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Can hemorrhoids infect? The doctor said that many people are distressed because of hemorrhoids because of these five points.
Hemorrhoid Treatment

Miss Huang, who lives in Tianhe Longdong recently, is very sad. Smoking and drinking for a long time, staying up late to torture his old hemorrhoids again. He didn't defecate at work during the day and went home to wipe his anus and take medicine at night. This did not particularly worry him. He is worried about whether hemorrhoids will be transmitted to relatives and friends, especially between husband and wife.
Can hemorrhoids infect? Many people want to know this problem. For Dr. Huang's doubts, the author interviewed the chief doctor of anorectal surgery of Guangdong Armed Police Corps Hospital and asked whether hemorrhoids would be infected.
He explained that there are many reasons for the incidence of hemorrhoids in life. Sitting for a long time, standing for a long time, tired, etc. Because the human body is in a fixed position for a long time, it affects the blood circulation, resulting in slow pelvic blood flow, visceral congestion, excessive filling of hemorrhoid veins, varicose veins, swelling and decreased vein wall tension. Hemorrhoids is one of the important causes of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids themselves are subcutaneous swollen, curved and swollen venous tumors of rectum and anal canal. They are benign diseases. So hemorrhoids are not an infectious disease and will not be infected.
Liu Baodian said that infectious diseases have three necessary conditions: source of infection, route of transmission and object of transmission. Diseases caused by viruses or bacteria, air, food and other contact transmission. Hemorrhoids obviously do not meet these three conditions, so we don't have to worry at all.
Hemorrhoids do not infect, but the following factors can cause hemorrhoids:
1. People who sit for a long time, stand for a long time and travel with load for a long time are likely to cause hemorrhoids due to the obstruction of venous reflux due to the compression of gravity and internal organs.
Hemorrhoids may be hereditary. A clinical study shows that if parents have hemorrhoids, their children's venous walls will naturally become fragile and their resistance will decline.
3. Cold, fever, constipation, diarrhea, alcoholism and spicy food in the anus will stimulate the anus and rectum, resulting in hemorrhoid venous congestion, resulting in hemorrhoids.
Intraperitoneal, uterine and ovarian tumors. Benign prostatic hyperplasia pregnancy; Eating more and squatting more will increase intra-abdominal pressure and prevent venous blood reflux.
5. Obstruction of rectal and anal mucosa, proximal venous reflux, congestion and varicose veins caused by bacterial or viral infection may lead to hemorrhoids.
Finally, according to many years of clinical experience, Liu Bo summarized five methods to prevent hemorrhoids for the general public.
1. Rhythm of life, more exercise. Because exercise can strengthen blood circulation, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, improve blood circulation and prevent hemorrhoids.
2. Do not drink the wine of spicy food such as fresh vegetables and fruits in the food you eat every day. What wine? Don't you drink? Don't you drink? Refractory constipation should be treated in hospital as soon as possible, and can not be directly treated with drugs or laxatives.
Keep anus clean and pay attention to hygiene. When hemorrhoids attack, hot anal bath twice a day can alleviate the disease.
Regular exercise to improve the anus. The specific method is to relax the whole body, sit and lie down, empty yourself, deliberately shorten the anus and lift it up slowly. Just like returning to the stool, doing this action at any time can improve the resistance of hemorrhoids to perianal diseases.
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