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I am 22 year old University student from Europe. I am about to graduate and start working but this was not what I had planned my future. Ever since I was a teenager, I was imagining myself as an entrepreneur working for myself and making my dreams come true.
I have the type of mind that comes up with all the new cool concepts that market doesn't have and there might be need for those concepts. To be exact, I've had 4 concepts/ideas that professors at University or friend/family has said that "That idea is great!". Yet I still haven't done anything about it.
I tend to start planning on how to proceed and what to do in order to get my concepts/ideas out there for other people to use but quickly I lose my motivation. I have a few business plan's made that are half finished because I got demotivated by knowing how hard it would be to find the right person to fund my ideas and how much work it requires so I end up escaping into virtual world and relax there where stress can't get me.
One of the concepts I am working on is so unique that there is no doubt in my mind that it would get a lot of attention and might secure my financial stability in future but knowing how much time/work it requires, I can't seem to finish it but I'd rather do something else :(

I had always dreamed of buying a house in Beverly Hills, having a huge family that I can support and just enjoying life without worrying about money. I know this can be achieved by working on one of the ideas I have but I can't seem to force myself into finishing them.
Trying to motivate myself by thinking how much better future I'd have, by checking beautiful house pictures and traveling pictures on the internet motivates me for 10-20min until I open the business plan and get demotivated again. I secretly hope that one of my relatives gets rich somehow so I could hire people to work on my idea.

Question is,

How can I motivate myself? I have tried everything but it just doesn't work... I know at least the biggest concept I'm working on, will get famous if I finish it but I just can't get start doing it..... I constantly get ideas on how to make lives easier and come up with new business ideas at least once a month and still I haven't worked on any of those....

I seriously need help so I could secure my financial stability and see the bigger picture of life instead of getting stuck in office job for next 40-50 years doing things that I don't enjoy instead of working for myself. Once I start working in a few months, I know that I will be so busy and won't have time to do anything... Will end up in the loop where most people are.. working 40hours a week just to get food on the table.

Please help!
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Regards; Team

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