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1-My detention is full of unlawful acts. 2 days before the detention, I went to the courthouse and asked if there was any investigation.
Even though I ‘surrendered!’ by myself with my lawyer, I’m still being detained ‘with the suspicion that I may escape!’
They gave us lots of hard times during the questioning. The prosecution limited the lawyer number to 3 deliberately.
So called evidence were hidden from me and my lawyers based on a law that is passed 2 days ago.
We believe this law was passed especially for this purpose. The prosecutor questioned me in the police station rather than the court house as it is the common form in Turkey.
I was held in the police station for 4 days for testimony, which is unlawful as well. The prosecutor asked us about the claims that does not make an evidence as they ‘were’ the evidence. I was asked about the ‘voice recordings’ that are unknown how its taped and denied many times in the past. This question was taken out of the questioning as it is against the Turkish law but somehow they were brought again as evidence in court room!

I was sent to the courthouse after testimony but could not see the judge for another 2 days. We had to wait in detention room of courthouse, where the physical conditions were not good. We faced with some mobbing as well. For instance I asked for water to take my medicine but could not even get a glass of water.

2-I’m staying in the last prison that is built in Turkey with high security. Guardians come to our barrack to take a ‘head count’ at 8 am in the morning. We can go to a 60 meters square walking place that is surrounded with high walls and barbwires. That door closes at 6 pm. Breakfast is served at 8.15? Lunch at 12 pm, and dinner at 3 pm?
We can go to indoor sport facility once in 2 weeks and open one once a week.

3-I see my family once a week behind the glass with a telephone for 45 minutes. And once a month I can see them in the same room for an hour and 15 minutes.
They are the ones, who carry the heaviest burden on their shoulder during all this process.

4-I’m the executive of an international media organization. I’m the president of a broadcasting group with offices in New Jersey, Brussels, Frankfurt, Nairobi and Baku. I was the president of Television Audience Research Committee Joint Stock Company of Turkey. I was actively working from 8 in the morning to god knows when in the evening.

5-If AKP wins the elections again, I believe this totalitarian regime will continue with even more pressure. As a country, we already isolated ourselves from the international community. The credibility of our country is melting away day by day especially when it comes to press freedom. This saddens me most.

6- Its beyond any imagination to arrest a media executive based on a dialogue that take place in a soap opera. But happened to me. I did not even bother defending myself in the court in front of the judge. Because all these are nothing but a theater act. But the justice will be served sooner or later. I strongly believe that.

7- Being helpful to the community, delivering the truth, publishing understanding putting the human in the core are the main reasons that made me want to be a journalist.
(more can be listed)

8- Of course I was expecting to be arrested. But not like this, not based on a soap opera. The government controlled media were conducting smear campaigns against me already. I was wondering what would they charge me of but could not come up with anything. Judge told me that ‘I was being arrested because of the broadcasting policy we followed

9-.We saw so many unlawful things that nothing surprise me anymore.

10-The very fact that the justice itself is being suspended, as well as the European Union reforms. And of course the Hizmet movement being targeted.

11-People tell me both in prison and out of prison (for instance the hospitals they take us for medical checks) how sorry they are and showing support

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