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• Gэnэral Inførmatiøn
Name: Ivory
Nickname: Known as ‘Death's Mistress’ in some kingdoms.
Race: Former human, Blood Beast later.
Height: 5' 4'' - 163 centimetres
Weight: 118 lbs - 53 kgs
Hair: Raven Black, wavy, long to her the waist.
Eyes: Light shade of green. White and glassy when needing to feed. The white part of the eyeball turns black when displaying her power.
Distinguishing facial features: Four fangs. Two longer ones in the upper row of teeth, two smaller ones in the bottom row. She knows, however, how to make people not notice them.
Birth place: Unknown.
Death place: Unknown.
Parents: Unknown.
Siblings: Unknown.
Age: Physical - 22, real age: 627.
Gender: Female.
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual.
Armor: Black adherent leather armor covering the 99% of her body, including a hood, a mask, a cloak and gloves. The only uncovered part are her eyes.
Weapons: A short sword and a dagger of the color of ebony.
Values: Loyalty - Will Power - Courage - Honesty.
Negative Aspects: Coldness - Isolation - Arrogance – Stubbornness – Unpredictability.
Vulnerabilities: Despite her dark nature, Ivory decide to serve a good cause and help people. Her biggest vulnerability is the fear to give in and let the Bloodthirsty beast inside her prevail on her common sense and reason. As the original Blood Beast developed an obsession for her blood, she might, sometimes, do the same. She would find some human’s blood to be particularly to her liking and decide to hunt for it. However, differently from the Beast, she has the capacity of feelings and reason.
Employment: Ivory often offered her services to some royal families or simply people (mostly travelers) she would fine to serve a good cause. She would help them during their missions and protect them to any danger, thanks to her nature.
• Pøwэrs
Superhuman strength: After becoming a Blood Beast, Ivory's strength inhibitions disappeared. Her real strength was freed. She is strong enough to punch a hole through a stone or marble wall, and pick up - very - heavy objects as well. Her strength has, however, limitations.
Superhuman speed: She can run almost as fast as five times more than a horse. Though, it drains away all of her energies.
Enhanced olfaction: She can smell better than humanly possible, even from a long distance.
Enhanced Hearing: She has the power to hear with amazing clarity. From a not too long distance, she is able to hear someone's heartbeats.
Immortality: Ivory isn't underneath time, affected by age or diseases.
Self-Healing: She can be wounded, but the healing process is faster than normal. It will take her a few days to fully recover from almost any kind of wound. She can fall in a trance similar to a slumber to make her body recover faster. She can't, however, regenerate her limbs in case of losing one.
Supernatural Perception: Ivory can perceive the nature of any creature (but not if they possess any magical power), if they're human or not. She can't define what kind of creature is in front of her, however, if she isn't familiar with it. Also, she can sense someone's presence even from a long distance.
Shadow-Walking: Ivory is able to merge with shadows. By simply stepping on or touching a shadow, she can drown in it. She can use darkness as temporary dimension in which she can travel through. It is not usually possible to sense her presence, for she's totally invisible. It is however possible to hear her voice, if she speaks.
Fascination: Ivory is able to manipulate the weakest and most manipulable minds with her sole appearance. The target person would get confused and stunned and would easily do anything she ask. - This ability does not work on stronger and smarter minds.
Ivory does not require to sleep.
• Wэaknэssэs
- Ivory requires to feed on human blood to survive. It is the price for the powers she inherited from the Blood Beast. If not consuming much energies, she needs to feed around once a week, otherwise she will need it more often. Not feeding will cause her to slowly decompose: first her skin will get paler, then her irises' and pupils' colors will start to fade away into white. If not feeding in time, she will get weak and die. After feeding time will start to flow again and she will have more than a week of life before risking to die, again.
- Setting her on fire with Holy Oil.
- Pierce her heart with a steak made of wood from a church tree.
- Decapitation.
- Silver burns her skin and can mortally wound her if stabbed in the heart.
• Bισgяαρну
Ivory is a Blood Beast. Or, better, she became one. And she is , also, the last one.
A Blood Beast is a very rare creature - literally - made of shadows. It becomes from the depths of Hell and travels in the world of the living to feed on human blood. It's name comes from it's ability to track someone by tasting their blood: once it tastes a person's blood, it will be able to find them anywhere in the world.
Also a Blood Beast is genderless.
Ivory does not remember much about her life before the Beast. What she remembers is only everything related to it. The rest of her life is a mystery. She doesn’t know who she was, who her friends and parents were. Everything she knows is her name and her terrible experience with the Blood Beast.
Centuries ago, the Blood Beast accidentally tasted Ivory's blood. She was in a forest, she does not remember why. She remembers the blade of a sword causing a cut to her forearm. And then darkness surrounded her. The Beast tasted her blood and it developed an obsession for her. It would track her anywhere in the world. Every night and every day. It never stopped, never gave up. She remembers fear and anger.
She remembers that creature, taking a human form - the appearance of a man she did not know, when she was about to give up, not able to run anymore, when there weren't any more places where to hide.
She faced the creature. She remembers the facility in which that unholy being seduced her and fed on her. It was useless fighting against the creature. She could remember their calm voice in her head.
"It's useless, Ivory. Don't fight me. You will be mine."
Life was slowly abandoning her body when her fingers clenched around the small hilt of silver dagger attached to her belt. With trembling hand she managed to pierce through the Beast's heart with it. It made the mistake to take a human form, which made it also more vulnerable. Ivory was not aware that silver was a deadly weapon for it, she acted on impulse.
She fell on the ground, with the demonic screams of the creature filling her ears. She was dying. But so was the Beast. It would have never ruined someone's life anymore. With that thought in her mind, the woman was ready to die.
She did not know her nightmare wasn't finished yet. The Beast, blinded by rage, did not accept it's defeat. She remembers the blackness into it's eyes, staring into hers. Half unconscious, she saw the figure surrounded by a red and dark aura. It's shadow-like appearance took over again, and it's voice seemed to be shaking the ground. "You will be like me, Ivory. You will be a monster just like me, spreading Death over this world." The Blood Beast knew how much the woman disdained it and it's nature.
"This is my gift for you."
Darkness took over her and she died, in the death's embrace of the Beast.
Several days later she opened her eyes. And from there all of her memories start. She remembered only her name, and the monster.
She wasn't human anymore. She wasn't Ivory anymore. She could feel, somehow, the presence of the Beast, inside her. They were one.
She immediately noticed she was... different. Stronger. Faster. Her sight had never been as perfect before. All of her sensed were enhanced.
She soon found out she inherited most of the powers of the Beast.
She wondered if the beast really made her a gift. Even if she remembered the promise it made.
Until she felt, for the first time, the bloodthirst. It was uncontrollable, ferocious, painful.
For a while she thought the Beast's words became true. She was not able to not completely drain her victims nor resist to their blood, spreading death and fear. The Beast cursed her. It was a curse.
The number of her victims was high when she realized it could not last forever. She could not keep killing people. The sense of guilt was too painful. She didn’t want to be a killer. A monster. She didn’t want to show the Beast inside her that it’s ‘gift’ was working as planned. She didn’t want to give it that satisfaction.

She realized she was different from the Beast. It could not feel guilty. She was experiencing pain from taking all those lives. There was a human part in her, thing that wasn’t present in the original creature. The original creature could not experience feelings. Ivory could.
She clung tightly on that hope, and on that human side, and along with her will power, she learned how to control her bloodlust.
It took her a long time. With some help. A lot of effort.
Now she has a strong self-control and doesn’t kill anyone anymore. She still needs to feed on humans, but she does that without completely drain them. She offers them the chance to become donors. If they will offer their blood, the process of donating it will not be painful. The weakest minds get manipulated by her otherworldly fascination, another ‘gift’ from the Beast. The original Beast would take the form of someone their victim cared of to seduce them and gain their trust. Ivory was not able to change her form, for she already had one, as human.
Ivory has often offered her services to some royal families or a person she found worthy to be protected, helped. She would take the role of guardian or, sometimes, escort. Due to her nature, she resulted to fit very well for such position.
• Pєяѕσиαℓιту
There isn’t much left of what she used to be before the Blood Beast. Whatever she was before is lost and dead. Now she’s a silent woman, and mostly enjoys solitude. She merely observes others and, if interested, studies them. She can often be curious, a human trait that remained in her. She seems to be mostly emotionless, but, however, has the capacity for emotions. A full range of emotions, from love to hate and joy to sorrow.
She is very loyal and has a high sense of honor – meaning that she particularly dislikes betrayal. She will not easily forgive someone who betrays her.
She can sometimes display arrogance and act as she prefers. She doesn’t particularly enjoy taking orders, for she doesn’t consider herself anyone’s servant.
Her personality is, mostly, a mystery, for she rarely shows what hides behind the neutral expression of her face.

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