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The Bad Side About Delta Male
In this post, we're going to talk all about the bad things that come with being a Delta Male. You may have a lot of success or be a well-respected member of society but that doesn't mean your life is easy. Despite how it may seem from an outside perspective, our lives can be very difficult and it's time to start addressing these struggles head-on.

We'll talk about how most people think we have it easier than most men out there, but they don't understand what goes on inside our heads and hearts every day.
I'll be honest with you. I'm not proud of being a Delta male because I know deep down inside I should have more to show for my efforts and time spent on this planet.
True, my life is extremely easy compared to say...a homeless man or a coal miner, but the sacrifices and accomplishments most men feel proud of can't be found in my life.
I guess you could say I'm proud of the fact that I'm not an alcoholic and can hold down a job and provide for myself and my family, but that's about it.
We're the kind of guy that people love to hate or be around, but it's hard for us to make true friendships with other men.

The consistent problems with being a male are ever-present in our lives every day.
Here are some of them.

1 - Women want us but will never fully commit-- We'll talk more about this later on, but most women want the best of both worlds when it comes to us. They want our powerful strength and sexual prowess, but they also want the security that only a beta provider man can give them. Most girls grow up dreaming about their wedding day and what kind of man they'll marry one day. In most cases, they want a man who is strong and athletic but is also kind, thoughtful, and caring.

For most guys out there, things like looks, money, and fame are the main ingredients in the love potion. For us though...we're often a consolation prize for a woman who can't find a man in her league. Say a 9 decides to settle for a 5 or 6--that's us Delta males. Women will never be fully committed to us because they know they can't turn us into what they really instead of giving up on finding their ideal partner...they decide to keep hold of the "good" parts of you while getting all the good parts of men who are more suitable mates for them.

2 - We're cursed to be the "friend zone" guy-- I'm not going to get into why we're the friend zone guy, but let's just say women wouldn't marry us if they saw us as a lifelong partner.
Think about this for a many MEN do you see on TV who are single and happy so? I'm sure there are some, but generally speaking, if you go out drinking with any group of single men...the odds are pretty good that at least half of them will be Delta males and not 1/10th. The ratio is 1:9 after all.

3 - We fall for women who are out of our league-- This is the epitome of being damned if you do and damned if you don't.
If you go after a woman who's way out of your league, then you're risking social shame and loneliness. People won't like you because they know she could do better than you.
But if you go after a woman that can actually be with you for life, then she will eventually wake up one day and realize that she's only with you because no one else will have her or because there was never any real chemistry between the two of you...and this is where all the pain comes in.

4 - We have no voice in the media-- It's been proven time and time again that men have no voice in the media. We're not portrayed as heroes or role models, but instead as evil antagonists or as a joke.

5 - Double standards-- Just to reiterate about women wanting the best parts of us and not being fully committed to being with us...this doesn't just apply to sexual relationships either. delta male traits is true for platonic relationships as well. I've had a few friends who date a girl for a week or two and then that girl's friend goes completely nuts about how much she likes him...but at the same time, she doesn't want him dating any of her friends. She doesn't want him hanging around other women because she knows he's better than that.
She wants his attention for herself and no one else.
We're the guy that her friends look at and say, "Oh, he's so cute! I wish he was my boyfriend." And then when she comes to hang out with them, she looks at you like you're some piece of trash because she knows what they said about you to her...and even worse...she knows why they said it. She knows how badly they'd want to be in your shoes but they won't get the chance because she gave it to you. You're like her toy and she knows that you can't quit playing with it because she'll be pissed.

6 - Double life-- We're never fully comfortable with our Delta side. We're not allowed to fully express ourselves or be our true authentic selves to any other living soul.
7 - Sexual frustration-- Because we don't have the same physical traits as other men, we may not receive as much attention from women as we would like. When women do take notice of's often because of who we know and not for who we actually are as a person. When all there is to a man is his looks and money, then he becomes just another commodity that other people will throw themselves at for attention and validation.

8 - We don't get to express our creativity-- We're not allowed to be artists or musicians or actors or anything with a creative side because we know we'll never be good at it. (Hence the artistry of popular music and movies today)

9 - Society disapproves-- Say you really do try and become a musician, actor, inventor, etc..and then when you finally get something going your way, society is all about tearing that down. Think about it. If society approves of your talents and abilities...then in their mind everyone in the world should approve of them too...and if they don't, then they must be missing out on something. Society is a judgmental group that will mock you for trying to reach your dreams and will try to convince you that it's not worth it.

10 - We fall in love with women who don't love us back-- This one is so hard. It's hard enough for any guy to go through...but when the girl we like also turns out to be a Delta's just cruel. Not only do we have problems dealing with our own insecurities and difficulties but we also have to deal with hers as well. It feels like we're both drowning and she's holding onto a life preserver and won't give it to either of us until one of us is completely under water....and when she finally pulls the cord.
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