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Germany Based Hedge Fund Seeds SW DAO Products with $750,000

SW Capital, a $50M AUM Germany-based Hedge Fund, has seeded its decentralized spin-off SW DAO with $750,000 in capital because of its tokenized stock portfolios. $500,000 of capital has been deployed into SW DAO’s tokenized Yield Farming fund, SW Yield Fund (SWYF). A different $250,000 of capital has also been deployed into SW DAOs flagship product the SW Alpha Portfolio (SWAP). These two goods are tokenized variants of SW DAO’s public investment opportunities that have shown alpha-generating results since their launch in mid-2020.

All profits generated from these SW Capital investments will likely be provided straight to the SW DAO treasury without having later reimbursement by SW DAO necessary. The SW DAO team has estimated this will give a boost of $50,000 in net gain to the DAO treasury to the month of December. This move by SW Capital comes just over time as SW DAO has begun discussions with mobile application developers that will soon begin building out a Web3 app to the DAO products. With the boost of treasury funds assisted by SW Capital, the DAO should be able to devote which will foster growth for the SWD token base.

“SW Capital saw no better opportunity rather than deploy capital within our tokenized investment products even as are firm believers inside the systems we've built, along with the strength of our DAO community that may manage them. Were putting our money where our mouth is and supporting the neighborhood that has been along with us within the last year. Our hope is always that building the DAO treasury will allow us to begin building brand awareness campaigns through growth-stimulating capital investments.”

Alexander Markl, Co-Founder, Head of Strategy
SW DAO’s flagship product SW Alpha Portfolio, as well as their residual income generating SW Yield Fund have already been rigorously tested from the markets within the last year. Internal performance reviews show that earlier times Yr SWAP has outperformed Ethereum by in excess of 1.4x. SWYF provides a safer investment profile because it seeks 0% directional market exposure, while also being fully insured when possible. SWYF anticipates returning an annualized 80% net of fees.

About SW DAO: SW DAO offers a array of strategic DeFi investment items that allocate capital depending on Machine Learning and quantitative methods. Their particular tokenized investment portfolios cover a variety of automated trading strategies with varying risk tolerances any time blended properly can craft an optimized earnings producing passively-managed crypto portfolio.

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