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4 Community Management Tips Healthcare Marketing Companies Should Know
Generally defined as the act of fostering an online community, which is typically a group of customers, community management is among the most important digital practices in the world today. This gives businesses opportunities to interact with their audiences, whether it’s by way of answering user inquiries or providing them with value such as high-quality content. This results in continued feedback that, in theory, helps businesses improve. Community management is commonplace in marketing, but some strategies will be more effective than others. With MSO healthcare in mind, here are 4 community management tips healthcare marketing companies should know.

First, understand the platforms that you’ll be using for community management purposes. When it comes to digital media, social media is likely to be the most common. Healthcare marketers will be present on long-standing platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, though it wouldn’t be far-fetched for them to be on more niche platforms including Instagram and TikTok. Each platform has unique traits, but the commonality among them is a vibrant community that businesses should be in touch with.

Second, set goals that you’d like to achieve from a community management standpoint. Engaging in an online community is the main function of the service at hand, but key goals will be different from one company to another. Thus, you should establish yours early on so that you can perform community management with the insight you need. Are you looking to increase general social media numbers such as likes and followers? Are you building your brand and using social media as a means to an end? Whatever the case may be, outline your goals ahead of time.

Third, research automation features that can streamline certain tasks. Granted, not everything can be done with automation, particularly creative endeavors including writing, recording, and video production. However, content posting and even customer service can be done with certain tools. In terms of customer service, chatbots can be incredibly useful, providing 24/7 support even when human employees are away or a company’s business hours have wrapped up. digital healthcare marketing can help with community management efforts in different ways, so research the possibilities that can make your own business more streamlined.

Fourth, and finally, respond to users in a timely fashion if their messages warrant responses. For example, a user may post on a medical practice’s Facebook page, requesting information regarding holiday hours. After all, operating hours may be different during key holidays, and users may wish to plan ahead. An inquiry of this nature should be responded to anywhere between 1 to 3 business days, if not immediately. Not only does this help deliver vital information, but as any healthcare marketing agency will attest, this level of transparency can build trust within a community.
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