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There are many benefits with massage therapy. One benefit is the way that massage affects the body. Massage improves circulation due to the pressure generated by the massage stroke pushes lymph fluid through blocked areas. This fluid helps in the circulation of blood throughout the body. Your skin will be more hydrated due to the improved circulation.
Massage can also relax tight muscles and soothe tension. This helps relieve tension and stress that commonly come with daily life. Massage improves blood flow to nerves through stretching and sliding movements of fingers and hands. This activity activates the flow of hormones and chemicals that help to control the nervous system and relax muscles.

Massage therapists can employ the same principles to relieve stress , as they apply to stretch and soothe muscles that are tight. Stress and fatigue can be diminished by deep breathing exercises during the massage session. Massage also increases the release of endorphins which are natural painkillers and mood boosters. These same hormones function as natural mood enhancers that boost your spirits.

A massage therapist can use massage therapy to stimulate the release of endorphins. Endorphins produce chemical sensations that induce satisfaction and emotional relief. People experience endorphins when they are exercising or playing sports. When they go through a massage therapy session the massage therapist triggers these endorphins in order to lower levels of stress hormone. The high levels of stress hormone have been associated with a number of negative health consequences, including reduced immunity, faster healing after injuries, depression, and anger.

Cortisol, a hormone that regulates biological responses to stress and other influences is known as a hormone. When cortisol levels rise, it causes a rise in blood pressure, a faster heart rate and a general feeling of anxiety and tension. If this cortisol reaction is prolonged it could lead to depression and possibly even obesity. Recent research suggests that massage therapy may be able to reduce cortisol levels, and thus reduce the chance of developing depression. Studies have also shown that regular massage can decrease cortisol levels to as high as 48%..

Massage therapy has another health benefit that is improving circulation. Poor circulation is believed to be linked to a variety of negative health outcomes like poor circulation in the brain memory, poor memory, reduced immunity as well as high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. If blood vessels in legs and arms are stretched through massage, they are able to receive more blood and oxygen than when they are being manually removed. This allows the lymphatic system to function more efficiently and could remove waste products like cholesterol from the circulatory system. Massage can increase blood clotting and eliminate plaques in the arteries, which are closely linked to the development of atherosclerosis. Massage can help reduce tension, stress and anxiety by enhancing the body's ability to perform better function.

The physiological effects of massage may extend beyond the physical health. Massage can relax muscles because of the friction of muscles. This leads to an increase in circulation and movement fluids throughout your body, and also enhanced the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to your cells. Massage also stimulates the release of endorphins in the brain, which serve as natural mood boosters. Massage has been demonstrated to improve the performance of athletes, boost alertness and reduce fatigue after long periods of sitting down. It has also been established that massage can aid in weight loss through its physiological effects.

Finally, massage therapy has been found to be a beneficial treatment for psychological disorders such as depression and anxiety. Since stress can be a trigger for physical pain, reducing the amount of physical pain people suffer through the course of their day can help reduce mental and emotional stress. Massage therapy must be an ongoing part of the daily routine for anyone suffering from severe anxiety or chronic pain. These locations provide unique opportunities to experience the soothing benefits of massage therapy in the comfort of your own home.
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