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climate change, ageing - By Sabah Hussain in 8C

climate change has effected us by lots are weather has changed one day it will be sunny the next it will be rain some causes of this is carbon dioxide and de-forestation . We can stop this say as if you want paper try regrow the tree any spare wood use it for other purposes e.g. furniture ,fire wood , etc Also fossil fuels are another reason why climate change is around some animals are suffering ( polar bears , Tigers, orca , lions , etc ) we are destroying their homes as well as us destroying are own in the future don't go to the government when your kid doesn't know what a tiger is . we can stop climate change from happening but we have to stick together no more hunting animas no more cutting down trees as long as you re grow that tree stop using fossil fuels try solar power or biking . and another thing ageing is happening fast due to environments its like iPhone's ,apple ,Samsung has enslaved us nearly more than 1000 kids have phones apps such as snapchat Instagram have made this generation to the worst kids can do anything these days . Some cant focus on education ' their future and etc. To this point of thinking will some kids even have a future i mean look around pollution , phones etc, not enough time studying , some animals have gone extinct some already have gone extinct by 100 years i bet you we wont ave water we will have barely any animals by 2050 I bet you water will dry out . we waste a lot of things do you even think the next or this generation will even have a future ?
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