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what are the particles in japanese and how to use the particles?
Reply:Hi Shiela,This is a question which I don't think can be replied completely and clearly in one page. However, I will try to give you a established idea of what are the Japanese particles and the way to use them with some examples. Particles, also called 助詞 joshi in Japanese, are definitely hiragana characters that attach to main words and indicate the courting of these words to the following word or the the rest of the sentence. Particles serve as the links that connect the complete sentence collectively.

The sentence will become incomplete without them. There also are particles which are used at the top of the sentence to make the sentence sounds otherwise. For instance, to melt an announcement, to add force to a sentence, to point out a question, etc. You may find that some debris works in a similar way as the English words. For instance, during this phrase 父と母 chichi to haha moms and dads, the particle と to has an analogous function as the conjunction "and" in English.

There are other particles that works equally to the prepositions in English, but the placement of the debris are different as in comparison to their English counterpart. They are placed after the words they modify. For example, in right here phrase. 姉とane toMeaning: with my elder sister. the particle と to is placed after the word 姉 ane. And in here phrase.

日本へnihon eMeaning: to Japan. the particle へ e is placed after the word 日本 nihon. In addition, additionally, you will find some debris that don't have any equal in English. For example, the topic marker は wa which marked the subject in a sentence as in right here sentence:妹は二十三歳ですimouto wa nijuusan sai desuMeaning: My more youthful sister is 23 years old. The particle を wo is an alternate particle without a equal in English.

For example, in right here phrase. テレビを見るterebi wo miruMeaning: Diy Unicorn Projects HubPages を wo is used to indicate the direct object the noun テレビ terebi of the verb 見る miru. Particles plays an important role in forming a Japanese sentence. Although a few of them can be omitted in casual dialog, you can not omit them in formal situations, particularly in writing. Besides, if you employ a particle wrongly, the that means of the sentence can be changed totally.

Most of the particles have diverse meanings dependent on how they are used. You have already seen two various that means of the particle と to in the above examples. Another instance is the particle で de. For instance, アメリカで amerika de in America, 電車で densha de by train, 仕事で shigoto de caused by work. I cannot perhaps list all of the Japanese debris here but I think you get the time-honored idea of what they're and the way to use some of them. If you actually need to understand more about Japanese particles, I imply you to read about this fantastic book by Taeko Kamiya on particles: Japanese Particle WorkbookYou can also have a look at the following pages where I discussed about one of the most common debris used and their functions:Basic Lesson 11: Particles.

Basic Lesson 14: Particles Change in Negative Answers. Basic Lesson 15: Particles ka and mo with Question Words. Basic Lesson 16: Particles to and de. Basic Lesson 24: Particles wa and ga. Basic Lesson 27: Particle to for Quotation. Intermediate Lesson 14: Particle ga for Introduction.

Intermediate Lesson 18: Particle de with more Functions. FAQ: Using Japanese particles accurately.

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