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Soccer Training Methods - 5 Ways For Strikers To Score Goals
It's very important to be clear about your policies, both with parents and the kids. When you begin soccer coaching prepare and distribute a handout to every child and parent that outlines what you expect from the kids. State your goals, practice and playing schedules, and be very clear about the kind of behavior you expect from everyone. Include your contact information and that of any assistants you have so that problems can be handled as quickly as possible. It's especially important that the parents know the proper behavior at games; parental misbehavior has ruined many games and they should understand that it's all about fun and sportsmanship, not winning.

Allow replay on goals. There is nothing more frustrating for a fan than watching a blown call on a score. In soccer, a blown call on a goal is game-changing. Such blown calls strain the patience of hard core fans and turn off new ones. FIFA's stubbornness and complete unreasonableness on this basic issue only exacerbates fan frustration and anger. People support athletics to be entertained by great athletes, not outraged by bad officiating. If you put on a sporting event and the fan comes away feeling cheated and angry, you've failed as a governing body and started the clock on your sports demise in prestige.

As a soccer player, I know that the sport, as well as its athletes, can be belittled, or even forgotten at times. Usually people are more concerned with baseball, basketball, or of course, football.

So I am not saying that if you play soccer you would have to run for 90 minutes flat, you would rather run and stop, then run again and stop. This type of movement is called stop - go movement or other wise - burst of exertion followed by a recovery period. When you do that, you form a system in your body that will constantly burn fat and calories inside your body providing you keep this type of activity 3-4 times a week. Professional soccer players train and play more than 4 times a week.

Despite my growing appreciation for the game, however, the 2010 edition of the World Cup has lead me to the conclusion that soccer is a great sport but one not living up to its potential due to betrayal by its rules, officials and governing body. Watching FIFA and the referees smothering soccer's untapped potential is as frustrating as watching a jockey choke out a great thoroughbred.

FIFA's wrong. Soccer can't grow in such an environment. New fans won't put up with games being decided by referees. Also, soccer, unlike baseball, does not need publicity through controversy, scandal, and conflict. Soccer can keep its world-wide popularity on the merits of the game alone, that and the fact that soccer's so cheap to play. After all, to start a soccer game, all you need is a field, a ball, and a ridiculous set of rules.

While India is not a soccer-mad nation, it has the second largest soccer stadium in the world. With a capacity of 120,000, Salt Lake Stadium is also a multi-purpose venue that is used for soccer and athletics.

A soccer game with stands full of fans wearing scarves is often a quiet understanding. The avid soccer fan knows when one wears the scarf, there exists a knowledge and appreciation for the tradition with the sport. There is not a noise machine to determine the quiet sound of fan culture. The fans with this sport demonstrate their loyalty for their team, their respect for their team, as well as their fascination with the sport by wearing the soccer scarves. This fan knows what to anticipate with the game. knows the significance of your entire soccer game being played, not simply a half. This fan loves, understands, which is an unwavering supporter with the sport. Yes, this sort of feeling is demonstrated simply by wearing the soccer scarves.

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