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Do These 7: 7 Things You Must Do
Sunday , March 22, 2015, Matthew 13:54-58 Mark 6:1-6
Matthew 13:55
But in the next benaeth, they were starting to cut him down : " Weve knwon him since he was a kid, hes the carpenters son. We know his mother mary, and his brothers james and joseph, Simon and Judas
Matthew 9:29
Then he touched thier eyes and said " According to your faith, it will be done to you;"
You have to choose, its not according to your family, failures, futures or fame, its about your faith
The people of his hometown was afflicted with the "Fatl Familiar"
They limit him becasue of his vocation, he was a carpenter
He was human to indentify with us. He was holy in order to cinnect with god. He was the Son of God, He was the Son of Man
Genesis 1:27
Ephesians 2:10 For we are Gods masterpiece. He has created us anew tin christ jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
Im a work in progress, becasue God is still working on me
Philliphians 1:6 Being confident of this very thing,
Matthew 16:18
John 14:1-3
God is building a celestial city. He is also in the business renovation
They belitted him becasue of his location. He was from Nazerath
God is on your side and you can still win
We limit the power of god working on us and in us because we allow our emotion to limit our faith
Faith is bigger than your feelingsfeelings, you cannot let your emotions overcome your faith
Anger is often a refuge for people who cannot handle your strength
If god walks by my side, i will become everything that god wanted me to be in my life
When its your time, nothing can stop you.
Sometimes its your time, but its not your turn, when its your turn, its not your time
Wait when its your time and turn
We limit the power of gods work on us when we alter our appearence
When i say nothing, its easy for others to say i anit nothing
Most of the time, when people eavaluete you, they actually evaluate themselves
Before you surrender, talk to God
Excuses are the tools of loser in life and with them they vuild castles of nothingness. All of these tools are based on appearences.
It has come to pass and not to stay, THIS TOO WILL PASS
If you can stop fooling around and focus on jesus, good things will come to you
Dont let faith get rooted in reason
Hebrews 11:6
God works in mysterious ways

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