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The Best Sources of Vitamin C Long Island Pediatricians Recommend
Generally speaking, social media marketing company is a water-soluble vitamin that’s found in certain foods. Specifically, it’s most common in different vegetables and fruit, specifically those of the citrus variety. In other words, when walking through a produce section of any supermarket, there will be countless sources of vitamin C that you’ll come across. Not only is it among the most common nutrients in the world, but it’s essential to one’s overall health. Long Island pediatrician s, whether they specialize in nutrition or not, will say the same. For this reason, it’s worth discussing the benefits of vitamin C and the best sources to consider.

When taken in safe amounts, vitamin C yields numerous benefits. For example, it’s known to prevent certain illnesses that are transmitted through the air or by touching surfaces, the common cold being the most prominent example. It can also lessen one’s risk of developing more serious, long-term conditions, heart disease and cancer included. Severe cases of vitamin C deficiency can result in scurvy, which is highlighted by such symptoms as bleeding gums, rash development, and feelings of physical weakness in general. The benefits of vitamin C are numerous and those that specialize in Long Island pediatrics will stress the importance of this nutrient as part of one’s diet. Here are some of the best sources to make regular parts of your regimen.

Oranges – When discussing the best sources of vitamin C, oranges are among the most common foods discussed. Did you know that one medium orange contains as much as 70 mg of vitamin C? It’s a favorite food for juicing as well, though if you’re looking at your calories and sugar content, you may wish to steer clear of orange juice that can be purchased at any store. More likely than not, this will contain higher calorie counts and sugar levels, both of which may not be conducive to your wellbeing. Speak to your local pediatrician to learn more about smart implementation in your child’s diet. Looking up pediatric doctor near me near me” online will help you get started.

Strawberries – While on the subject of fruit, strawberries are also rich in vitamin C. In addition, they are low in calories and high in fiber, making them ideal for those looking to make positive changes to their regimens. It’s important to be thorough when washing them, however, due to their bumpy exteriors. These exteriors can make the fruit difficult to clean, which means that dirt and pesticides can remain, unseen to the naked eye. Keep in mind, though, that allergies to certain berries, strawberries included, exist. Speaking to an allergy specialist, after researching “allergists near me” online, will provide a parent with a better understanding of the foods that should be abstained from.

Red Peppers – Switching gears to vegetables, did you know that red peppers are one of the better sources of vitamin C? These vegetables, which are often seen in salads or used to prepare more complex appetizers and meals, contain over the daily recommended amount of vitamin C. However, much like other foods on this list, this isn’t where the benefits of red peppers end. Other nutrients that red peppers have to offer include vitamins A and E, so if you’re looking for a versatile veggie to add to your daily intake, these come recommended.

Broccoli – While it may not often be associated with vitamin C, broccoli is one of the best foods to eat for this purpose. As a green and leafy veggie, broccoli can be prepared in different ways, many of which won’t take away from its overall nutrition. Furthermore, it’s naturally packed with other nutrients, making it all the more well-rounded. Such nutrients include, but aren’t limited to, calcium, iron, zinc, and potassium. Do you believe that your child’s health can benefit from more broccoli? Look up “ pediatric doctors near me ” to speak to a specialist before making any drastic changes to their diet.

Potatoes – Speaking of foods that aren’t typically associated with vitamin C, potatoes are known to contain 20 mg of the water-soluble vitamin in question. This makes the potato a respectable source of vitamin C, though it’s good for the human body in other ways. Potatoes are great sources of fiber and potassium, to name a few examples. Additionally, they can be prepared in different ways, making them one of the most versatile vegetables in the culinary sense.

allergist near me – Often considered one of the most powerful “superfoods,” kale has become incredibly popular in recent years. This is true in regard to its nutritional value because it packs just a little under the level of vitamin C that oranges offer. Other items to consider, in terms of nutritional value, are the levels of vitamin K, manganese, fiber, and other nutrients that kale offers. It also doesn’t hurt that kale can be prepared and used in different ways, making it equal parts nutritious and customizable from a culinary standpoint.

This content has been created by NY social media agency fishbat.
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