet explorer
113.________a social site for searching classmates, friends etc. Odnoklassniki
114.have a live conversation (usually typed) online Chat and IM
115.take part in public discussion areas devoted to specific topics Newsgroups and view documents published on the Internet The Web
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

Shortened Note Link
Looding Image
Long File

For written notes was greater than 18KB Unable to shorten.

To be smaller than 18KB, please organize your notes, or sign in.