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I stared, wide eyed at an unconscious Tiniac in front of me, then I looked at my surroundings. We were both shrunk and on the floor in AM; how it happened in the first place is beyond me. I had to visit Advanced Manufacturing to drop something off, but the man baby decided to pick a fight with me, an argument for no reason. Then, we both fell ill and now we're tiny and alone. Where was Evan when you needed her... I turned back to Tiniac and got closer; I woke up first, he was still asleep, nevertheless unfortunately alive and breathing. Then, I remembered my phone and was about to pull it out when I heard a groan. I looked at LM, realizing that he was waking up. He was so going to blame me for this bullshit... His eyes slowly opened as I stood over him, "Look who finally awoke." His eyes widened in disgust immediately and crawled back before looking around. "What happened???" I shrugged, "Karma wants the both of us to suffer with each other." He stared at me with such hatred but I simply gave an empty expression until he finally got up, saying, "Clearly, this is your fault." I huffed in annoyance, "It should be obvious I'm not capable of giving the both of us a fever like that. It's not my fucking fault." He gave a look of hatred and said "When I find someone they're going to help me & you're going to be left behind, then I will deal with you when I'm normal again." His eyes were closed as he said that, rendering him oblivious to the giant shadow looming overhead. My eyes widened, & I turned around to find myself staring at a giant pair of black work shoes, stopped in front of me. Slowly, I craned my head up in slight fear, taking in two legs, a black shop sweater, and an all too familiar face adorned with glasses. Relief washed over me as Evan stared down at the two of us in shock, before scouring the area & kneeling down when no one was in sight, not taking her gaze off of me. "Soph? Caden?" She asked in pure confusion. Caden looked at the female & grinned, "Now here's someone who will take my side," shoving past me & going up to Evans knee to pat it, "If you can help me & leave Soph behind to fend for herself, that would be greatly appreciated because she deserves it. I'll pay you!" She looked at me, unamused at what LM said before giving me a wink, saying, "Sure." I didn't know what she was planning, but I went along with it; she knows what she's doing. "What..? Why?!" Tiniac grinned as Evan placed her palm up on the ground in front of him, me & her watching as he climbed on eagerly. The giantess flashed me a look of sympathy before suddenly reaching for me, gently wrapping her fingers around my body to lift me up; heat radiated from her hand as she dropped me into the same hand LM was 'safe' in, cupping them around us as she examined us. Caden was clearly uncomfortable & betrayed being so close to me, shuffling away until he stood next to Evans thumb; she giggled at the movement & shoved him back next to me to torture him. "How did you get so small anyway?" she asked curiously, using a finger to poke Tiniac. He shoved it away in disgust as I answered, "We got in the typical bullshit argument, then passed out unconscious & now here we are." She sighed, "Aye, aye, aye… I was in the bathroom during that time, what were you two arguing about..." Tiniac interrupted before I could even explain, "She hurt my feelings! This bitch told me I'm heartless, I'm not heartless like she is!" Evan processed this in a few seconds then stared at me next, "Alright, Soph, what really happened." I laughed at Tiniacs shitty explanation before answering, "Caden was telling me how he wouldn't give a shit if I died. So I called him a heartless person because of that." Evan narrowed her eyes in pure anger at LM, spewing venom as she said "Fuck you..." while separating me from him in a different hand, curling her fingers around him before slowly increasing her grip on him to nearly crushing levels. He couldn't breathe, coughing out some blood before being released. "You fucker! Fuck you & fuck Soph! I never should've trusted you!" He screamed, coughing more as it hurt to even speak. "It's not our fault you became such an asshole! You did this to yourself, why are you fucking blaming other people for YOUR wrongdoings?!!" I screamed at him from Evans other hand. "Everything has been your fault from the start, you're such a narcissist it's not even funny! You're acting just as bad as Becca in 2020, if not WORSE! You never take the blame for ANYTHING & ALWAYS find a way to pin it on someone else, victimizing yourself! EVERYTHING HAS BEEN YOUR FAULT!!!" I breathed heavily after finishing, watching Caden stare at me. "Evan, let me at him." She grinned evilly & cupped her hands again, "I'll let you deal with him before I finish him." He looked at the giantess in horror, "Why are you letting her..." he contracted & threw up blood from her crushing grip previously, not able to do anything as I slowly walked up & kicked his head. "How does it feel? This is something I did to myself out of self hatred, but it feels much better to do it to someone who ACTUALLY deserves it." Evan had him pinned down with a finger as I kneeled down & traced my finger underneath LMs chin, forcing him to look into my hateful eyes with his own tear-filled ones. A psychotic aura shown brightly as me & my girlfriend now had the upper hand, allowing us to use him as a punching bag until he was no longer suited for it. When that time came... Evan plucked the tiny weakling known as Tiniac from the palm of her hand & licked her lips, giving him one final kick in the gut by saying "By the way, not only are me & Soph best friends, we've also been dating since last Halloween." The tiny broke before he was suddenly shoved inside her maw. Evan gave a small grin before slathering him in saliva & cutting him up with her teeth in multiple spots, even biting his dick which hurt like hell; the giantess settled me on her shoulder as she was nearly finished draining Tiniac of his energy only to slam him against her palate to inflict extra pain; he spewed out more blood, feeling himself slide downwards & with nothing to hold onto due to the living environment being wet he slipped down Evan's throat as she swallowed, pulling him in. He hyperventilated & cried his eyes out, begging to be spared, but that annoyed Evan which lead to another gulp to shut him up. Tiniac squirmed in full panic mode as he tried to process everything he had gone through, but it did nothing to stop being kneaded towards his final destination. The pressure on all of his wounds as the females throat crushed him on all sides HURT, & it was not helping that he was deafened by Evans heartbeat; it meant he was close. Soon enough his "ride" halted, being pushed into a more open space with acids already being produced. They started to take affect quickly, LM feeling tingly before screaming as he realized he really had been vored.
"Revenge tastes good," Evan said to me as Caden cried, not even fighting anymore. It hurt. Everything hurt. The acids seeped into his wounds, burning him inside and out. It was going to be a long, painful process... but me and Ev were perfectly fine with it; after all, Cadey Wadey the pedo man baby deserved what he got coming to him.
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