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The 10 Most Important Elements of a Website Design

<p>If you are a business owner you must have a website. It is an crucial tools in your arsenal to get more - and more valuable - customers and clients. What is the difference between a great website from a poor one or even a quality one from a great one? Here are 10 characteristics that a good website will require.</p>
<p>Learn more about<code> websites for business </code></p>
<h2>1. Website Navigation</h2>
<p>The web design should be easy to navigate, and menu items should easily accessible at any time. The user should know exactly where they are on the site and easily reach where they'd like to be. A site map is an excellent idea, and can be used when it is it is available. Although it sounds like a simple idea, most web sites can be enhanced in this area. Be aware that there's a line that separates an interactive menu and a snooty one, so functionality should be the idea.</p>
<h2>2. Visual Design</h2>
<img width="432" src="">
<p>People are visual creatures, and utilising great graphics is an effective way to increase the appeal of your website. Your website is given about one-tenth of a second to impress your visitor - and potential customer - and let them know that your website - and the business (by proxy) - is trustworthy and professional. But, it's essential not to overload your website with excessively. Scrolling text, animations, flash intros, and scrolling text should be used with care in your website design and only for highlighting the point to get maximum impact.</p>
<h2>3. Content</h2>
<p>This is the backbone of your website. Your content does not only play a major role in the search engine rankings as well, it's the reason that the majority of visitors visit your website in the first place. Your website text should be clear, simple to read and concise. Well thought out web text and content will be more effective than any other to make your website's design appealing, efficient and popular.</p>
<h2>4 Web Friendly</h2>
<p>No matter how useful, attractive and easy to use your website's layout is however, it's ineffective until it's compatible with the web. It's essential that your web designers know the keys to ensure that your site works across all major browsers, and that they utilise meta tags, alt tags, and are well-versed on SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). Many factors effect your search engine placement and appearance of your website So make sure that your web designers know their subject matter.</p>
<h2>5. Interaction</h2>
<p>A highly effective design for your website attracts visitors instantly and keeps their attention on every page, as well as inspires them to reach out to your website. This is called 'conversion' and is likely to be the primary goal of your website. Again, there is a line of distinction between "interaction' and `annoyance', so the level of interaction should not be more than the value.</p>
<h2>6. Information Accessibility</h2>
<p>There aren't all the people who visit your site are interested in or have the time to peruse the entire site. They might require just a contact numbers or addresses, or specific information. It's therefore important to put important information on a plain site or in a place that's easily accessible. We've all had the experience of not being able to find the necessary information on a site and the result is every time a disappointed user. The experience is annoying at most, and a disgruntled visitor won't stay on your site for very long and is unlikely not to return, much less do business with your company.</p>
<h2>7. Intuitiveness</h2>
<p>A well-designed site anticipates what a user is thinking and caters directly to their needs, and is organised in a way that is logical. If a visitor is searching for your product or services via the internet or in a directory in which your website is listed, it is crucial that your site has a landing page that is directly relevant to what they searched for instead of making them browse through your information. Remember, the shortest distance between two points is straight lines.</p>
<h2>8. Branding</h2>
<p>Your website should be a clear reflection of your company and brand. The visitor should instantly make a visual connection to your logo, printed material, and brick-and-mortar location. A website that is able to do this will not only increase the recall of your brand it also adds a degree of credibility and enhanced perception associated with your business overall.</p>
<h2>9. Turnaround Time</h2>
<p>The number one complaint of customers of web design is the length of time to get their site up and running. It is unfortunate that a company who takes a long time to build a website is par for course. The longer it takes to complete the website, the more business - and value - you'll lose. A website that's not on the web isn't and functioning properly won't generate any revenue!</p>
<h2>10. Conversion</h2>
<p>Your website is the biggest source of client traffic your company can use, and must place the primary focus on attracting new customers and making the services available to existing clients by raising awareness about all the services you provide. Giving them the tools they need to conduct business with you in an easy and pleasant manner will boost your website conversion and bring you the kind of success you want.</p>
<p>Learn more about<code> websites for business </code></p>
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