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About NMN 10, here's what you want to know.
PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline quinone),

1. What is NMN? 2. Why eat NMN? 3. Are complementary foods different from healthy foods? 4. Can NMN eat by itself? 5. Why are recipes so important? 6. Does manufacturing technology also have an impact? 7. Are there any side effects? 8. Am I applicable? 9. How to select products? 10. How should I take it? 1. What is NMN? 1. The full Chinese name of NMN is nicotinamide mononucleotide, which is snowflake powder at room temperature. 2. In recent years, after sufficient biological experiments and extensive academic demonstration, NMN is the most effective anti-aging oral ingredient in the world. There are positive articles in world-famous journals (such as science, cell, nature, etc.). 3. NMN is mentioned in the literature of many Chinese hospitals such as Beijing 301 Hospital and Guangzhou Zhongshan third hospital. 4. At present, NMN has the function of prolonging life from an academic point of view, especially in alleviating the development of degenerative diseases. 5. NMN's business perspective has also attracted much attention. Li Ka Shing, Pan Shiyi and other well-known Chinese businessmen are involved in the field of NMN (or nad with NMN as its predecessor), and it is very effective to conduct experiments in person. 6. Main functions of NMN: improve mental state, muscle strength, mental strength, liver function, etc.
(nicotinamide single nucleotide molecular formula) 2. Why eat NMN? 1. We ingest NMN in our daily life. NMN maniacs exist in a variety of vegetables, but in very small amounts. 2. In fact, there is no good reason to recommend NMN for people under the age of 25. Because NMN lies in the repair of human damaged cells, people under the age of 25 can adjust enough NMN for cell repair under normal circumstances. 3. With the increase of age, the NMN level of human body gradually decreases, and the body has degenerative symptoms (such as muscle degeneration, mental weakness, deepening pigment, hair loss, etc.), which is traditionally called "aging". 4. However, aging is not necessarily based on age, and aging is based on living conditions. For example, long-term high-pressure state, staying up late and other NMN levels decline, and degenerative symptoms will appear early, weak, trans and other symptoms. 5. NMN can objectively reflect the degree of human aging. Therefore, groups with aging symptoms can supplement NMN to effectively alleviate aging symptoms or restore youth.
3. Are complementary foods different from healthy foods? 1. Traditional dietary supplements emphasize theory. At the same time, the edible effect of dietary supplements is vague and lacks specific dose and stable effect. 2. NMN has a large number of academic and experimental data, and its effectiveness has been proved by toxicity test. 3. The quality of traditional complementary foods is not uniform, and excessive addition of heavy metals by some bad businesses will produce toxic effects. 4. NMN components can be quantified and controlled, and the medical grade industrial production of the product ensures the safety and effectiveness of the product. 5. Traditional health products such as vitamins and calcium have single effect and are easy to synthesize into human body. 6. The process of human synthesis of NMN is complex, and the level of NMN is low, so it needs to be obtained in vitro. 7. Because NMN is a root and comprehensive repair, different from traditional health products, NMN can restore cell vitality and avoid excessive intake of health products and excessive burden on liver and kidney. 4. Can NMN eat by itself? 1. It is not recommended to eat NMN directly. 2. The powder NMN raw materials sold on the market belong to industrial grade or experimental use, and the risk of direct use is very high. It is also an irresponsible illegal act to use the experimental raw materials as other people's food and drugs. 3. When the acidity of untreated NMN is high, it will severely stimulate the esophagus and stomach of the digestive system, causing or worsening digestive system diseases. 4. NMN medical grade raw materials are inconvenient to eat directly, soluble in water and low absorption efficiency. 5. The NMN dissolution of the capsule is unstable. The temperature of the capsule is different, and the water temperature dissolution rate is also different. Sometimes the absorption is unstable, which stimulates the digestive system. 6. Because long-term use of pure NMN in capsule shape will produce the effect of edge reduction and the effect will be weakened, many people will significantly weaken the effect after taking it for a few months.
5. Why are recipes so important? 1. The formula can prevent the effect of edge reduction and control the long-term effective level of the product. By strengthening the effect of prescription, such as the international patent prescription of prolifebio brand, improve the circulation efficiency of prescription on tricarboxylic acid, make NMN act on human body more effectively and prevent the uncontrollable influence of excessive intake. 3. The formula and excipient formula can maintain the absorption rate of human body, reduce stimulation and improve the absorption efficiency.
6. Does manufacturing technology also have an impact? 1. Generally, the manufacturing process from low to high is raw material grade, capsule filling grade, stamping grade and special manufacturing grade. 2. The raw material grade is medical grade raw material, which is not directly used for oral use. 3. The filling grade of the capsule is applicable to general stable ingredients such as anti-inflammatory drug "amoxicillin" and traditional Chinese medicine. NMN is a highly active ingredient. The storage of the capsule is easy to cause oxidation, and the capsule is not conducive to the absorption of NMN in the human body. 4. Embossing can stably preserve the absorbed components, but it is not applicable to all components. Because the temperature may reach more than 90 during embossing. Because NMN is a highly active component, it is not suitable for embossing process. Shakespeare. 5. Shakespeare. Prolifebio's cold pressing technology and other special manufacturing make NMN survive at low temperature. Stamping is a stable tablet, which is conducive to preservation and human absorption. It is the most advanced manufacturing solution at present.
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