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SABOURI, M., HEYDARNEJAD, J., 2013. CONSTRUCTION AND DEMONSTRATION OF INFECTIVITY OF THE INFECTIOUS CLONE OF THE BIPARTITE GENOME OF TOMATO LEAF CURL PALAMPUR VIRUS-IRANIAN ISOLATE. Novel RAPD and ISSR bands appeared in the RILs indicating the occurrence of genetic changes in the genome of the progenies. Molecular studies were carried out through RAPD to identify molecular markers linked to the wilt resistance. A monogenic type of gene action was recorded for the resistance to linseed rust (Melampsora lini) and wilt (Fusarium oxysporium).High fatty acid was found in all the three cross combinations. For comparison, one sample t-test and Bland-Altman analysis were used along with the correlation and regression analysis and the results suggest that both the methods were found to be in agreement and there was no statistically significant difference between both the methods. Under the PWGI, PMC and VFDS, formed primarily from the Mahila Mandal, entered into an agreement on October 16, 2010. As per this 20-year agreement, PMC will pay Rs 10,000 annually1 to VFDS as PES for the protection and management of Bheerni forest. Transplanting of turmeric seedling will be an option to address the germination delay newlineproblem in Palampur region.
Transplanting of turmeric seedling as a substitute for rhizome sowing will conserve 75 % of seed rhizome along with conserving farm resources viz., irrigation water and labour resulting in higher net returns. 50 per cent N through FYM to rice followed by 100 per cent NPK to wheat recorded highest net returns in rice-wheat cropping sequence while application of 100 per cent NPK through chemical fertilizers recorded highest benefit cost ratio. Higher net returns (Rs 3,39,393/ha) and B C ratio (3.09) was observed in Palam Lalima. Palam Lalima and Suvarna performed best when they were planted during first fortnight of April as compared to first fortnight of May. First and second fortnight of April was found to be optimum time for sowing turmeric under Palampur conditions as compared to first fortnight of May. In the second experiment response of turmeric for spacing (30 cm x 20 cm and 30 cm x 30 cm) propagating material (mother and primary rhizome) and crop establishment methods (transplanting seedlings and rhizome planting) was evaluated. No significant difference for fresh rhizome yield was noticed when primary or mother rhizome was used as propagating material. Owing to better growth attributes higher rhizome yield /plant (236.78 g) mother, primary and secondary rhizome weight had assisted Palam Lalima to attain higher rhizome yield.

Thus significantly superior growth attributes viz., plant height (50.2 cm); LAI (6.43) and number of leaves/plant (9.0) were recorded in Palam Lalima. Poor growth and yield attributes observed in IISR Alleppey Supreme and IISR Prathibha was due to sub optimal temperature prevailed in the experimental area. Among tested cultivars higher curcumin (4.73%) and oil content (6.7%) was recorded in IISR Alleppey Supreme and Suvarna respectively. Among the turmeric cultivars Palam Lalima recorded highest fresh rhizome yield (25.10 t/ha) followed by Suvarna (18.02 t/ha) and found to be suitable for cultivation in mid hills of North West Himalayas. Significantly higher fresh rhizome yield (18.77 and 17.77 t/ha) net return (Rs 2,00,748 and 1,92,748/ha) and B C ratio (2.23 and 2.18) was recorded when turmeric was sown in first and second fortnight of April as compared to first fortnight of May. Significantly higher fresh rhizome yield (18.44 t/ha) was observed with spacing 30 cm x 20 cm as compared to 30 cm x 30 cm spacing.

Similarly no significant variation for rhizome yield was noticed among different crop establishment methods. The response of different integrated nutrient management treatments in sprouting broccoli variety Palam Samridhi revealed significant variation with respect to various parameters studied. Palampur,, Himachal Pradesh, Kangra, Dharamshala, Hotels in Palampur ), respectively. The response of different integrated nutrient management treatments in brinjal variety Arka Keshav also revealed significant variation for the various traits except days to first picking. Epistatic effects were influencing all the traits except days to 75 per cent maturity. Duplicate type of gene action was observed in the expression of days to 50 per cent flowering ,seed yield/plant, plant height, technical height and fibre traits at Kangra location for TL-11 x Him Alsi-2, these observation implies the use of biparental approach and selection to be delayed to later generation. It is open from 10:00 in the morning to 5:00 in the evening on all days except Monday. Besides, pH, organic carbon, CEC, available N, P, K and S and micronutrient cations were also determined in surface soil samples taken before rice (2010 and 2011) and wheat (2010-11 and 2011-12) using standard methods of analysis.
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