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There is this teenager (like 17 ish) and he’s known for doing petty crime but this time he fucks up a bit more, him and his friends blatantly steal some shit from this little store and then the owner tries to fight back and he pushes him a bit to get him out of the way and the owner falls and hits his head and is bleeding, then the friends start running.

Also This time he brings his new girlfriend along and she doesn’t really want to steal anything but he forces her to because he wants her to have fun and then things go awry.

The friends all split off into different directions and the police are looking for all of them, the partners are a tall, young, handsome slim guy and a average height pretty young woman, best friends and partners. They get the call and they roll their eyes when they hear that the main teen is on the run for doing something stupid again. They had to deal with him a lot.

They start by finding the pretty much innocent girlfriend and then eventually she caves and tells them that he went to this huge huge HUGE and weird store/warehouse place and that he kinda went there to seem normal and not stick out so, the two friend police go there and look around a bit and thats when they see him and he’s smiling and laughing with some of his friends and then they see that he’s got the stolen products in his hand.

The teenager kinda looks over and sees the male policeman all the way across the store and then his heart sinks, and so, without making it noticeable, he smiles and says bye to his friends and then he starts casually trying to walk out of the store. His friends use the side door and leave, but when the two police see the main teen boy trying to leave through the back, they quickly activate this button that shut the whole store down, all of the exists and immediately the teen said FUCK.

The male police officer said “don’t run man. Don’t make this harder for us. We just want you to-“ and then before he could even finish his sentence, the teenager turns around and fucking BOOKS IT TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORE.

This is the part where the dream got really, really good, but unfortunately I won’t be able to explain it well. Basically: the teen is pretty much a fucking genius and a crazy fast athletic bastard and he keeps running to doors and corridors just trying to find ONE unlocked door so that he could escape, but the two police officers are always like right behind him and he just NARROWLY escapes them each time using genius tactics like rigging doors to close after he exits them and trying to lock them inside of the corridors or just- cool shit like that.

After a while he manages to get outside via a small opening and he squeezes himself through and runs to a near park. He crawls up the slide and gets into this tube thats double ended to hide and he falls into a daze from exhaustion: but then he snaps out of it when he hears shuffling and then he looks up to see that the two officers are trapping him on either side of the tube and they’re both like “it’s over man. We’re going to take you in now-“ and then the boy starts screaming NO NO NO and he fucking FREAKS OUT and so he mustered all of the strength he could and suddenly kicks the girl in front of him with both legs and she goes tumbling out of the tube and he quickly scrambled out of it. The guy police on the other end tried to grab his ankle but the boy kicked it and began running back to the warehouse

And now its the final scene where the boy is standing in the warehouse all tired and out of breath and emotional but relieved that the cops werent chasing him anymore- but then right when he took a breath, they both came running in after unlocking the door with a key and tucking it back into their pocket. The guy said “please stop running. We just want to talk to you. Please.” And then the boy looked like he was finally going to cave, but he turned around and saw this huge floor to ceiling fence with a small door entrance that led to this huge ass metal set of stairs. He turned back to look at the officers and slowly, he took his shoes off and said “…I can’t do that.” In a soft voice.

Then this weird menu popped up and it said

Skills unlocked:

Faster running

With that, he turned around and started running on godspeed mode and he jumped up and latched onto the fence and climbed into the entrance and the guy cop looked over to the girl cop and said, just get a team down here for when I bring him down and the chick was like okay and so the guy cop starts running and chasing after the boy again, following him up this super long set of stairs and yelling at him to stop the whole way.

The boy just kept running and running and running and finally, he reached the top where there was a small grey room and a door that lead to the roof. He looked down the metal stairs and he saw that the cop was coming and so he started to kick the door down and once it flew open he saw that the roof was a bit weird to climb onto and had barbed wire fencing on that one side.

The guy cop yells “Kid! Don’t go out there! It’s dangerous! Please!” And the kid just says nothing and he climbs up onto the roof and grabs onto the barbed wire to support himself making his hands bleed and then he shimmies his way all the way to the side that didn’t have the fencing and he looked down and saw how far up he was and kinda got locked in a trance.

At this point the cop came out and was looking at the boy and he said “Kid! It’s over! There’s nowhere else you can go-“ and then the boy interrupts the sentence by turning around and theres just tears running down his face and it’s completely red and he looks so tired. The cop kinda looks at him like huh and then the boy finally says “you don’t have to chase me anymore.” And then the cop says “sure I don’t. Just come here, there isn’t anywhere left to go.” And then the boy just shook his head and points behind him to the ground and the cop shakes his head and takes a step closer.

“Kid-..” He said with a soft swallow, I could tell his heart was beating fast. “Step away from the ledge. You’re going to fall.” He spoke carefully and his voice was trembling a bit and the kid just looked into the cops eyes as another tear fell and he said

“I’m going to jump.”

And the cop immediately shook his head. “No. No kid no! Come here! Come here NOW!” And he takes a step closer and the boy puts his hand up and starts crying hard and is like “Come any closer and l’ll fall quicker.” He shook his head and looked down at the floor and said “I’m…really sorry.” And then another tear dropped and he said “I’m a fuckup. I hate myself-….I should’ve done this sooner.”

And then he starts crying fully fledged and the cop starts getting emotional and he puts his gun away and then he looks at the boy. “Look at me! Do you see me! Look! My gun is away, I have no weapons! You don’t have to do this!” And the boy just shakes his head again and says. “You’re pretty good at running and climbing, you know? You always have been. You were fun to go up against, officer.”

And the officer is just like “NO! NO DON’T!” And then the kid finally smiles through tears and says “Now no one will have to put up with me anymore.”

And then he closes his eyes and then he says “Thank you.”

And then he starts falling back, his arms spread out

And the officer just screams and starts running, tears flying down his face

And then the dream ended 😀
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